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View Full Version : NH Dem Governor appoints A REPUBLICAN to replace Gregg in US Senate!

02-03-2009, 08:14 PM
I almost fell over backward when I read this. Have to wonder what Barry and Harry will have to say to the NH Guv next time they meet privately - bang goes Obama's hopes of getting a 60-seat filibuster-proof Dem majority in the Senate.

Kudoes to the Governor. Though I frankly have to wonder why he didn't nominate a Dem. The people on NH elected a Democrat governor, and gave him the power to nominate Senate replacements (should a vacancy occur) using HIS OWN judgement.

A while ago, a Democrat Senator had to leave the Senate for a while, and his Repub governor probably would have appointed a Republican in his place. I don't remembe the details, I believe it turned out that the original Dem senator kept his seat, so no replacement appointment ever happened. But lots of Dem fanatics started insisting that since the people had elected a Dem senator, the Gov should replace him with a Dem senator.

The idea was silly then, and is silly now. The duly-elected governor should appoint whomever he likes, to fill the Senate seat. I'd have no objection if he appointed a Democrat to replace Republican Gregg, though I'd be a little ticked at Gregg for letting Obama hornswoggle him.

The NH Gov nominating a Republican to replace Gregg, is a surprise to me. I'd like to hear why he decided to do it. I'm sure that a lot of people will be asking (read: DEMANDING) an explanation... especially our brethern of the southpaw persuasion.



GOP's Gregg accepts commerce secretary postStory Highlights
NEW: Bonnie Newman, Gregg's former chief of staff, to be picked to replace him

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Obama extended a political olive branch to the GOP on Tuesday, nominating Sen. Judd Gregg, R-New Hampshire, to head the Commerce Department.

GOP Sen. Judd Gregg accepted President Obama's nomination as commerce secretary Tuesday.

"Clearly, Judd and I don't agree on every issue, most notably who should've won the [presidential] election," Obama joked in announcing the nomination, "but we do agree on the urgent need to get American businesses and families back on their feet."

Gregg will be an "able, persuasive ambassador for industry" because he is a skillful negotiator and a "master of reaching across the aisle to get things done," Obama said.

"We are ... in the middle of a very difficult economic time," replied Gregg, who has chaired a key Senate commerce subcommittee.

Gregg, a third-term Republican known for being fiscally conservative, thanked Obama for taking the "rather extraordinary step of asking me to join your administration." He lauded Obama's "bold and aggressive, effective and comprehensive plan for how we can get this country moving."

"This is not a time for partisanship. This is not a time when we should stand in our ideological corners and shout at each other," he said. "This a time to govern, and govern well."

Gregg's decision to accept Obama's offer represents a stunning turnabout -- he voted to abolish the Commerce Department in 1995. If confirmed, he will be the third Republican to join Obama's Cabinet, following Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood.

New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch will appoint Bonnie Newman, Gregg's former chief of staff, to replace him, the governor said Tuesday.

One potential stumbling block to Gregg's nomination had been the issue of the veteran lawmaker's replacement in the Senate.

Gregg, whose Senate term is up in 2010, threatened this week to turn down the nomination if it upset the balance in the U.S. Senate. But in a move that will leave the Senate's party breakdown unchanged, New Hampshire's Democratic governor named a Republican to replace Gregg.

Democrats hold 58 seats in the Senate, with a Minnesota seat subject to legal challenge. Democrat Al Franken holds a 225-vote lead in that race, but Republican Norm Coleman is challenging the the election recount.

If Lynch had named a Democrat to replace Gregg, the Democrats could have had a 60-seat majority, which is needed to overcome Republican attempts to use filibusters to block legislation.

02-03-2009, 08:16 PM
Good for him. The people elected a Republican, he appointed a Republican.

02-03-2009, 08:18 PM
He only named a Republican because if he didn't the guy leaving wouldn't had taken the secretary position offered by Obammy.

02-03-2009, 08:21 PM
Too bad he didn't appoint a Libertarian. That would have been some REAL change.

02-03-2009, 08:29 PM
Good for him. The people elected a Republican, he appointed a Republican.

Silly, as I said.

The people elected a Dem governor and charged him with replacing a Senator who leaves, with his OWN choice.