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View Full Version : Are Your Taxes Paying For Democratic Retreat?

red states rule
02-06-2009, 06:39 AM
So Dems go after CEO's for the way they spend taxpayer money - then turn around and do the same

More liberal double standards

WASHINGTON —Is it a case of congressional Democrats saying one thing then doing another?

Legislators scolded financial executives for holding corporate retreats at posh hotels and now, the House Democratic Caucus is holding a legislative retreat this weekend in Williamsburg, Va. at a luxury spa and golf resort.

We wanted to know who’s picking up the tab—so NBC 4‘s Patrick Preston investigated to find out.

The Congressional Democrats are meeting at the Kingsmill Resort and Spa, where members will pay between $119 and $400 each night for their rooms. But taxpayers pick up the rest of the cost.

Taxpayer dollars are being spent for transportation—a chartered Amtrak train—and security to protect members of Congress, as well as facility and speaker fees.

When Preston asked the spokesperson for the Democratic Caucus for the total taxpayer expense, he was told that no one had that answer.

Democratic Caucus spokeswoman Emily Barocas said they don’t have to report the costs until April, but The Hill newspaper in Washington reported that previous Democratic retreats have cost taxpayers more than $500,000 over the past five years.

for the video and the rest of the article


Joe Steel
02-06-2009, 08:10 AM
So Dems go after CEO's for the way they spend taxpayer money - then turn around and do the same

More liberal double standards

WASHINGTON —Is it a case of congressional Democrats saying one thing then doing another?

Legislators scolded financial executives for holding corporate retreats at posh hotels and now, the House Democratic Caucus is holding a legislative retreat this weekend in Williamsburg, Va. at a luxury spa and golf resort.

We wanted to know who’s picking up the tab—so NBC 4‘s Patrick Preston investigated to find out.

The Congressional Democrats are meeting at the Kingsmill Resort and Spa, where members will pay between $119 and $400 each night for their rooms. But taxpayers pick up the rest of the cost.

Taxpayer dollars are being spent for transportation—a chartered Amtrak train—and security to protect members of Congress, as well as facility and speaker fees.

When Preston asked the spokesperson for the Democratic Caucus for the total taxpayer expense, he was told that no one had that answer.

Democratic Caucus spokeswoman Emily Barocas said they don’t have to report the costs until April, but The Hill newspaper in Washington reported that previous Democratic retreats have cost taxpayers more than $500,000 over the past five years.

for the video and the rest of the article


Do you think government is free?

red states rule
02-06-2009, 08:34 AM
Do you think government is free?

So Dems can whine how private companies spend taxpayer money, but they can spend taxpayer money any damn way they please. Is that your argument Joe?

Joe Steel
02-06-2009, 08:54 AM
So Dems can whine how private companies spend taxpayer money

Corporations are artificial entities. The are created by law to serve the public interest. That gives legislators a right, a least figuratively, to intervene in the firm's affairs.

red states rule
02-06-2009, 08:57 AM
Corporations are artificial entities. The are created by law to serve the public interest. That gives legislators a right, a least figuratively, to intervene in the firm's affairs.

IOW, like most libs Joe, if is another example of "do not do as I do - do as I say"

Somehow I do have much confidence in the like of Reid, Pelosi, Frank, and Obama running the nations corporations

These clowns can't even run their own cafeteria - which loses miliions very year