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View Full Version : Oklahoma City police officer pulls man over for anti-Obama sign on vehicle

02-19-2009, 02:01 PM
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The sign, which read "Abort Obama Not the Unborn," was returned to Harrison later that day, the report said.
Police spokesman Steve McCool said this morning that the sign was taken in error, and Oklahoma City residents should not be worried that their First Amendment rights will be violated. He said a supervisor "intervened and quickly returned the sign" after Harrison called the police department.
"Obviously, it was not a good decision to confiscate the sign," McCool said.

Harrison, who could not be reached for comment this morning, told the officers that in his opinion the words "Abort Obama" meant to impeach him. He told the officers he does not believe in abortion because he is a Christian.
Harrison was stopped while driving a white truck on westbound Interstate 44 at SW 119th at 8:45 a.m. on Feb. 12, according to the police report.

According to Harrison, an official said the Secret Service had been contacted on the matter and had told them the sign was not a threat to the president.
Harrison was asked if he would like to file a complaint. He said he was not sure but would take the paperwork, just in case.
But his run-in with the law wasn't over yet.

''The Secret Service called and said they were at my house," Harrison said.
After talking to his attorney, Harrison went home where he met the Secret Service.

''When I was on my way there, the Secret Service called me and said they weren't going to ransack my house or anything ... they just wanted to (walk through the house) and make sure I wasn't a part of any hate groups."
Harrison said he invited the Secret Service agents into the house and they were "very cordial."
''We walked through the house and my wife and 2-year-old were in the house," Harrison said.

He said they interviewed him for about 30 minutes and then left, not finding any evidence Harrison was a threat to the president.
''I'm still in contact with a lawyer right now," Harrison said. "I don't know what I'm going to do."
Harrison said he feels his First Amendment rights were violated.

McCool said the officer who pulled over Harrison misinterpreted the sign.
''We had an officer that his interpretation of the sign was different than what was meant," McCool said. "You've got an officer who had a different thought on what the word 'abort' meant."

McCool said the sign basically meant Obama should be impeached and it was not a threat.
''(The officer) shouldn't have taken the sign," McCool said. "That was (Harrison's) First Amendment right to voice his concern."
McCool said although the sign should not have been confiscated, the situation was made right in the end.
''We always try to do the right thing and in the end we believe we did the right thing by returning the sign," McCool said.

02-19-2009, 04:25 PM
Let me see here...... I think I got a fix on this. The Gustapo visited a citizen of the United States of America's ...home! They entered it, they interogated the citizen, who they already had acknowledged had commited no crime and were able to determine that he was not a threat to the supreme leader!

It is a damn good thing he was not a member of the Libertarian Party and had information in his possession suggesting that our country is being run by communists or other accusatory suggestive material.

02-19-2009, 04:46 PM
Was the police officer who took the sign black?

02-19-2009, 04:50 PM
Hmmm, I've got a friend in the Secret Service I've not seen in years. Now I know how to get them to visit!

02-19-2009, 05:08 PM
where is april15....we need your input on this :laugh2:

02-19-2009, 05:10 PM
They told him on the phone before he got home that they were not going to ransack his home. I wonder what they would have done if he told them to get a warrant.


02-19-2009, 05:43 PM
''When I was on my way there, the Secret Service called me and said they weren't going to ransack my house or anything ... they just wanted to (walk through the house) and make sure I wasn't a part of any hate groups."

So, if he had a big swastika on the wall, would have have still left quietly after asking polite questions????????

It's a completely innocent sign whether he belongs to a hate group or not. He still has a right to his oppinion.

02-19-2009, 05:44 PM
Oh man...

02-19-2009, 08:14 PM
The cop was wrong! He didn't see the W04 sticker it partially covered.

The ClayTaurus
02-19-2009, 08:23 PM
First and foremost, I've seen way worse on bumper stickers, so the fact that it was taken away is completely rediculous. That's first, second, third, fourth, and fifth of all.

But sixth of all is the completely lame defense by McCool (which is a great name, coincidentally)

'We had an officer that his interpretation of the sign was different than what was meant," McCool said. "You've got an officer who had a different thought on what the word 'abort' meant."

McCool said the sign basically meant Obama should be impeached and it was not a threat."basically" meant. LOL. Right.

02-19-2009, 08:27 PM
"Kill Obama not the Unborn"

02-19-2009, 08:37 PM
"Kill Obama not the Unborn"

kill obama not the unborn

02-19-2009, 08:40 PM
On a lighter note...

What's with the guys name? McCool? What? He figured McLovin was taken?

02-20-2009, 09:04 AM
On a lighter note...

What's with the guys name? McCool? What? He figured McLovin was taken? There was a kid in my daughter's middle school band who's name was McCool. Of course, he played the sax, first chair.

02-21-2009, 08:51 AM
so since when cant i be part of hate groups?

02-23-2009, 06:32 AM
The ignorance is astounding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But,,,,,,not profound.

