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View Full Version : Huffington Post Is A Legitimate News Organization?

red states rule
02-10-2009, 11:18 AM
So Pres Obama called on a "reporter" from the Huffington Post. Does he think the Huffington Post is a legitmate news organization?

Also, liberal talk show host Ed Schultz was sitting in the front row along with Helen Thomas

Pres Obama can really relate to thse people

02-10-2009, 11:22 AM
So Pres Obama called on a "reporter" from the Huffington Post. Does he think the Huffington Post is a legitimate news organization?Why wouldn't it be considered a legitimate news organization? Legitimacy doesn't mean it has to be unbiased. I consider Rush Limbaugh a legitimate news source, but obviously he is right wing. At least Huffington is honest and has never to my knowledge claimed to be "fair and balanced." :laugh2:

red states rule
02-10-2009, 11:26 AM
Why wouldn't it be considered a legitimate news organization? Legitimacy doesn't mean it has to be unbiased. I consider Rush Limbaugh a legitimate news source, but obviously he is right wing. At least Huffington is honest and has never to my knowledge claimed to be "fair and balanced." :laugh2:

Calling the Huffington Post a legitimate news organization is like calling the Daily Kos a legitimate news organization. Obama would fit in nice with both - so I will not be surprised to see the Daily Kos have a "reporter" and the next press conference

The bloggers there who have openly wished for the death of Pres Bush, and cheered when Tony Snow passed away

Bill Ayers is a guest columnist for the Huffington Post; was he there?

02-10-2009, 11:43 AM
what about the fairness doctrine...how come conservative talk show hosts and conservative news similar to huffington were not in attendance? see, its only fair if the dems get their way.

red states rule
02-10-2009, 11:47 AM
what about the fairness doctrine...how come conservative talk show hosts and conservative news similar to huffington were not in attendance? see, its only fair if the dems get their way.

Get used to it - they won, remember

How about letting some Debate Policy members attend the next Press Conference and get a question in?

02-10-2009, 01:09 PM
So Pres Obama called on a "reporter" from the Huffington Post. Does he think the Huffington Post is a legitmate news organization?
Not too long ago, in February 2005, liberals were screeching in outrage when a reporter calling himself Jeff Gannon (a pseudonym) from Talon.com, asked a question of then-President G.W. Bush. Their chief complaint was that Talon.com wasn't a "legitimate news organization". They unlimbered the usual Dem destruction machine on him, and announced that Gannon was somehow connected to a gay website - without any examples or backup of their allegations, of course. After a dose of that, he quit reporting altogether.


That was then, this is now.

Now, apparently the Puffington Host **IS** a legitimate news site - I haven't heard a peep out of any of the usual Dem screechers, over this guy's asking President Obama a similarly softball question.

Ditto for Helen Thomas, who AFAIK is unemployed and not associated with any news service at all.

What, exactly, are the qualifications neded to get into a White House press conference? Are there any? If not, can I drop by and ask Barry a few questions at the next one? There ARE some issues I'd like him to clarify.

And how, exactly, did the rules change between Gannon's appearance and the Puffington Host guy's? What was the purpose for the change?

red states rule
02-10-2009, 01:11 PM
Now it's official - the left blogosphere is part of the administration and liberal media.

02-10-2009, 01:28 PM
So Pres Obama called on a "reporter" from the Huffington Post. Does he think the Huffington Post is a legitmate news organization?

Also, liberal talk show host Ed Schultz was sitting in the front row along with Helen Thomas

Pres Obama can really relate to thse people


red states rule
02-10-2009, 02:05 PM
By allowing the HUffington Post to ask a question Obama has lowered the standards of what constitutes legitimate press below what anyone thought was possible.

02-10-2009, 02:17 PM
I would have loved to be there with a six pack of shoes....... steel toed boots would have been just the ticket. If this guy can't even get on board a helicopter with that enormous head he would be easily shoeable.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

red states rule
02-10-2009, 02:20 PM
I would have loved to be there with a six pack of shoes....... steel toed boots would have been just the ticket. If this guy can't even get on board a helicopter with that enormous head he would be easily shoeable.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Then, unlike the glowing coverage the other show thrower got, you would be assualted in the liberal media

You would also be a topic on the Ed Schultz show - he was in the front row along with helen Thomas

And Ed Schultz isn't really a member of the press either

Can you imagine the hew and cry from the lieberal and liberal media if Rush, Sean,or Beck were given admittance to Pres Bush's press conferences?

02-10-2009, 03:38 PM
Not too long ago, in February 2005, liberals were screeching in outrage when a reporter calling himself Jeff Gannon (a pseudonym) from Talon.com, asked a question of then-President G.W. Bush. Their chief complaint was that Talon.com wasn't a "legitimate news organization".

I'm not certain how you can seriously compare the two. At the time of Gannon's first appearance in the White House press room, Talon.com didn't even exist, and Gannon had never posted a single story of any sort (except perhaps a HS paper!) anywhere.

Talon.com was created by the GOP to give Gannon some legitimacy, but even then never opened an office anywhere and was pretty much in existence only on paper and the web.

Slam it all you want, but Huffington Post has far more credibility than Gannon has ever had.

Huffington Post is certainly a liberal site, but they do post opinions regularly and have had a long presence on the web. They weren't specifically created by the Obama campaign to field softball questions, as Gannon certainly was by the GOP or Bush campaign.

What, exactly, are the qualifications neded to get into a White House press conference? Are there any? If not, can I drop by and ask Barry a few questions at the next one? There ARE some issues I'd like him to clarify.

Sam Stein has been posting on Huffington for some years. He didn't just magically appear out of nowhere like Gannon without even an article to his name.

By allowing the HUffington Post to ask a question Obama has lowered the standards of what constitutes legitimate press below what anyone thought was possible.

As Acorn already mentioned, the Bush campaign has already been there, done that, and in a far worse manner!

What you folks seem to be failing to note is that the Obama campaign at least asked a question of a very well known liberal website reporter directly. He didn't have to create a fake pseudoname and website to hide their bias, as the Bushies did with Gannon.

red states rule
02-10-2009, 03:41 PM
and the liberla media was all over Gannon, and bashed Pres Bush for days afterwards

No - silence from the liberal media

Progress schmogress.

The Huff-n-puff is a bed-wetting fringe kook blog, not any kind of credible news source

Well, except to bed-wetting fringe kook left

02-10-2009, 08:02 PM
So, RSR, how about newsbusters.org. Is that a legitimate news organization? How about blogs like Powerline or RealClearPolitics? After all, those are partisan blogs just like the Huff.

And who decides what a "legitimate" news organization is? Does the State need to license them?

red states rule
02-10-2009, 08:06 PM
So, RSR, how about newsbusters.org. Is that a legitimate news organization? How about blogs like Powerline or RealClearPolitics? After all, those are partisan blogs just like the Huff.

And who decides what a "legitimate" news organization is? Does the State need to license them?

Were any of those organizations have reporters at the press conference? I do not see Newsbusters or RCP as partisan

RCP have many opeds written by liberals, and report on all the polls out there

Newsbusters points out the liberal slant in the media -which is a full time job

There are few legitimate news organizations left Jeff. Journalism died in 2006

02-10-2009, 08:15 PM
Were any of those organizations have reporters at the press conference? I do not see Newsbusters or RCP as partisan

RCP have many opeds written by liberals, and report on all the polls out there

Newsbusters points out the liberal slant in the media -which is a full time job

There are few legitimate news organizations left Jeff. Journalism died in 2006

I don't consider RCP a news organization, rather an amalgamation. Some slant towards more conservative, but attempts to balance.

Newsbusters, not so much. Doesn't mean they don't have a good exclusive now and again. No, they wouldn't be at Obama's news conference, nor a conservative one, as conservatives try to avoid 'the appearance' of bias, failing miserably. They should stop trying that.

02-10-2009, 08:29 PM
There are few legitimate news organizations left Jeff. Journalism died in 2006*lol* It died a long time before that. "news" became publishing allegations and claims by each party, covering the latest talking points, rather than ever researching the real facts themselves.

02-10-2009, 08:52 PM
*lol* It died a long time before that. "news" became publishing allegations and claims by each party, covering the latest talking points, rather than ever researching the real facts themselves.

Not to be a jerk, but what do you think you 'illustrated' with this post?

When did the allegations/claims begin? You give no hint.

Talking points becoming the norm? Again no hint.

Somehow you think this was 'informed'?

02-10-2009, 09:09 PM
Why wouldn't it be considered a legitimate news organization? Legitimacy doesn't mean it has to be unbiased. I consider Rush Limbaugh a legitimate news source, but obviously he is right wing. At least Huffington is honest and has never to my knowledge claimed to be "fair and balanced." :laugh2:

Maybe if Obama is all about change as he says instead of slamming Rush he should of invited him to be there.

Think how much that would of showed the country , he could of shown true bipartisanship . :salute:

As we all know he wasn't going to do that , but at least we should of seen the same press there that was there when Bush was there, or maybe that would of been to fair.

02-10-2009, 09:16 PM
Not to be a jerk, but what do you think you 'illustrated' with this post?

When did the allegations/claims begin? You give no hint.

Talking points becoming the norm? Again no hint.

Somehow you think this was 'informed'?sorry, didn't realize each and every post needed quotes and footnotes. (and yet you just posted a similar type of response to one of my posts about war with Iran)

But to be specific, how about going back to the Reagan years, when claims he was cutting funding to many programs was widespread, but reality was he just stopped the yearly default increase. Is that not a report of a claim and talking point without actual digging into the facts?

02-10-2009, 09:37 PM
sorry, didn't realize each and every post needed quotes and footnotes. (and yet you just posted a similar type of response to one of my posts about war with Iran)

But to be specific, how about going back to the Reagan years, when claims he was cutting funding to many programs was widespread, but reality was he just stopped the yearly default increase. Is that not a report of a claim and talking point without actual digging into the facts?

Before becoming specific in your post, answer mine first. Thank you.

02-10-2009, 10:24 PM
Before becoming specific in your post, answer mine first. Thank you.Didn't I just give an example of such? Or did I miss a question somewhere? Mid 1980's Reagan era is certainly long before 2006.

red states rule
02-11-2009, 12:49 AM
I don't consider RCP a news organization, rather an amalgamation. Some slant towards more conservative, but attempts to balance.

Newsbusters, not so much. Doesn't mean they don't have a good exclusive now and again. No, they wouldn't be at Obama's news conference, nor a conservative one, as conservatives try to avoid 'the appearance' of bias, failing miserably. They should stop trying that.

Well Kat, things could be worse. Obama could have Keith Olbermann as his press secretary

Er..not yet anyway