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red states rule
01-31-2009, 05:44 AM
Well, another Obama nomination has an issue with paying his taxes on time

Tom Daschle had to pay $100,000 in back taxes - I guess he had not gotten around to pay them before Pres Obama offered him the job

The entire administration seems to be "do as I say, not as I do."

Back taxes cloud Daschle nomination

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Former Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle recently had to pay more than $100,000 in back taxes for a three-year period, which has delayed his confirmation as Health and Human Services secretary.

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Friday that Mr. Daschle, President Obama's choice to spearhead health care reform, had filed amended tax returns to the Internal Revenue Service and made payments with interest.

A Senate Finance Committee report showed Mr. Daschle paid $128,203 in back taxes and $11,964 in interest for 2005 to 2007 to cover income for consulting, the use of a car-and-driver service, and lower deductions for charitable contributions.

"He didn't think to report it to the IRS. He didn't think of it as taxable income, but it came up during the vetting process," a congressional aide who asked not to be identified told Reuters news agency.

ABC News first reported on the tax issue Friday evening, saying he owed more than $100,000, and White House officials later confirmed the report.

A Daschle spokeswoman did not immediately return a message seeking comment.


Joe Steel
01-31-2009, 07:57 AM
Well, another Obama nomination has an issue with paying his taxes on time

Tom Daschle had to pay $100,000 in back taxes - I guess he had not gotten around to pay them before Pres Obama offered him the job

The entire administration seems to be "do as I say, not as I do."

Back taxes cloud Daschle nomination

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Former Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle recently had to pay more than $100,000 in back taxes for a three-year period, which has delayed his confirmation as Health and Human Services secretary.

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Friday that Mr. Daschle, President Obama's choice to spearhead health care reform, had filed amended tax returns to the Internal Revenue Service and made payments with interest.

The IRS allows amended returns because the ramifications of financial issues are not always immediately clear. Amended returns are not unusual. Unfortunately, neither are the rightwing's attempts to distort and exploit them.

red states rule
01-31-2009, 07:59 AM
The IRS allows amended returns because the ramifications of financial issues are not always immediately clear. Amended returns are not unusual. Unfortunately, neither are the rightwing's attempts to distort and exploit them.

In these hard economic times it looks like a couple (maybe more) of his choices for Cabinet slots have had a hard time paying taxes.

Remember what Joe Biden said, "It is patriotic to pay more taxes."

So why is Obama selecting unpatriotic people?

Joe Steel
01-31-2009, 08:13 AM
In these hard economic times it looks like a couple (maybe more) of his choices for Cabinet slots have had a hard time paying taxes.

Remember what Joe Biden said, "It is patriotic to pay more taxes."

So why is Obama selecting unpatriotic people?

If Daschle or anyone else can be shown to have evaded taxes, he should have to bear the full burden of any penalty. But honest mistakes aren't willful evasion. They are the consequence of complicated lives and complicated laws.

That's just the way it is.

red states rule
01-31-2009, 08:15 AM
If Daschle or anyone else can be shown to have evaded taxes, he should have to bear the full burden of any penalty. But honest mistakes aren't willful evasion. They are the consequence of complicated lives and complicated laws.

That's just the way it is.


Charlie Rangle did not pay any penalty and he had many tax problems

But I get it now Joe

The party of the "tax hike" is the party of people who won't pay taxes.

Thatr is why they love tax hikes, they make everyone else pay.

Joe Steel
01-31-2009, 08:33 AM

Charlie Rangle did not pay any penalty and he had many tax problems

But I get it now Joe

The party of the "tax hike" is the party of people who won't pay taxes.

Thatr is why they love tax hikes, they make everyone else pay.

You don't "get" anything.

The Bush regime relaxed auditing standards on high-income taxpayers and concentrated on low- and middle-income taxpayers. If Rangle didn't suffer the consequences of his choices, blame Bush.

red states rule
01-31-2009, 08:36 AM
You don't "get" anything.

The Bush regime relaxed auditing standards on high-income taxpayers and concentrated on low- and middle-income taxpayers. If Rangle didn't suffer the consequences of his choices, blame Bush.

In the left whine about how bad Bush was?

Obama makes Bush seem like the Pope

There's the real kicker. The world would have never known about it, had he nothing to gain for reporting it.

Of course, people like him never get random audits by the IRS now, do they? He is a big time liberal Dem

01-31-2009, 09:34 AM
most people have secret tax issues and have just never been audited. Never embelish to the irs red......

red states rule
01-31-2009, 09:39 AM
most people have secret tax issues and have just never been audited. Never embelish to the irs red......

But libs always demand WE pay our taxes - but it seems they do not want to pay theirs

Another example of "don't do as I do - do as I say"

red states rule
01-31-2009, 09:41 AM
Just think, if Democrats had been paying their taxes Pres Bush's budgets could have been balanced!

Joe Steel
01-31-2009, 04:49 PM
But libs always demand WE pay our taxes - but it seems they do not want to pay theirs

Another example of "don't do as I do - do as I say"


Daschle paid his taxes. Just like any other taxpayer could, he filed an amended return and paid the tax due.

red states rule
01-31-2009, 05:06 PM

Daschle paid his taxes. Just like any other taxpayer could, he filed an amended return and paid the tax due.

AFTER he was offered the job. For YEARS he did not feel he had to pay them

red states rule
01-31-2009, 06:21 PM
we have Tim TAXDODGER Geithner, and Tom TAXDODGER Daschle

Tim and Tom, the TAXDODGER brothers