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02-09-2009, 02:55 AM
Is this ethical in these economic times?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! I think this is a subject wherein we can all tell Hollywood where we stand on this type issue and perhaps save a few American jobs in the process, don't you think?!?!?!?!?!??!

The Economic Times
9 Feb. 2009
New Delhi

In a move that could ruffle a few feathers in the Barack Obama administration, American entertainment giant Warner Bros has said it will be outsourcing jobs to India.

It is believed that about 200 positions are to be outsourced to India and Poland by Warner Bros, which will slash as many as ten per cent of its 8,000-strong workforce in the coming days. "While no final decision have been made internationally, the company expects the layoffs, elimination of open positions and outsourcing to affect nearly 800 positions worldwide, or approximately ten per cent of its 8,000 employees," a Warner Bros official said.

About 200 open positions and 300 outsourced jobs would be affected as part of the reduction, while another 300 employees would be laid-off, the official said, adding that jobs would be outsourced to India.

While the spokesperson declined to comment on exact number of jobs being moved to India, the sources said that about 300 positions are being outsourced, out of which about 200 would go to India and Poland.

Open positions are referred to those which are currently vacant and for which, the company was hiring.

More with links: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/News/News_By_Industry/Jobs/Warner_Brothers_to_outsource_jobs_to_India/articleshow/4095364.cms



02-11-2009, 01:57 PM
Hollywood is devoid of ethics........

Ethics: A most abused and misused word.

If a company wants to outsource to another country for cheaper labor in order to survive, or for any number of other reasons, so be it.

There is one stipulations in my opinion. Don't expect government help.
Now I do see an irony in this, as Hollywood is my President's biggest fan club. How shall my President respond. Shall he smite the hand that fed him and helped him into the highest office?
A mighty and complex web, we've woven, my President.

02-11-2009, 06:40 PM
What exactly is unethical about providing people jobs? Do you think the Indians are not entitled to work for some reason? I hardly see how improving the lives of people in India is unethical.

02-12-2009, 04:09 AM
Hollywood was also the provider of the best chance of Republican victory in 2008, Fred Thompson.

Hollywood is devoid of ethics........

Ethics: A most abused and misused word.

If a company wants to outsource to another country for cheaper labor in order to survive, or for any number of other reasons, so be it.

There is one stipulations in my opinion. Don't expect government help.
Now I do see an irony in this, as Hollywood is my President's biggest fan club. How shall my President respond. Shall he smite the hand that fed him and helped him into the highest office?
A mighty and complex web, we've woven, my President.

The overall Republican Party is clearly more to the left than I ever imagined!!!!!!!!!!!!

The web is now being unstrung!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Could I offer you a jimmyjamm doodlejuice, 8ball?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?



02-12-2009, 08:18 AM
What exactly is unethical about providing people jobs? Do you think the Indians are not entitled to work for some reason? I hardly see how improving the lives of people in India is unethical.

it would be nicer if we could improve American lives before other countrys.

02-12-2009, 01:25 PM
it would be nicer if we could improve American lives before other countrys.

I dont disagree with improving American lives. We should improve our own lives before others. But I dont see how its unethical to provide jobs for people in India, as if somehow they are inferior to us and dont deserve to work as well.

02-12-2009, 02:23 PM
I dont disagree with improving American lives. We should improve our own lives before others. But I dont see how its unethical to provide jobs for people in India, as if somehow they are inferior to us and dont deserve to work as well.

That my friend is the crux of this whole debate.

Domestic jobs or foreign jobs?

What is ethical when deciding who gets the job?

If an American laborer's pay causes that American product to be higher priced than a foreign labor-made product of same quality, what do we do?

People say, "Bite the bullet", and buy American, even if it's more expensive. Ok, that's alright, but you and I know that the average American won't follow that strict rule, as evidenced by the myriads of Japanese, European, and Korean autos and trucks that grace our American highways and city streets.

So, we threaten to put tariffs on foreign made goods coming in so that their products will be priced closer to our American labor-made products. That's workable...........................BUT........It will start one big fat Trade War of proportions that we've not seen the likes of in our life times.

The European Union got wind of the Obama administration's hinting at tariffs, and what was their response? "You want a trade war, we'll give you one big trade war, that will make your head spin!".

So in essence, we want our products to be competitive, with the worlds, but our labor costs, and no-doubt other over-head costs that other countrys don't have to deal with are, our Achilles Heal.

As I understand, CEO salaries in Japan our much lower percentage-wise based on a ratio to their company's earnings, than the U.S..

Maybe our Stock holders need to reign-in their CEO's parachutes, and annual salaries.

Maybe we should go back and see what Lee Iacocca did with Chrysler after it's bailout years ago that brought it back into the "black" and allowed Chrysler to pay back Uncle Sam's loan with interest in full!

I do believe that their are many regulatory costs that our exacted by our government on our corporations that may need to be reviewed and possibly revoked.

Also, these 45-50% tax levels for corporations in my estimation is as "anti-growth" as one could imagine.

You want to promote growth, then lighten the heavy yoke of taxation on corporations. Also there needs to be a restructuring of how stock holders reward their upper echelon. There is too much buddy-buddy back slapping going on.

I am not preaching for government control of corporations; far from it! I just am observing a dynamic in our country that has long been overlooked.

We can't tariff ourselves into "isolationism". That has never worked with ours or any country. We must improve our trade balance.

Maybe the rust belt area of the U.S. needs to go through the throws of some very painful, infrastructure changes in it's commercial base, from steel mills to lighter industries, i.e. Silicon Valley type industries.

My son lives in the Toledo, Ohio area and says that a new plant has been built their that makes solar panels and is doing a thriving business, and was hireing.

Maybe, steel will have to come from foreign sources, as we can't continue to subsidize that industry, domestically.

Maybe the solar panel industry in the North East is just a small inkling of what possibilities lie ahead?

02-21-2009, 07:26 AM
Think so, 8'ball?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?

Care to extrapolate any of that?!?!?!????!??!???!?!?

