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02-24-2009, 11:19 PM
OBAMA: "And I believe the nation that invented the automobile cannot walk away from it."

THE FACTS: According to the Library of Congress, the inventor of the first true automobile was probably Germany's Karl Benz, who created the first auto powered by an internal combustion gasoline, in 1885 or 1886. Nobody disputes that Henry Ford created the first assembly line that made cars affordable.


other gems that show obama is not at all about change, more of the same political mumbo jumbo...(yawn)

02-24-2009, 11:20 PM
perhaps he should have said, the nation that invented unions cannot walk away from them.....

02-24-2009, 11:24 PM
perhaps he should have said, the nation that invented unions cannot walk away from them.....


kind of a stupid thing to get caught on...who invented the car

02-24-2009, 11:25 PM
Why should we have to walk away from it?

02-24-2009, 11:27 PM
Why should we have to walk away from it?

maybe he is talking about germany :laugh2:

02-24-2009, 11:29 PM
OBAMA: "Over the next two years, this plan will save or create 3.5 million jobs."

THE FACTS: This is a recurrent Obama formulation. But job creation projections are uncertain even in stable times, and some of the economists relied on by Obama in making his forecast acknowledge a great deal of uncertainty in their numbers.

The president's own economists, in a report prepared last month, stated, "It should be understood that all of the estimates presented in this memo are subject to significant margins of error."

02-25-2009, 03:48 AM
The car thing was said aggggggggges ago.

I was surprised at the time that no one on the site linked his quote to him being a dictator via the gemany/Hitler connection.

02-25-2009, 04:16 AM
Too close for comfort, noir!!!!!!!!!!

The car thing was said aggggggggges ago.

I was surprised at the time that no one on the site linked his quote to him being a dictator via the gemany/Hitler connection.

The GOP,,,The Party Of Fear And Loathing,,,sad,,,,,,,

Juice that!!!!!!!!



02-25-2009, 05:29 AM
OBAMA: "Over the next two years, this plan will save or create 3.5 million jobs."

THE FACTS: This is a recurrent Obama formulation. But job creation projections are uncertain even in stable times, and some of the economists relied on by Obama in making his forecast acknowledge a great deal of uncertainty in their numbers.

The president's own economists, in a report prepared last month, stated, "It should be understood that all of the estimates presented in this memo are subject to significant margins of error."

I wonder if their parameters are like those of Lancet study? Hmmm...

02-25-2009, 05:38 AM
Silly, ain't it?!?!?!?!?!?!???!!?!?!??!

I wonder if their parameters are like those of Lancet study? Hmmm...

The GOP, The Party Of Fear And Loathing,,,sad,,,,,,,

Cosmos or java?!?!?!?!???!?!???!



02-25-2009, 06:02 AM
I wonder if their parameters are like those of Lancet study? Hmmm...

This is the same party that believed the crap about ice melting in the Arctic.......... oops, a sensor the almighty "scientists" were using was faulty...... really? Now they waste 273 million on a lousy satellite that they can't even get into orbit. :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: Nothing but nimrod clowns!

02-25-2009, 06:08 AM
That satellite was designed and planned long before the current administration, shithead.

This is the same party that believed the crap about ice melting in the Arctic.......... oops, a sensor the almighty "scientists" were using was faulty...... really? Now they waste 273 million on a lousy satellite that they can't even get into orbit. :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: Nothing but nimrod clowns!

Care to kiss this even again: :pee: zero

The GOP,,,The Party Of Fear And Loathing,,,sad,,,,,,,



02-25-2009, 06:17 AM
Your dimwit President with the skanky wife accused CEOs of buying drapes and riding on jets, this asshole has hired the same decorator as the CEO he was speaking of to redecorate the living quarters of the White House(in purple and gold no doubt). This same dipshit you call President flew one of the largest gas guzzling jets 150 miles to bullshit with other imbeciles in the democrap party that he can see every day they decide to show up in Washington........ hypocrite or just a dishonest scumbag from Kenya. His wife dresses like she thinks she's going to a high school dance....... no class what so ever. You can put lipstick on a pig but......... but you just can't take the ghetto out of Michelle.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

02-25-2009, 06:20 AM
That satellite was designed and planned long before the current administration, shithead.

Care to kiss this even again: :pee: zero


I don't give a shit when your Congressional asswipes pushed this garbage through, the "scientists" failed again, like they do very often. Scientist aren't special.

02-25-2009, 06:21 AM
You aren't much on facts or the President, zero.

Your dimwit President with the skanky wife accused CEOs of buying drapes and riding on jets, this asshole has hired the same decorator as the CEO he was speaking of to redecorate the living quarters of the White House(in purple and gold no doubt). This same dipshit you call President flew one of the largest gas guzzling jets 150 miles to bullshit with other imbeciles in the democrap party that he can see every day they decide to show up in Washington........ hypocrite or just a dishonest scumbag from Kenya. His wife dresses like she thinks she's going to a high school dance....... no class what so ever. You can put lipstick on a pig but......... but you just can't take the ghetto out of Michelle.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

I get that, already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for kissing this: :pee: zero

The GOP,,,The Party Of Fear And Loathing,,,sad,,,,,,,



02-25-2009, 07:00 AM
Your dimwit President with the skanky wife accused CEOs of buying drapes and riding on jets, this asshole has hired the same decorator as the CEO he was speaking of to redecorate the living quarters of the White House(in purple and gold no doubt). This same dipshit you call President flew one of the largest gas guzzling jets 150 miles to bullshit with other imbeciles in the democrap party that he can see every day they decide to show up in Washington........ hypocrite or just a dishonest scumbag from Kenya. His wife dresses like she thinks she's going to a high school dance....... no class what so ever. You can put lipstick on a pig but......... but you just can't take the ghetto out of Michelle.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

OMG LMFAO sooooooo much wit, how do you think them up?
I dare say if McCain were in office and Dems were calling his wife a pig or a skank, you would in no way claim the dems were being as disrespectful as always.

The irony of the post being that in trying to show that Obama is a hypocrite you have been a hypocrite, now that is funny, no?

02-25-2009, 07:28 AM
The GOP, The Party Of Fear And Loathing,,,sad,,,,,,,

I can't honestly deny the "loathing" part....

Joe Steel
02-25-2009, 07:58 AM
OBAMA: "And I believe the nation that invented the automobile cannot walk away from it."

THE FACTS: According to the Library of Congress, the inventor of the first true automobile was probably Germany's Karl Benz, who created the first auto powered by an internal combustion gasoline, in 1885 or 1886. Nobody disputes that Henry Ford created the first assembly line that made cars affordable.


other gems that show obama is not at all about change, more of the same political mumbo jumbo...(yawn)


Truly desperate.

02-25-2009, 11:53 AM
Were there actually any facts to check or was it just some power crazed Socialist fantasy?

I have several friends that grew up in the Soviet Union under Soviet domination. They are scared of the direction America is heading, they say its looking more like the Soviet Union all the time. They think this POTUS with his pork bill has probably just destroyed America permanently. That we may never recover. I thinks its an interesting perspective from those who lived under socialism/communism.

02-25-2009, 12:20 PM
Were there actually any facts to check or was it just some power crazed Socialist fantasy?

I have several friends that grew up in the Soviet Union under Soviet domination. They are scared of the direction America is heading, they say its looking more like the Soviet Union all the time. They think this POTUS with his pork bill has probably just destroyed America permanently. That we may never recover. I thinks its an interesting perspective from those who lived under socialism/communism.

I've heard the exact same thing from people I know from Poland and the former Yugoslavia.

02-25-2009, 12:30 PM

Truly desperate.

how so? the president of the US doesn't know who invented the car...if bush had said that you guys would be clobbering him and calling him a stupid monkey

02-25-2009, 01:10 PM
Were there actually any facts to check or was it just some power crazed Socialist fantasy?

I have several friends that grew up in the Soviet Union under Soviet domination. They are scared of the direction America is heading, they say its looking more like the Soviet Union all the time. They think this POTUS with his pork bill has probably just destroyed America permanently. That we may never recover. I thinks its an interesting perspective from those who lived under socialism/communism. We'll recover. It may take extreme violence, but by God we'll do it. :boom2:

02-25-2009, 01:11 PM
how so? the president of the US doesn't know who invented the car...if bush had said that you guys would be clobbering him and calling him a stupid monkey
Not just that, but he said it in a carefully prepared speech. This ain't simply a mis-spoke.

Joe Steel
02-25-2009, 01:38 PM
how so? the president of the US doesn't know who invented the car...if bush had said that you guys would be clobbering him and calling him a stupid monkey

I noted the technical error that when he said it and resigned myself to the diversion I knew would follow.

You didn't disappoint. But was it really wrong?

True, the automobile was invented in Europe. It was America, however, which developed into what it is today, an integral part of life. In a higher sense, America did invent the automobile.

moderate democrat
02-25-2009, 01:40 PM
I noted the technical error that when he said it and resigned myself to the diversion I knew would follow.

You didn't disappoint. But was it really wrong?

True, the automobile was invented in Europe. It was America, however, which developed into what it is today, an integral part of life. In a higher sense, America did invent the automobile.


02-25-2009, 01:51 PM
I noted the technical error that when he said it and resigned myself to the diversion I knew would follow.

You didn't disappoint. But was it really wrong?

True, the automobile was invented in Europe. It was America, however, which developed into what it is today, an integral part of life. In a higher sense, America did invent the automobile.

Yea right, that's what he meant, sure. And he actually meant that he had been to 47 states during the campaign and was a Christian not a Muslim(he just needed Stephanopoulos to tell him what he meant). You clowns are a joke, keep propping up your used car salesman with a Haaaarvard degree who has a great amount of experience organizing dimwits in their community to vote for him....... kind of like what a sheep dog does, herd sheep........ pathetic.

02-25-2009, 02:28 PM
I noted the technical error that when he said it and resigned myself to the diversion I knew would follow.

You didn't disappoint. But was it really wrong?

True, the automobile was invented in Europe. It was America, however, which developed into what it is today, an integral part of life. In a higher sense, America did invent the automobile.


How long have you two been married?

02-25-2009, 03:10 PM
I noted the technical error that when he said it and resigned myself to the diversion I knew would follow.

You didn't disappoint. But was it really wrong?

True, the automobile was invented in Europe. It was America, however, which developed into what it is today, an integral part of life. In a higher sense, America did invent the automobile.

what diversion? pointing out that he is wrong....i merely quoted the newsource that fact checked him...perhaps you are bit sensitive that anyone is questioning your messiah....your excuses for him are weak. you admit that he was wrong, however, you gloriously give him credit for being "right" in some ethereal "higher" sense.

obama's cult followers like JS and moderate democrat surely do not disappoint in their utter hatred for those who dare criticize or point out an error by their messiah, obama.

02-25-2009, 10:02 PM
I noted the technical error that when he said it and resigned myself to the diversion I knew would follow.

You didn't disappoint. But was it really wrong?

True, the automobile was invented in Europe. It was America, however, which developed into what it is today, an integral part of life. In a higher sense, America did invent the automobile.

and al gore invented the internet and global warming.....and bill clinton didn't have sex.....

The ClayTaurus
02-26-2009, 12:24 AM
how so? the president of the US doesn't know who invented the car...if bush had said that you guys would be clobbering him and calling him a stupid monkeyAnd you would have defended Bush saying that he was talking about the Model T. A nitpick is still a nitpick.

02-26-2009, 12:41 AM
And you would have defended Bush saying that he was talking about the Model T. A nitpick is still a nitpick.

red herring and meadowmuffins

a fact is still a fact, obama got it wrong. why does it bother you guys to point out an error? should we ignore his errors, especially one made on such a national scale? of course not, you guys are so full of hate that you make shit up about others who dare question the messiah.

you guys are still laughing about the internets....and guess what, so do i, so you can take your self-righteous crap about whether i woudl defend bush and take a long walk off a short pier....

i bet you didn't call people out when they made fun of bush, but now you criticize those who don't even make fun of obama, but merely point out a factual error.

moderate democrat
02-26-2009, 07:06 AM
the fact remains... startng a thread about this sort of thing is indicative of a degree of pettiness that legitimately invites ridicule and, in the final analysis, cheapens political discourse...

and it seems as if your only defense is "you guys did the same thing to Bush".

red states rule
02-26-2009, 07:37 AM
the fact remains... startng a thread about this sort of thing is indicative of a degree of pettiness that legitimately invites ridicule and, in the final analysis, cheapens political discourse...

and it seems as if your only defense is "you guys did the same thing to Bush".

The last thing libs want when they are in power is to have those damn pesky facts get in the way and/or be injected into the debate

moderate democrat
02-26-2009, 07:57 AM
The last thing libs want when they are in power is to have those damn pesky facts get in the way and/or be injected into the debate

there are facts, and then there are relevant facts. this thread is an homage to irrelevancy. :lol:

red states rule
02-26-2009, 08:02 AM
there are facts, and then there are relevant facts. this thread is an homage to irrelevancy. :lol:

To you, any and all lies uttered by Obama are irrelevant. Party before country is your #1 rule

moderate democrat
02-26-2009, 08:05 AM
To you, any and all lies uttered by Obama are irrelevant. Party before country is your #1 rule

not so.... for him to say that the car was invented in America is irrelevant...for you to continue to blather on about this silly little point is funny.

red states rule
02-26-2009, 08:08 AM
not so.... for him to say that the car was invented in America is irrelevant...for you to continue to blather on about this silly little point is funny.

Yet we were told how damn smart the Chosen One by his cult followers and his campaign staff in the liberal media

For the last 8 years dissent was cool - now it is racist and "silly"

02-26-2009, 08:11 AM
I really don't care about the car thing. What it does illustrate is his disinterest in history (http://www.usnews.com/blogs/barone/2008/7/17/obamas-lack-of-historical-knowledge-clouds-his-iraq-position.html?s_cid=etRR-0220). I must say * he can talk, very reminiscent of Reagan, however he doesn't say much. (http://www.cato-at-liberty.org/2009/02/24/live-blogging-obamas-speech/) Serious lack of depth (http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=ZTE1NDNjMDViYmU2YThkZDM1NjUyMGNjZjBlMDE4YTM=), in very dangerous times.

* Will Wilkinson

moderate democrat
02-26-2009, 08:11 AM
Yet we were told how damn smart the Chosen One by his cult followers and his campaign staff in the liberal media

For the last 8 years dissent was cool - now it is racist and "silly"

making mountinas out ofr irrelevant molehills was just as stupid a tactic four years ago as it is today.

As I said... the only defense you have for making a big deal out of this car remark is that "democrats did the same thing to Bush".... even though you were complaining about it when they did it. that is called hypocrisy, RSR... just admit it.

red states rule
02-26-2009, 08:16 AM
making mountinas out ofr irrelevant molehills was just as stupid a tactic four years ago as it is today.

As I said... the only defense you have for making a big deal out of this car remark is that "democrats did the same thing to Bush".... even though you were complaining about it when they did it. that is called hypocrisy, RSR... just admit it.

You mean like "misunderestimated"?

It is the Dems who seem to dislike it when the tables are tunred on them. Once again, libs prove they are the party of "don't do as I do - do as I say"

Libs never hold their own to the standards they set for others

moderate democrat
02-26-2009, 08:45 AM
You mean like "misunderestimated"?

It is the Dems who seem to dislike it when the tables are tunred on them. Once again, libs prove they are the party of "don't do as I do - do as I say"

Libs never hold their own to the standards they set for others

I personally never made a big deal about misunderestimated, or any of Bush's verbal gaffes. I differed with him primarily on foreign policy, not english syntax or grammar.

the fact remains....this thread is based upon an irrelevant little statement. And you all are jumping all over it seemingly forgetting how offended you all were when democrats did the same thing. If you want to improve the level of discourse, try showing it.... to nit pick Obama about this "who invented the car" line while conveniently forgetting your previous outrage over people harping on Bush's verbal gaffes is blatantly hypocritical. that's a fact.

red states rule
02-26-2009, 08:49 AM
I personally never made a big deal about misunderestimated, or any of Bush's verbal gaffes. I differed with him primarily on foreign policy, not english syntax or grammar.

the fact remains....this thread is based upon an irrelevant little statement. And you all are jumping all over it seemingly forgetting how offended you all were when democrats did the same thing. If you want to improve the level of discourse, try showing it.... to nit pick Obama about this "who invented the car" line while conveniently forgetting your previous outrage over people harping on Bush's verbal gaffes is blatantly hypocritical. that's a fact.

Amazing, you support the new world order of Demorcat rule - yet you claim you never agreeded with them during the Bush years

Bottom line is, you will gleefully cheer as Dems take the economy into a deeper recession, record deficits, and tax the hell out of companies and the top producers - yet you want to ignore the screw ups of those same Dems

How typical of the Obamabots

moderate democrat
02-26-2009, 08:53 AM
Amazing, you support the new world order of Demorcat rule - yet you claim you never agreeded with them during the Bush years

Bottom line is, you will gleefully cheer as Dems take the economy into a deeper recession, record deficits, and tax the hell out of companies and the top producers - yet you want to ignore the screw ups of those same Dems

How typical of the Obamabots

I have stated a FACT that I disagreed with Bush primarily on foreign policy and that I NEVER denigrated him for verbal gaffes. that's a fact.

you complain about democrats having attacked Bush on his Bushisms even as you attack Obama on a similar irrelevant slip up. I know you can't bring yourself to admit it, but that makes you a hypocrite.

red states rule
02-26-2009, 08:56 AM
I have stated a FACT that I disagreed with Bush primarily on foreign policy and that I NEVER denigrated him for verbal gaffes. that's a fact.

you complain about democrats having attacked Bush on his Bushisms even as you attack Obama on a similar irrelevant slip up. I know you can't bring yourself to admit it, but that makes you a hypocrite.

As usual, libs hate it when other hold them to their own standards. In a span of 1 month, Obama has outspent and outgaffed Pres Bush - but to his cult followers that is fine

The ends justify the means in their world - and as long as they are in power they will tunr a blind eye to the facts and forget what the standards they held Pres Bush too

moderate democrat
02-26-2009, 09:17 AM
As usual, libs hate it when other hold them to their own standards. In a span of 1 month, Obama has outspent and outgaffed Pres Bush - but to his cult followers that is fine

The ends justify the means in their world - and as long as they are in power they will tunr a blind eye to the facts and forget what the standards they held Pres Bush too

this thread is not about Obama's spending, which most economists believe is necessary...

this thread is about Obama's saying that the car was invented in America.

For you to jump on that while forgetting your previous outrage at democrats' attacks on Bush's verbal gaffes is hypocritical... that is undeniable.

I never attacked Bush for his verbal missteps.... not once.

02-26-2009, 09:19 AM
I personally never made a big deal about misunderestimated, or any of Bush's verbal gaffes. I differed with him primarily on foreign policy, not english syntax or grammar.

the fact remains....this thread is based upon an irrelevant little statement. And you all are jumping all over it seemingly forgetting how offended you all were when democrats did the same thing. If you want to improve the level of discourse, try showing it.... to nit pick Obama about this "who invented the car" line while conveniently forgetting your previous outrage over people harping on Bush's verbal gaffes is blatantly hypocritical. that's a fact.

an absolute lie. but no surprise from you. i suggest you do everyone a favor and go back reread the OP and then read some follow up posts regarding other fact checks.

don't worry, i won't wait for an apology from the likes of you.

let's face it, pointing out any error of obama is nitpicking, the messiah can do no wrong. the media has been largely silent over this. bush chokes on a pretzel and the media has an orgasm over it. pathetic.

red states rule
02-26-2009, 09:20 AM
this thread is not about Obama's spending, which most economists believe is necessary...

this thread is about Obama's saying that the car was invented in America.

For you to jump on that while forgetting your previous outrage at democrats' attacks on Bush's verbal gaffes is hypocritical... that is undeniable.

I never attacked Bush for his verbal missteps.... not once.

You would think the messiah, who attend law school, would know a simple fact

But of course it is not cool to say anything bad about the Chosen One

And by all means, ignore what Obama is actually saying and doing. It makes the Kool Aid go down easier

moderate democrat
02-26-2009, 09:21 AM
You would think the messiah, who attend law school, would know a simple fact

But of course it is not cool to say anything bad about the Chosen One

And by all means, ignore what Obama is actually saying and doing. It makes the Kool Aid go down easier

I knew that you would be incapable of admitting your own clear hypocrisy.

Let me know when you can.:lol:

02-26-2009, 09:22 AM
the fact remains... startng a thread about this sort of thing is indicative of a degree of pettiness that legitimately invites ridicule and, in the final analysis, cheapens political discourse...

and it seems as if your only defense is "you guys did the same thing to Bush".

you're just full of meadowmuffins this morning...again, the thread was not solely about his factual error.

further, do us all a favor and read slower so you don't make so many mistakes:

i bet you didn't call people out when they made fun of bush, but now you criticize those who don't even make fun of obama, but merely point out a factual error.

that is not at all simply that you guys did it too :poke:

02-26-2009, 09:22 AM
I knew that you would be incapable of admitting your own clear hypocrisy.

Let me know when you can.:lol:

post 46 :poke:

moderate democrat
02-26-2009, 09:23 AM
an absolute lie. but no surprise from you. i suggest you do everyone a favor and go back reread the OP and then read some follow up posts regarding other fact checks.

don't worry, i won't wait for an apology from the likes of you.

let's face it, pointing out any error of obama is nitpicking, the messiah can do no wrong. the media has been largely silent over this. bush chokes on a pretzel and the media has an orgasm over it. pathetic.I did read the opening post.... Obama said that the car was invented here, when, in fact, Benz actually invented it in germany. that is the fact check you posted about. that is silly and irrelevant... and, given the way that the right whined when other democrats (not me) would poke fun at Bush's verbal gaffes, this thread is nothing more than an homage to hypocritical irrelevance.

red states rule
02-26-2009, 09:25 AM
I knew that you would be incapable of admitting your own clear hypocrisy.

Let me know when you can.:lol:

More like you are unable to admit your hypocrisy. You would rather have a family destroyed, and an human being trapped into a cycle of dependency if it means more political power for your party

02-26-2009, 09:26 AM
I did read the opening post.... Obama said that the car was invented here, when, in fact, Benz actually invented it in germany. that is the fact check you posted about. that is silly and irrelevant... and, given the way that the right whined when other democrats (not me) would poke fun at Bush's verbal gaffes, this thread is nothing more than an homage to hypocritical irrelevance.

obviously you're drunk on messiah kook aid:

OBAMA: "And I believe the nation that invented the automobile cannot walk away from it."

THE FACTS: According to the Library of Congress, the inventor of the first true automobile was probably Germany's Karl Benz, who created the first auto powered by an internal combustion gasoline, in 1885 or 1886. Nobody disputes that Henry Ford created the first assembly line that made cars affordable.


other gems that show obama is not at all about change, more of the same political mumbo jumbo...(yawn)

and the title of the thread is about his speech moron. see also post 5 where i talk about other gems :poke:

moderate democrat
02-26-2009, 09:27 AM
post 46 :poke:

post 51:poke::poke::poke::poke::poke::poke::poke::poke: :poke:

02-26-2009, 09:29 AM
further, if i recall the car fact check was simply the first thing fact checked so i simply copied the first part and not the whole thing per board rules. so you are dishonest by claiming i made this thread solely about that one error. no surprise coming from youl.

but do continue to whine about your messiah being factual incorrect and how mean those republicans are for pointing out his factual error.

02-26-2009, 09:30 AM
post 51:poke::poke::poke::poke::poke::poke::poke::poke: :poke:

you effing moron, look at that time stamp, post made before your reply

ah, more NITPICKING by "moderate democrat"

02-26-2009, 09:51 AM
you effing moron, look at that time stamp, post made before your reply

ah, more NITPICKING by "moderate democrat" Once a liar, always a liar. Right Virgil?

red states rule
02-26-2009, 09:54 AM
Once a liar, always a liar. Right Virgil?

Same old same old

02-26-2009, 10:01 AM
Same old same oldFarting dust from his fat ass ulcerated asshole.

red states rule
02-26-2009, 10:04 AM
Farting dust from his fat ass ulcerated asshole.

Maybe he is eating to many salted peanuts while posting. Mixing the peanuts and Kool Aid is not a good combination

02-26-2009, 10:09 AM
Maybe he is eating to many salted peanuts while posting. Mixing the peanuts and Kool Aid is not a good combination Nah he had to give up salt because of his high blood pressure. The man's a powder keg about to go off. Hopefully his "lovely young wife" won't be in the "fine Federalist style house" when his gasket blows and his guts are sprayed all over the pet damaged furniture and carpets.

red states rule
02-26-2009, 10:11 AM
Nah he had to give up salt because of his high blood pressure. The man's a powder keg about to go off. Hopefully his "lovely young wife" won't be in the "fine Federalist style house" when his gasket blows and his guts are sprayed all over the pet damaged furniture and carpets.

and on the portrait of Obama and Marx he has on the living room wall

The ClayTaurus
02-26-2009, 02:34 PM
red herring and meadowmuffins

a fact is still a fact, obama got it wrong. why does it bother you guys to point out an error?Doesn't bother me at all. The hyposcrisy is what bothers me.
should we ignore his errors, especially one made on such a national scale?No errors should be ignored. If you want to take this at face value, that he really thought the first automobile was invented in the States, fine.
of course not, you guys are so full of hate that you make shit up about others who dare question the messiah.I have no hate in my heart. I suggest you reevaluate your position on me. I have also made up no shit about you; I have no problems with you or anyone questioning Obama. Hell, I have plenty of questions myself.
you guys are still laughing about the internets....I have zero idea what you're referring to.
and guess what, so do i, so you can take your self-righteous crap about whether i woudl defend bush and take a long walk off a short pier....i bet you didn't call people out when they made fun of bush, but now you criticize those who don't even make fun of obama, but merely point out a factual error.I don't remember who i did and did not call out. If you wanna go back and figure it out, by all means go ahead. Even if you assume I never once called bullshit on a stupid criticism of Bush, this last statement of yours reeks of hypocrisy. I know for a fact that you and many others bitched and moaned about the rude treatment, the harsh scrutiny, how unfair it was. And at the time, I empathized. Hell, I still do think Bush got a rawer deal than he deserved. But everyone tried to make it a party issue, that one party lacked respect more than the other. And now I reailze it's complete horseshit. This board has people refer to the Obama as Osama, the name of one of the greatest evils this country has ever faced. This after crying and moaning about Bush being called Hitler. There are several members who refuse to acknowledge Obama is their president, yet screamed bloody murder when retarded celebrities said the same about Bush. They call his wife a skank, yet are horrified about people having the audacity to attack Mrs. Bush.

It was despicable in your eyes when all of this was done to Bush. Suddenly, that's no longer the case with Obama? Either that or it is, but you're intentionally doing it anyways to what... get even? If you want to talk about self-righteousness, start there.

02-26-2009, 09:44 PM
no, what i did not like about bush was the crude insults as i said in my post and made clear twice to you now. fact is, no one insulted obama here but you got all upset and declared that people were nitpicking by simply pointing out an error. that is wholly different than the insults re bush...

if bush had said this, the libs would be all over him mercilessly, but good lord someone merely point out a factual error and obama supporters cry foul.

of course i take it at face value...."the nation that invented the automobile"

it speaks for itself, the words are unambigious

02-26-2009, 10:25 PM
Haven't seen any fact check of Jindal's speech. Likely because there weren't any facts to check. As for those who thought he was just brilliant...it's easy to look brilliant when your supporters are all wearing helmets and drooling on themselves. :laugh2:

02-26-2009, 10:28 PM
Haven't seen any fact check of Jindal's speech. Likely because there weren't any facts to check. As for those who thought he was just brilliant...it's easy to look brilliant when your supporters are all wearing helmets and drooling on themselves. :laugh2:

what....no dead horse...i'm disappointed in you bully

why don't you make a fact check bully, surprise us

The ClayTaurus
02-26-2009, 11:42 PM
no, what i did not like about bush was the crude insults as i said in my post and made clear twice to you now.Indeed, and twice I've responded that the tables are no different with this president regarding crude insults, certainly on this board.
fact is, no one insulted obama here but you got all upset and declared that people were nitpicking by simply pointing out an error. that is wholly different than the insults re bush...Fact is, I never claimed you insulted Obama.
Fact is, I was never upset.
Fact is, people ARE nitpicking, the exact same way libs nitpicked every little thing Bush did.
Fact is, I never claimed nitpicking = insults.
if bush had said this, the libs would be all over him mercilessly, but good lord someone merely point out a factual error and obama supporters cry foul.Be honest. Bush hypothetically says the exact same thing, and what's your reaction? You're going to start a thread about how Bush doesn't know where the automobile was invented? Give me a break.
of course i take it at face value...."the nation that invented the automobile"You take it at LITERAL value, which is fine.
it speaks for itself, the words are unambigiousWords, yes. Meaning? No.

02-27-2009, 12:21 AM
Indeed, and twice I've responded that the tables are no different with this president regarding crude insults, certainly on this board.Fact is, I never claimed you insulted Obama.
Fact is, I was never upset.
Fact is, people ARE nitpicking, the exact same way libs nitpicked every little thing Bush did.
Fact is, I never claimed nitpicking = insults.Be honest. Bush hypothetically says the exact same thing, and what's your reaction? You're going to start a thread about how Bush doesn't know where the automobile was invented? Give me a break.You take it at LITERAL value, which is fine.Words, yes. Meaning? No.

again, the thread is not about the one error...it is a fact check of his entire speech. the fact that this error was in his speech is why it is mentioned, gee, a major speech, his errors get pointed out....but you don't like it. odd.

if bush said it, and it was fact checked, then so be it. that is my reaction. i fail to see any evidence offered by you that i would somehow react differently if bush said it. further, who cares, we are talking about obama and i did not insult him as you now clarify. but you seem to be bothered that this glaring error was mentioned at all.

and yes, his words meant exactly what he said, the context was there and all. i can't honestly believe you are going to try to read into his words that he was talking about the assembly line...or some other part of the automobile invention....his words are clear and their meaning unambigious...

i find it odd that you would even put this much effort into defending his glaring error if it is no big deal...

amazes me how obama followers can't admit he is wrong, especially when you all say it is such a small thing....stop whining about people calling him on his error and admit he was wrong and move on....

honestly clay, i don't know why this bothers you so much

02-27-2009, 07:10 AM
<center><a href=http://news.aol.com/political-machine/2009/02/25/political-robot-bobby-jindal-shows-why-hell-never-be-president/>Political Robot Bobby Jindal Shows Why He'll Never Be President</a></center>

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

red states rule
02-27-2009, 07:59 AM
<center><a href=http://news.aol.com/political-machine/2009/02/25/political-robot-bobby-jindal-shows-why-hell-never-be-president/>Political Robot Bobby Jindal Shows Why He'll Never Be President</a></center>

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

BP why not worry about your messiah and how he is outspending and giving the country higher deficits then Pres Bush?

You were one of the so called fiscal libs who ranted about deficits and spending for the last 8 years - cat got your tounge?

02-27-2009, 10:15 AM
<center><a href=http://news.aol.com/political-machine/2009/02/25/political-robot-bobby-jindal-shows-why-hell-never-be-president/>Political Robot Bobby Jindal Shows Why He'll Never Be President</a></center>

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:


02-27-2009, 10:20 AM
Attempts to model unit after noted Earth human Barack Obama must extend beyond "ethnic minority" setting. [BP's link]

The ClayTaurus
02-28-2009, 06:03 PM
again, the thread is not about the one error...it is a fact check of his entire speech. the fact that this error was in his speech is why it is mentioned, gee, a major speech, his errors get pointed out....but you don't like it. odd.I find it interesting that this particular error garnered special attention above any of the others to you.
if bush said it, and it was fact checked, then so be it. that is my reaction. i fail to see any evidence offered by you that i would somehow react differently if bush said it. further, who cares, we are talking about obama and i did not insult him as you now clarify. but you seem to be bothered that this glaring error was mentioned at all.I can't offer any evidence of what you'd hypothetically do, unless I went back to previous Bush speeches with similar nitpickable mistakes and looked if you started threads on those. But I'm not willing to do that, so if you're going to claim you'd act no differently between Obama and Bush, I'll give you a big thumbs up and a long "riiiiiiiiiight" and leave it at that. I continue to have zero problem with fact checking. Irrelevant nitpicking by party supporters who complained about exactly that over the past 8 years bothers me.

But it's bothering me less and less with each post.
and yes, his words meant exactly what he said, the context was there and all. i can't honestly believe you are going to try to read into his words that he was talking about the assembly line...or some other part of the automobile invention....his words are clear and their meaning unambigious...Your opinion. Just like Schwarzan*gger.
i find it odd that you would even put this much effort into defending his glaring error if it is no big deal...I've put very little effort in, in actuality. I find it odd that you were so troubled by my response that you called me self-righteous and told me to walk off a pier.
amazes me how obama followers can't admit he is wrong, especially when you all say it is such a small thing....stop whining about people calling him on his error and admit he was wrong and move on....I can full-well admit when he is wrong. You're now attempting to dodge the larger issue of hypocrisy entirely by pretending my objections are just about whether or not he technically said the automobile was invented in the US.
honestly clay, i don't know why this bothers you so muchRead my posts; it's pretty clear what exactly it is that bothers me.