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02-01-2009, 07:25 AM
I must say, one would have thought they'd have learned the lessons of Katrina, but alas:


FEMA condemned for slow response to ice storm crisis
Bruce Schreiner - Associated Press Writer - 1/31/2009 6:30:00 AM
MARION, Ky. - A crippling winter storm has plunged about a million customers into the dark from the Midwest to the East Coast, and thousands of people in ice-caked Kentucky have sought refuge in motels and shelters.

Dozens of deaths have been reported and many people are pleading for a faster response to the power outages. Some in rural Kentucky ran short of food and bottled water, and resorted to dipping buckets in a creek.

Thousands fled frigid, powerless homes for hotels and even a heated auditorium at Murray State University that was converted into a shelter following Monday's storm that left some areas in up to 1 inch ice.

Utility workers hoped to speed up efforts Saturday to turn the lights back on. Still, rural communities feared it could be days or even weeks before workers got to areas littered with downed power lines.

Temperatures were expected to rise just above freezing Saturday for the first time in days.

At least 42 people have died in the icy arc of destruction that began in the Midwest. At least nine deaths were reported in Arkansas, six each in Texas and Missouri, three in Virginia, two each in Oklahoma, Indiana and West Virginia and one in Ohio. Most were blamed on hypothermia, traffic accidents and carbon monoxide poisoning from generators....

02-01-2009, 07:29 AM

red states rule
02-01-2009, 08:58 AM
Obama is killing white people!

moderate democrat
02-01-2009, 09:01 AM
sounds to me like the government and the utility industry is responding appropriately. I am not sure where they have failed in any substantive way.

red states rule
02-01-2009, 09:11 AM
Let's build new electric transmission lines and bury them underground, so the weather won't affect them. We could call this rebuilding the infrastructure

To bad this can't be included in the stimulus bill - Obama is only spending peanuts in actual infrastructure spending

02-01-2009, 09:24 AM
sounds to me like the government and the utility industry is responding appropriately. I am not sure where they have failed in any substantive way.

Not to the people down there:


Ice-battered Kentucky pleads for help from storm
By BRUCE SCHREINER – 1 day ago

MARION, Ky. (AP) — A crippling winter storm has plunged about a million customers into the dark from the Midwest to the East Coast, and thousands of people in ice-caked Kentucky have sought refuge in motels and shelters.
Dozens of deaths have been reported and many people are pleading for a faster response to the power outages. Some in rural Kentucky ran short of food and bottled water, and resorted to dipping buckets in a creek.

Thousands fled frigid, powerless homes for hotels and even a heated auditorium at Murray State University that was converted into a shelter following Monday's storm that left some areas in up to 1 inch ice...

...Local officials grew angrier at what they said was a lack of help from the state and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

In Kentucky's Grayson County, about 80 miles southwest of Louisville, Emergency Management Director Randell Smith said the 25 National Guardsmen who have responded have no chain saws to clear fallen trees. He said roads are littered with fallen trees and people shivering in bone-chilling cold are in need.

"We've got people out in some areas we haven't even visited yet," Smith said. "We don't even know that they're alive."

Smith said FEMA was still a no-show days after the storm.

Now one could wonder why border states residents were unprepared for an ice storm, certainly common enough down there, though this was huge. Seems common sense would say that in the winter having bottled water, alternative heating/cooking source, are necessities in that area. I wouldn't be without a shovel or rock salt, what if the snow removal service couldn't get here?

However, considering the fuss put up about Katrina, one must hold FEMA accountable.

red states rule
02-01-2009, 09:26 AM
sounds to me like the government and the utility industry is responding appropriately. I am not sure where they have failed in any substantive way.

Oh, so does this mean that FEMA , goverment aid or Obama atleast pretending to care is excusable?

Pres Bush's response to Katrina, which included declaring it a disaster area a week prior to the hurricane, was bashed as slow. The press says nothing about Obama's complete lack of reaction to this situation.

So let's see how these rules work. A faster than normal federal response to a hurricane, by a Republican, is a "monumental failure." No response to ice storms, by Obama, as people die is nothing.

02-01-2009, 09:35 AM
Just like MD, the press is striving to give the feds a pass, problem is, they went ballistic on Katrina, now everyone expects the feds to bail them out. The idea that people need to use commonsense wasn't justified by the Katrina coverage, so won't be applied here either.


WHERE’S FEMA? Nearly 1M without power 5 days after ice storm.

“Where’s FEMA?” is not the appropriate question. The appropriate question is,
“Where is the mainstream media, screaming in one united voice, that the absence of FEMA demonstrates the utter fecklessness and failure of the current President and all his policies?”

Plus his barely concealed racism, of course.

red states rule
02-01-2009, 09:39 AM
Just like MD, the press is striving to give the feds a pass, problem is, they went ballistic on Katrina, now everyone expects the feds to bail them out. The idea that people need to use commonsense wasn't justified by the Katrina coverage, so won't be applied here either.


This is what the Dems call "Fly-over country".

No concern here.

02-01-2009, 09:47 AM
You mean FEMA is ineffective under both Democrats AND Republicans?!? Who would've thought???

02-01-2009, 10:03 AM
You mean FEMA is ineffective under both Democrats AND Republicans?!? Who would've thought???
:laugh2: I really think people need to take personal responsibility and be prepared. Help their neighbors out, of course as soon as able. Check on the elderly, etc...

red states rule
02-01-2009, 10:14 AM
:laugh2: I really think people need to take personal responsibility and be prepared. Help their neighbors out, of course as soon as able. Check on the elderly, etc...

Keeping trees ready for ice storms should've been a part of the economic stimulus package!

BTW, do these ice storms mean global warming funding should be taken out of the stimulus bill?

02-01-2009, 10:16 AM
Things like this is why I have a lantern where all I have to do to get it to work is crank the handle. The same goes for the flashlight. No batteries to contend with. No kerosene etc. I also keep matches and candles on hand alongwith extra blankets. But I normally don't have to worry about such things here. We don't get the kind of nasty weather in my area that other places get. Once in awhile a terrible snow, ice or thunderstorm will fly thru, but for the most part, we just don't get the horrible stuff like tornadoes, earth quakes, floods etc. On occasion the power will go out, but it's usually back on within a couple of hours at the most. If worse came to worse, we'd cook in the fireplace and pee in a bucket ( or cop a squat in the woods) LOL!

02-01-2009, 10:41 AM
Global Warming is causing this stuff! Ask Al Gore.

red states rule
02-01-2009, 10:46 AM
Global Warming is causing this stuff! Ask Al Gore.

Obama hates white people

I heard about high tension towers getting blown up.

After all, if Pres Bush and Karl Rove had the ability to crash barges into the levees in New Orleans, Obama should be able to take out a few high-tension lines.

Joe Steel
02-01-2009, 10:47 AM
Let's build new electric transmission lines and bury them underground, so the weather won't affect them. We could call this rebuilding the infrastructure

To bad this can't be included in the stimulus bill - Obama is only spending peanuts in actual infrastructure spending

Most electric utilities are private firms. Would you have them nationalized so the government could bury the lines?

red states rule
02-01-2009, 10:50 AM
Most electric utilities are private firms. Would you have them nationalized so the government could bury the lines?

No, Dems would have the US taxpayer pay for the cost and it would be a win -win for the utilites

But knowing libs as I do - it is only a maytter of time before they try to nationalize them. For the "common godd" of course

Joe Steel
02-01-2009, 10:51 AM
sounds to me like the government and the utility industry is responding appropriately. I am not sure where they have failed in any substantive way.

Looks good to me, too.

There's no comparison to Katrina. The ice storm at the center of the problem and the extent of the damage was unpredictable. FEMA could not have done anything more than it has done, especially considering the inertia involved. It happened only days after the change in administration, well before Obama could have cleaned house. Most of the personnel were Bush regime dead-enders.

Joe Steel
02-01-2009, 10:53 AM
No, Dems would have the US taxpayer pay for the cost and it would be a win -win for the utilites

But knowing libs as I do - it is only a maytter of time before they try to nationalize them. For the "common godd" of course

So you're suggesting a kind of depression-era public works program. Is that it?

red states rule
02-01-2009, 10:55 AM
So you're suggesting a kind of depression-era public works program. Is that it?

I am opposed to mega pork bill

BUT IF Obama was serious about doing real repaires this would be included. But he and Dems are more interested in pork and politcal payoffs

red states rule
02-01-2009, 10:56 AM
Looks good to me, too.

There's no comparison to Katrina. The ice storm at the center of the problem and the extent of the damage was unpredictable. FEMA could not have done anything more than it has done, especially considering the inertia involved. It happened only days after the change in administration, well before Obama could have cleaned house. Most of the personnel were Bush regime dead-enders.

To libs, these people are just a bunch or southern rednecks. Why the hell should they care what happens to them?

02-01-2009, 10:58 AM
The ice storms were a democratic conspiracy!

02-01-2009, 10:58 AM
Looks good to me, too.

There's no comparison to Katrina. The ice storm at the center of the problem and the extent of the damage was unpredictable. FEMA could not have done anything more than it has done, especially considering the inertia involved. It happened only days after the change in administration, well before Obama could have cleaned house. Most of the personnel were Bush regime dead-enders.

people dying looks good to you?

btw im not sure if you havent noticed, but they can usuall predict snow/ice storms days in advance.

red states rule
02-01-2009, 11:01 AM
The ice storms were a democratic conspiracy!

So, are they looting the pancake houses yet?

This is mostly rural areas where they're a little more self-reliant than the metros, so Obama will just keep planning his Super Bowl party and these good folks will get through this on their own.

02-01-2009, 11:06 AM
The ice storms were a democratic conspiracy!

It's hilarious to watch the Obama apologists trying to pass this off as 'weather'. The response has been horrendous. Now, if they want to say that the folks down there shouldn't be looking for a 'bail out', hey I'll go along. Regions have long been facing and dealing with natural disasters. Problem is, the same apologists were the ones that sold the idea of the government coming to the rescue. They don't do it effectively or timely, just expensively.

Joe Steel
02-01-2009, 11:07 AM
I am opposed to mega pork bill

BUT IF Obama was serious about doing real repaires this would be included. But he and Dems are more interested in pork and politcal payoffs

Stimulus is not pork.

Having endured the effects of a storm-caused power outage, I'd support a public effort to bury power lines. It seems like a good idea.

red states rule
02-01-2009, 11:09 AM
Stimulus is not pork.

Having endured the effects of a storm-caused power outage, I'd support a public effort to bury power lines. It seems like a good idea.

There is NO STIMULUS Joe

You must be an idiot, I have posted CBO reports that breaks down the numbers and proves this bill will do nothing to help the economy

3% goes to fixing the infrastructure - the rest is BS

Joe Steel
02-01-2009, 11:13 AM
There is NO STIMULUS Joe

You must be an idiot, I have posted CBO reports that breaks down the numbers and proves this bill will do nothing to help the economy

All spending is stimulus. Did your reports prove nothing will be spent?

red states rule
02-01-2009, 11:15 AM
What did your reports prove?

Forget it Joe. You are a moron

USA Today, CBO both clearly state the spending is back loaded and will not happen until 2010

You are like most Obama supporters. Whatever he says is fact - and nothing will change your "mind"

You could be standing next to him on the main deck of the Titantic; and he could tell you the ship is not sinking and you would run around telling everyone not to listen to the fear mongers

Joe Steel
02-01-2009, 11:30 AM
Forget it Joe. You are a moron

USA Today, CBO both clearly state the spending is back loaded and will not happen until 2010

You are like most Obama supporters. Whatever he says is fact - and nothing will change your "mind"

You could be standing next to him on the main deck of the Titantic; and he could tell you the ship is not sinking and you would run around telling everyone not to listen to the fear mongers

I suppose I can understand your ignorance. It's you insistence on displaying it that has me baffled.

moderate democrat
02-01-2009, 11:43 AM
You mean FEMA is ineffective under both Democrats AND Republicans?!? Who would've thought???

And Obama has had enough time to inculcate his management and leadership style throughout government. LOL

02-01-2009, 11:49 AM
And Obama has had enough time to inculcate his management and leadership style throughout government. LOL

He became president on 1/20/09, the day that was so breathlessly anticipated. He owned the problems with the office starting on day 1.

moderate democrat
02-01-2009, 12:04 PM
He became president on 1/20/09, the day that was so breathlessly anticipated. He owned the problems with the office starting on day 1.

Sure he did...and Clinton owned the the attacks on WTC in '93, but...oddly enough... Clinton still owned the problems of 9/11/01. How does THAT work??

02-01-2009, 01:20 PM
Sure he did...and Clinton owned the the attacks on WTC in '93, but...oddly enough... Clinton still owned the problems of 9/11/01. How does THAT work??

Giving what was given. Simple, even you should be able to understand that.

02-01-2009, 01:51 PM
And Obama has had enough time to inculcate his management and leadership style throughout government. LOL

My point is that FEMA is an inefficient agency which should be completely gutted and/or eliminated.

02-01-2009, 03:02 PM
Hmmmm, Obama authorized FEMA to act on Jan 28th and signed declarations declaring the areas disaster areas as well - the same day he was asked for aid from Arkansas and Kentucky!

If FEMA itself is unprepared to act when authorized to do so, how is this Obama's fault? I don't think it was him putting his favorite horse judge in charge of the organization just two weeks ago.

He became president on 1/20/09, the day that was so breathlessly anticipated. He owned the problems with the office starting on day 1.

Noting your answer here. Be useful next time I hear how Bush isn't responsible for 9/11 and it was Clinton's fault.

Giving what was given. Simple, even you should be able to understand that.

Do you even hear what you are saying? You think Obama was given a well functioning FEMA? seriously?

02-01-2009, 03:09 PM
And Obama has had enough time to inculcate his management and leadership style throughout government. LOL


so obama is not even fully the president yet...got it

obama hates white people, these deaths prove it

moderate democrat
02-01-2009, 04:27 PM
Giving what was given. Simple, even you should be able to understand that.

what do you mean? republicans blamed WTC 93 on Clinton even thought he'd been in office for less than a month... and they blame 9/11 on Clinton even though he'd been in offfice for neary 20% of his first term. I don't think it is too presumptious of me to suggest that a FEMA staffed at this point by Bush appointees would not be all that beholden to Obama's team.

02-01-2009, 04:32 PM
the repub obama hate is as bad as the lib bush hate was, who woulda thunk it. Partisan bunch we got here.

my powers back on.

Abbey Marie
02-01-2009, 05:53 PM
People Froze, Obama Dozed

Kath, did you think up that title? It's very clever! :thumb:

02-01-2009, 06:10 PM
So Obama declared a disaster zone and FEMA failed to 'act in time.' Big...f***ing...deal. Obama and FEMA didn't turn my power back on. A SWEPCO team from Shreveport, LA did that (thank you, SWEPCO). Obama and FEMA didn't keep me fed. I did that. They didn't clear the roads, the City of Fayetteville did. They didn't tape over an SUV's shattered window, help push cars out from under trees, house people with no source of heat, or bring food to people unable to leave their houses. I did that. Three points here:

1) The government is not nor should it be solely responsible for disaster relief. Local [branches] of government (Army Reserves, National Guard, local governments, etc.) are much better prepared to deal with such things. Beyond that, it's the responsibility of the people to help themselves and each other.

2) Every time a story comes out about government failing to help people, it further reinforces the idea that it's the government's job, so cut it out.

3) Yes, it is VERY true that when FEMA didn't move into Louisiana for days after Katrina (mostly because they were Constitutionally barred until given permission by the governor, but that's another discussion for another time), the press cried foul and didn't stop until...well, they still haven't stopped, really. However, when Obama is president and FEMA fails to move for almost a week, they're suddenly silent on FEMA responsibility, which I think is due to the fact that they don't think they can succeed in blaming Bush.

02-01-2009, 06:12 PM
what do you mean? republicans blamed WTC 93 on Clinton even thought he'd been in office for less than a month... and they blame 9/11 on Clinton even though he'd been in offfice for neary 20% of his first term. I don't think it is too presumptious of me to suggest that a FEMA staffed at this point by Bush appointees would not be all that beholden to Obama's team.

So Obama declared a disaster zone and FEMA failed to 'act in time.' Big...f***ing...deal. Obama and FEMA didn't turn my power back on. A SWEPCO team from Shreveport, LA did that (thank you, SWEPCO). Obama and FEMA didn't keep me fed. I did that. They didn't clear the roads, the City of Fayetteville did. They didn't tape over an SUV's shattered window, help push cars out from under trees, house people with no source of heat, or bring food to people unable to leave their houses. I did that. Three points here:

1) The government is not nor should it be solely responsible for disaster relief. Local of government (Army Reserves, National Guard, local governments, etc.) are much better prepared to deal with such things. Beyond that, it's the responsibility of the people to help themselves and each other.

2) Every time a story comes out about government failing to help people, it further reinforces the idea that it's the government's job, so cut it out.

3) Yes, it is VERY true that when FEMA didn't move into Louisiana for days after Katrina (mostly because they were Constitutionally barred until given permission by the governor, but that's another discussion for another time), the press cried foul and didn't stop until...well, they still haven't stopped, really. However, when Obama is president and FEMA fails to move for almost a week, they're suddenly silent on FEMA responsibility, which I think is due to the fact [B]that they don't think they can succeed in blaming Bush.

some already are, consider the partisan hack above blaming bush

red states rule
02-01-2009, 06:12 PM
Well Pres Obama is probably to busy fighting Rush to worry about those southern redneck racists

02-01-2009, 08:17 PM
My point is that FEMA is an inefficient agency which should be completely gutted and/or eliminated.

Considering there is no Constitutional authority for the organization it should be eliminated.

The states should take care of rescue.

02-01-2009, 08:59 PM
Considering there is no Constitutional authority for the organization it should be eliminated.

eh? how so? Constitution very clearly establishes the Executive branch. FEMA is a part of that. It is as legal as the State department or any other portion of the executive. Constitution clearly allows for the President to have officers underneath him sharing his authority. (art 2, section 2)

red states rule
02-01-2009, 09:05 PM
Pres Obama iis n the White House turning up the heat claiming he too cold. After turning up the heat, he walking around without his suit jacket because it is too hot.

Of course the ice storm didn’t knock out the power plant, that was TNT planted on the orders of the Obama Administration!

02-01-2009, 09:12 PM
Of course the ice storm didn’t knock out the power plant, that was TNT planted on the orders of the Obama Administration!

It is a red state after all. Better dead than red!

red states rule
02-01-2009, 09:17 PM
Of course the ice storm didn’t knock out the power plant, that was TNT planted on the orders of the Obama Administration!

It is a red state after all. Better dead than red!

Obama really sticking to KY -- without using Vaseline!

02-01-2009, 09:22 PM
Obama really sticking to KY -- without using Vaseline!

Well, they do advertise the new KY "warming sensation" version.

02-02-2009, 08:44 PM
Considering there is no Constitutional authority for the organization it should be eliminated.

eh? how so? Constitution very clearly establishes the Executive branch. FEMA is a part of that. It is as legal as the State department or any other portion of the executive. Constitution clearly allows for the President to have officers underneath him sharing his authority. (art 2, section 2)

And what part of the Constitution authorizes Congress to spend money on emergency recovery?

02-02-2009, 09:11 PM
And what part of the Constitution authorizes Congress to spend money on emergency recovery?

what does the phrase general welfare mean to you?

02-03-2009, 08:16 AM
:laugh2: I really think people need to take personal responsibility and be prepared. Help their neighbors out, of course as soon as able. Check on the elderly, etc...

Exactly and thats pretty much what has happened here. Dont want his help dont need his help.