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View Full Version : The Biggest Waste of Celluloid in the Last Ten Years

02-01-2009, 12:14 AM
Do they still shoot movies on celluloid?

Meet the Spartans.

What a steaming pile of dog crap. Ninety minutes of my life I will never have back. There was nothing remotely funny in this movie. People, don't waste your time. Fuck!

02-01-2009, 12:32 AM
Do they still shoot movies on celluloid?

Meet the Spartans.

What a steaming pile of dog crap. Ninety minutes of my life I will never have back. There was nothing remotely funny in this movie. People, don't waste your time. Fuck!

I have to agree...worse even than Delta Farce.

02-01-2009, 12:37 AM
I posted that before the movie was actually over, turns out it was only a 65 minute piece of crap. Felt like ninety. Still the biggest waste offilm in the last ten years. Double Fuck!

02-01-2009, 09:23 AM
I think Good Luck Chuck might be even worse.

02-01-2009, 11:35 AM
I'm convinced those movies are designed for teenagers who want to sit in the theater and text or talk on their phones the whole time. They can easily glance up every once in a while and see a fart joke and feel like they haven't missed anything.

The depressing thing is that those movies make a shitload of money.

Abbey Marie
02-01-2009, 01:35 PM
Dan, you're probably just too mature to appreciate it's sophisticated 6th grade humor.

02-02-2009, 02:08 AM
Good Luck Chuck at least has the benefit of having a brief topless scene early in the film (although sadly not of Alba. If it had been Alba it would be well worth every penny!)