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View Full Version : Torture at gitmo

03-30-2007, 09:17 PM
Yes they are being tortured. They have to wait. Like the rest of the world for the next Harry Potter book. The senseless shame of it all. The suffering they must be going through.

It seems the Harry Potter series of books are the most popular reading material among the prisoners at gitmo. These readers and followers of the koran, who want to murder us all and are such devote muslims, are avid Potter fans. Go figure.

03-30-2007, 09:20 PM
Poor guys. THAT BASTARD BUSH!! :laugh2:

03-31-2007, 03:25 AM
Just when I thought the President couldnt sink to a new low...

03-31-2007, 05:55 AM
Hey... what about all that outrage and commotion by the Left over the way the British sailors are being tortured and abused by the Iranians????

I guess I must have missed it... I'm sure that the compassionate libs have been all over that....

Well, I'm sure they'll get around to it once they're done listening to Al Gore speak about global warming

or when Hell freezes over

03-31-2007, 02:03 PM
Hey... what about all that outrage and commotion by the Left over the way the British sailors are being tortured and abused by the Iranians????

I guess I must have missed it... I'm sure that the compassionate libs have been all over that....

Well, I'm sure they'll get around to it once they're done listening to Al Gore speak about global warming

or when Hell freezes over

Yeah their outrage is waiting to be released. Just as soon as they can set a deadline for it. That's why they haven't released a condemnation of the hostage situation. pelosi wants to get a deadline estabished first. Your know like breaking the 444 days the embassy personell were held. They want a new dem record established for doing nothing.