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View Full Version : Obama/Democrats rejecting Republican stimulus plan!

02-09-2009, 09:36 AM
Why has Obama not given his support to The WAGE TAX HOLIDAY (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h111-143) proposal to stimulate the economy which has 55 co-sponsors?

People are losing their jobs, especially in places that sell things like Circuit City because wage earners, (that’s you and I), after having federal wage taxes taken out of our paychecks, can barely meet the necessities of life and have no money left to buy a few extra things.

What does Obama have against suspending a tax on the wages earned by hard working fathers living in Harlem, South Philly, Newark N.J., etc., to stimulate the economy? Ending this tax would allow wage earners to keep more of their earned wages and then purchase a few extra things each week. This in turn would stimulate the economy by creating a demand for the things these wage earners would buy, and, sales people would go back to work selling those things not to mention the increase demand for factory workers making these things.

Unlike the Obama borrowing plan and printing new money which would lead to unbridle and hyper inflation in a couple of years and put our nation's children in dept, allowing wage earners to keep their paychecks would put existing money into the hands of working people rather then into the hands of folks in government by instantly reducing wage withholding. Wage earners would then be able to buy extra things, creating a demand, and stores would re-hire sales people to sell the articles bought. Why does Obama hate this plan so much?

I believe the reason Obama and the Democrats on Capitol Hill object to ending a tax upon working people’s paychecks is because they need to keep working people poor so they may then bribe working people with their own money and keep themselves in power. Democrats just love to tax working people poor which makes them dependant upon government!

Have we forgotten what Hamilton stated? A POWER OVER A MAN's SUBSISTENCE AMOUNTS TO A POWER OVER HIS WILL( ____ Hamilton, No. 79 Federalist Papers).

Do we not recall what Jefferson said? “…..with all these blessings, what more is necessary to make us a happy and a prosperous people? Still one thing more, fellow-citizens—a wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities“. Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address

Replace the wage tax with a tax upon articles of luxury! For a recent application of this tax [taxing articles of luxury] see The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 (http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c101:H.R.5835:http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/D?c101:4:./temp/~c101exSUxe) click on 4. “Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 (Enrolled as Agreed to or Passed by Both House and Senate)[H.R.5835.ENR]”, after which you may scroll down to TITLE XI--REVENUE PROVISIONS, and then click on :


There is hereby imposed on the 1st retail sale of any passenger vehicle a tax equal to 10 percent of the price for which so sold to the extent such price exceeds $30,000.

`SEC. 4002. BOATS.
There is hereby imposed on the 1st retail sale of any boat a tax equal to 10 percent of the price for which so sold to the extent such price exceeds $100,000.

There is hereby imposed on the 1st retail sale of any aircraft a tax equal to 10 percent of the price for which so sold to the extent such price exceeds $250,000.

`SEC. 4006. JEWELRY.
There is hereby imposed on the 1st retail sale of any jewelry a tax equal to 10 percent of the price for which so sold to the extent such price exceeds $10,000.

`SEC. 4007. FURS.
There is hereby imposed on the 1st retail sale of the following articles a tax equal to 10 percent of the price for which so sold to the extent such price exceeds $10,000:

Note that the outrageous 10 percent imposed upon certain specific articles because of Congress’s greed caused diminishes sales of those consumer articles and adversely affected the luxury boat building industry which in turn immediately prompted Congress to repeal the tax in 1991 (http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=102&session=1&vote=00263)

Had the tax on luxury boats only been one or two percent it probably would have been paid without much resistance. But, the tax was an outrageous 10 percent and the market place responded to limit Congress‘s greedy desire for revenue. As documented in Federalist No. 21, our founding fathers carefully devised a tax plan allowing the market place to prevent an “extension of the revenue” and avoided class warfare now engaged in under a tax laid upon the wages of labor.


Black working people who support Obama are absolutely correct when they say, as a general statement, “its all about the Benjamins”. But they seem to be easily conned into surrendering the “Benjamins“ they earn to "agents of change" who merely seek to change the faces of those holding political plum jobs within the inner circle of the Washington Establishment. Do black voters not realize they will be betrayed by Obama's "agents of change“ and remain tax slaves ___ useful to work and pay taxes to feed political plum job holders on our federal plantation?

02-09-2009, 09:48 AM
Beyond imagination!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks, jonwk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



02-09-2009, 02:52 PM
yo pb

whats up

Beyond imagination!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks, jonwk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



02-09-2009, 04:43 PM
See: How the Stimulus Bill Could Kill You (http://www.americanthinker.com/2009/02/how_the_stimulus_bill_could_ki.html)

On page 151 of this legislative pork-fest is one of the clandestine nuggets of social policy manipulation that are peppered throughout the bill. Section 9201 of the stimulus package establishes the "Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research." This body, which would be made up of federal bureaucrats will "coordinate the conduct or support of comparative effectiveness and related health services research."

Sounds benign enough, but the man behind the Coordinating Council, Health and Human Services Secretary-designate (and tax cheat) Tom Daschle, was kind enough to explain the goal of this organization.

It is to cut health care costs by preventing Americans from getting treatments that the government decides don't meet their standards for cost effectiveness. In his 2008 book on health care, he explained that such a council would, "lower overall spending by determining which medicines, treatments and procedures are most effective-and identifying those that do not justify their high price tags."

This bill is not about stimulating the economy, it’s about creating the framework for a national socialist government with Marxists in charge of that government!

The Obama rush to get his stimulus plan adopted, is intentionally designed to get it through without the people knowing what’s in the bill. The writing is on the wall!

I think it’s time for patriotic Americans to pay a visit to Washington with their sporting gear, as once suggested by Walter Williams.


The servant has become the master over those who created a servant and the new servant pays tribute by taxation to a gangster government which ignores our most basic laws…our constitutions, state and federal.