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View Full Version : Once upon a time

02-24-2009, 07:17 PM
Once upon a time....... around 600 years ago, some little forest animals discovered a completely unused area of the forest never before inhabited by any of their kind. This had come as a result of an expeditionary mission set out upon by one of the forest's pioneers around 1492, who returned saying he had found a wonderful place and that there was room for everybody who wanted to go there.The excitement spread so rapidly that before there was time to realize that other animals had actually lived there for many years, they found themselves moving there in whords.

There were squirrells, rabits, fox and others. Naturally since this area was unknown to them prior to it's discovery, it befelt a brand new feeling of liberty upon them all to now have a wonderful place in the forest. There was room for everyone. Squirrells were able to build many nests, in several trees, foxes had many dens, owls could fly for hours and see noone. It was wonderful! Unknown to them however was the fact that several families of chipmunks already lived there in the new area of the forest and had been there for many hundreds of years.

The news of the chipmunks sent the word around quickly. It bewildered the new animals to think that the paradise they had discovered already belonged to somebody else. So they killed most of the chipmunks and sent the rest to live in a small area of the newly established territory called a reservation and went ahead setting up a new form of forest life that was filled a plenty. There were nuts, berries, fish and fruits. They brought in beaver contractors to build more resevoirs and birds to fly messages to the outside world. Bears found employment transporting heavy commodities. There was something for everybody so long as he was willing to work and get ahead.

Soon the new Forest was fluttering with new life. There were plenty of resources, water, food and necessities so life was good. Each animal was free to do what he pleased, multiply and enjoy the newly found prosperity. Some animals even showed up at the New Forest with great resources from the old forest and began to share it with others who would in turn provide services for the ones who had the goods. Almost each and every animal was busy, building new homes, claiming territory and exchanging services with others so as to provide everyone with what they needed to survive in the New Forest.

Soon it became apparent that a form of government would be necessary to establish relations throughout the forest and basic services for the well being of everyone who lived in the forest. All the different areas of the Forest agreed that it would be necessary to elect represenatives from each area so as to simplify the process. The animals decided to vote every now and again as to who would represent each little area. Of course it wasn't long before the elected Beaver from the Greenery area of the forest realized he now had great power, being that he represented many families of animals. He decided that he could just sit around on his ass and manipulate deals, screwing his friends who had elected him. Basically... greed and power were motivating the Beaver now as he realized he would recieve special gifts from throughout the forest in exchange for his votes in Animal meetings.

It was established soon afterward that a system was needed to see that everyone could by in tough times. Not a big thing mind you, just a little help for the most ubfortunate, say for instance an animal that had been hurt, had a run of bad luck or maybe some other factor. So it was ruled that Squirrells who had trees that didn't provide enough nuts could get some assistance from other squirrells in another area of the huge new forest with so many resources. Of course this system only worked if all the little animals were honest about how many nuts they had stowed away in their nests. So... it became apparent since pretty much everyone was participating, well, it was the animal law that everyone who lived in the new forest had to participate. Soon a Forest Accounting Office was created to enforce the law of the forest to make sure that none of the little animals were holding out on the fruits of their hard working labor, and that when a fellow animal needed a little help, a quick trip to the Collective Storage area could be performed and hence, the necessary help could be issued to the appropriate animal who had fallen on hard times.

The new system of this forest spread quickly throughout other forests and soon every animal from every other forest wanted to be a resident of the new forest. It wasn't long before there were so many new animals that it became a nightmare to keep track of. Of course this was tapping the resources of the new forest but oh well, times were good and every one of the little animals just figured there would be plenty for everybody.

It didn't take long before some animals realized they didn't have to work as hard as the others but could still prosper from the total overall work that was acheived as a result of the collective bunch of them. Squirrells began to build less nests and collect less nuts. Some even stold nuts from other harder working squirrells to claim as their own. Some just decided it was too rigerous to compete with all the other squirrells for the nuts when they could just stay home and get deliveries from the Collective Storage facility.Foxes began to hunt down small animals that lived nearby, eating them and using their stores to bait other animals to eat. Bears began to hog up the fishing holes. Beavers decided to stop contributing as heavily in the joint effort and just sit around and enjoy what they had already built. It wasn't before kaos was the order of the day in the New Forest.

Many of the hard working animals began to complain that their resources were being devoured up by the lazy animals. The ones that would not contribute in the Collective effort. Problem was however that there were more lazy ones than hard workers. If you were lazy, you could still vote for the animals that promised to keep taking the stores of the hard working animals and give to them. The represenative animals knew this was wrong but they stood to benefit so much by being in the position to set policy that it made them able to easily compromise their standards.


One day all the hard working animals decided to get together and form their own coalition of entrepreneurs. These folks debating the issues with the represenatives and got nowhere as they were threatened that if they didn't continue to contribute they would be locked away in a hollow tree for evading their responsibility to support the little freeloading animals who had all become lazy as shit! Life had been so good for so long for these freeloaders, they had forgotten how to support themselves. Yeah...everything was easy. Sit around, let the beaver build you a resevior, the squirrells collect your nuts for you, the birds bring you straw and allow the others to supply your basic needs. Of course this destroyed the ambition of these freeloading little shits but who cares.... they could just go back to the voting tree and elect the same animals who promised to supply more and more at the expense of the hard working animals of the New Forest.

Well.... that was it! The hard working animals decided they had had enough. Each and every one of them band together like brothers and refused to supply the Collective Storage Areas a single nut. They decided they would keep everything for themselves and their families of animals in case of hard times so they would not have to be dependant on the other animals like the freeloaders! Naturally... this caused kaos throughout the new forest. This caused the Represenatives to threaten captivity against the hard working animals and confiscation of their stores if they did not comply. Yeah but the hard working animals were ready for them and "held their nuts", they stood their ground, the situation deteriorated to battle being that the freeloaders felt they had some kind of entitlement right to the stores of the hardworking animals. It was brutle, the hardworking animals trying to defend what they had worked for and the freeloaders trying to take it.

Many in the forest parished! In the meantime however, no stores at all were being collected. Not even the hardworking animals had time to work being preoccupied with trying to hold on to what they had worked so hard for while the fat, lazy freeloading animals sat around on their fat lazy asses sucking at the resources of the "Collective Forest" dry. Soon there was so little left that everyone started to realize that it would have been better if everyone would have just put in their part, none of this would have happened. They had allowed their wonderful new area of the forest to be overcrowded, improperly managed, and sucked dry by greedy lazy worthless non working freeloaders. Soon their system of government was so confused it didn't know where to turn and out of desperation everyone decided to call a truce and start all over.

Many little animals were dead or had left. Certainly many of the hardworking animals had left for another forest because it seemed futile to continue to put up with this stupid system of "government". So........it was decided by all that remained that maybe they should have all worked a little harder to support themselves so they could live as good as the hard working animals seemed to. An apology was made by the freeloaders and a LIBERTARIAN rabbit was elected president of the forest. Of course, many of the hard working animals had been Libertarians but had refused to accept that this was a better form of less government being that every animal was for himself and his family and they looked out for each other. This way, everyone knew that if he didn;t get his ass out of his hole in the morning and start collecting nuts.... there would not be any in case of emergency or if something happened to him or a member of HIS family. The hard working animals had just been cowardly in a sense, they had had things so good at first that they just didn't see the "forest for the trees' so to speak. The Libertarian idea took hold and soon every animal was a hard working member of the Libertarian Party. Hell, he knew he had to be or he wouldn't be eating. This had an incredible effect on animals in the other forests as well. They seem to decide that it may not be such a great idea to go to the New Forest where nothing was free and you had to work your fur off to get a nut! It worked for the animals who decided to stay in the New Forest however and life was happy ever after!