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View Full Version : Obama Less Popular Than Bush After First Month in Office

red states rule
02-25-2009, 10:29 AM
The liberal media would have you believe the messiah is so loved and so poular, that not only does most of America adore him - the entire world is caught up in Obamamania

Well, the polls tell a different story

The facts are, Pres Bush was more popular after one month in office then Pres Obama is. Almost 8 years ago, Pres Bush was at 62%


Obama Job Approval Dips Below 60% for First Time. Fifty-nine percent now approve as more express no opinion on his performance

PRINCETON, NJ -- For the first time since Gallup began tracking Barack Obama's presidential job approval rating on Jan. 21, fewer than 60% of Americans approve of the job he is doing as president. In Feb. 21-23 polling, 59% of Americans give Obama a positive review, while 25% say they disapprove, and 16% have no opinion.



02-25-2009, 11:03 AM
Well, the polls tell a different story

Not really. Just because he's lost some of his shine doesn't exactly make him unpopular. I think only disgruntled republicans are comparing him to the Messiah. The rest of us have a realistic viewpoint. :salute: And last I checked, 59% still counts as "most" people. Still a majority.

Bush was extremely popular too when he was elected and had high numbers for most of his first year. He enjoyed a great economy as well for most of the year too. He peaked just after 9/11 in a national show of support.

Sure, some hated the guy... but at that point he'd not yet screwed anything up. Even I voted for the man. He was certainly a much better choice than Gore in my opinion.

Obama on the other hand is currently in the middle of one of the worst economic times in many years. Thats going to tarnish his image, even if he did everything right.

red states rule
02-25-2009, 11:43 PM
Not really. Just because he's lost some of his shine doesn't exactly make him unpopular. I think only disgruntled republicans are comparing him to the Messiah. The rest of us have a realistic viewpoint. :salute: And last I checked, 59% still counts as "most" people. Still a majority.

Bush was extremely popular too when he was elected and had high numbers for most of his first year. He enjoyed a great economy as well for most of the year too. He peaked just after 9/11 in a national show of support.

Sure, some hated the guy... but at that point he'd not yet screwed anything up. Even I voted for the man. He was certainly a much better choice than Gore in my opinion.

Obama on the other hand is currently in the middle of one of the worst economic times in many years. Thats going to tarnish his image, even if he did everything right.

Not really? How so?

We are talking about where Pres Bush's and Obama's approval number at the same time in their first term

I month after being sworn in

02-26-2009, 10:41 AM
What part of my post wasn't clear? You said the media portrays Obama as loved by most people, but the polls tell a different story. Yet the polls show he has a 59% approval rating. 59% is still "most" people.

red states rule
02-27-2009, 08:18 AM
What part of my post wasn't clear? You said the media portrays Obama as loved by most people, but the polls tell a different story. Yet the polls show he has a 59% approval rating. 59% is still "most" people.

The liberal media IS giving Obama glowing praise as their coverage of him and his policies

The messiah's number has dropped from the high 80's to below 60 is one month.

Yet his White House staff in the liberal media continue walking down the Yellow Brick Road with him - and do not talk about Presidential approval numbers like they were with Pres Bush

02-27-2009, 10:02 AM
Approval numbers only become a factor when they drop below 50%. 60's is what any president should hope for and isn't newsworthy.

Higher than that is almost always due to some action of the moment, such as 9/11 or just after an election.

Come back when Obama drops to 50%, then we'll talk. And I bet the media will be talking too.

red states rule
02-27-2009, 10:03 AM
Approval numbers only become a factor when they drop below 50%. 60's is what any sitting president should hope for and isn't newsworthy.

Higher than that is almost always due to some action of the moment, such as 9/11 or just after an election.

Come back when Obama drops to 50%, then we'll talk. And I bet the media will be talking too.

Given the Dow, massive tax increases, the defcit, and increasing unemployment - we will talk in about 2 months


moderate democrat
02-27-2009, 01:00 PM
Given the Dow, massive tax increases, the defcit, and increasing unemployment - we will talk in about 2 months


have you checked to see what Gallup has his numbers doing in the days following his speech?:lol:

moderate democrat
02-28-2009, 04:03 PM
Gallup has Obama right back where they had him on inauguration day... and they show a BIG jump in popularity for congress... it would seem that America is pretty pleased with Obama and the democrats...:dance:

02-28-2009, 04:11 PM
I'm not happy - tripled the deficit in 30 days in office. Now his people say that a deficit is a "good thing". He is spending money we don't have like a drunken sailor!

moderate democrat
02-28-2009, 04:13 PM
I'm not happy - tripled the deficit in 30 days in office. Now his people say that a deficit is a "good thing". He is spending money we don't have like a drunken sailor!

you realize, don't you, that you - and the entire republican party - are in the distinct minority regarding that.

02-28-2009, 04:16 PM
Not when you consider that every economist in the nation also disagrees with "you" Democrats.

02-28-2009, 05:32 PM
Approval numbers only become a factor when they drop below 50%. 60's is what any president should hope for and isn't newsworthy.

Higher than that is almost always due to some action of the moment, such as 9/11 or just after an election.

Come back when Obama drops to 50%, then we'll talk. And I bet the media will be talking too.

I would think the biggest screwup in US economic history would parallel 9/11 as far as impact on Americans lives. Of course what I just said could be taken out of context and misconstrude into something else but I think you get my point!

Obama might have "lost a bit of shine" or whatever you said but by the time 2012 rolls around he will resemble a rusty pipe!

The man is a novice! A noob! (funny...huh staff), he's a popularity winner, not the most qualified. Being qualified has nothing to do with being elected president. Funny that the most powerful job on earth has no proof of qualification requirement. Hell.... he isn't even willing to satisfy curiosities about his birthplace. Frankly if there was the slighest question about my birth records and I had just been elected, I would race to the friendly press with a stasck of proof, ready to display so as to prove my "transparency"! I would probably give a speech like, "The Americvan people deserve to know the answer... so here it is." Imagine the missed opportunity to gain the confidence of naysayers in this regard he has passed upon.

His choices are terrible!@!!!!!!!! He can't even pick a qualified staff, the ones he did pick came with Clinton "ALREADY USED" labels on them so as to assure safety. He is a nincanpoop! A blubbering moron frankly, dumber than George Bush ever thought of being, who tries to sell himself as this great Messiah, answer to all problems.

Barack Obama is a loser!!!!! LOSER!!!! If we are not careful he make losers out of the entire United States of America also. After he has tapped the resources of the money makers in this country, where will he gat his next stimulous to recover us from this one?

He LIES!!!!!! He has made John Kerry look like a shining rod in regards to Waffling. Barack Obama has not done a damn thing he said he would. NOTHING!!!!! He is a waffler....... PERIOD!!!

What he did was use the poor, his own people, college kids and faggots to get elected President of the United States. Now watch him go!

moderate democrat
02-28-2009, 07:15 PM
Not when you consider that every economist in the nation also disagrees with "you" Democrats.

every economist? that's a lie. The guy who just won the Nobel Prize for Economics agrees with Obama...

and the POINT is...that a fairly significant majority of AMERICANS sees it the same way... and YOU and YOUR party are on the short end of the stick.:poke:

02-28-2009, 07:55 PM
You know.... it's funny that in almost every culture on earth and many religions as well as governments, elders are considered to be of higher qualification to know what is right for their people. I bet y'all know where I 'm going on this one!

Hmmm, statistics clearly show (and I am sure I will not be challenged on this) that the older we get, (usually), the more conservative we get.

Still with me!

Let's see! Democrats have been younger presidents and Republicans have been older.... generally!

Any dissenters yet?

Young folks tend to support young presidents, or democratic ones, older folks tend to support older ones.

If any of you Liberals are having trouble keeping up just raise your new Kool-Aid collector cups above your head and I'll slow down.

OK.... when was the last time a Democrat won a "landslide" presidential election? Unt-uh.......no googling! Stay with me!

Democrats have a serious advantage in all elections just due to this fact. Now... factor in that five states basically elect our presidents based on population. Economy pushes young people to major metros to find opportunity such as New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, etc,..... which of course vote Democratic.

Still with me?

OK Joe........................we'll wait!

Now..... look at the chalkboard. Conservatives are smarter than Democrats! Right? They graduate at a higher rate, stay married at a higher rate and change political affiliation at a way less rate. Basically..... they are more dependable, sponge off others less, accept responsiblity better, raise better families and all in all work harder and earn more money per capita.

You can re-read the paragraph if necessary!

The problem is, by virtue of population, more Democrats are hitting the voting booths each cycle destined to experience the mistake of thinking their lives will be made better by the greedy, lying ass politicians who prescribe to a "promise everything" agenda that keeps these foolish youngsters brainwashed until they reach a wiser age (30 or so - ?) when they start to realize that they have to earn what they get, which of course begins to make them realize they don't want to have it taken from them because they worked for it.

Now of course some folks never learn! Well... they do actually but aren't willing to get up and change anything. Hell there are some folks who are just too lazy to bend over and pick up a dollar.

Lesson over! There will be a pop quiz on this material so study up Libbys.

red states rule
02-28-2009, 09:58 PM
have you checked to see what Gallup has his numbers doing in the days following his speech?:lol:

I just have to check several economic numbers to see Obama is doing better at screwing things up at a faster pace then even I thought

red states rule
02-28-2009, 10:00 PM
Not when you consider that every economist in the nation also disagrees with "you" Democrats.

As long as VMD is breathing - he wilol worship Obama no matter what the messiah says, does, or the results of his policies

If a politican has a "D" at the end of his/her name - VMD will give them blind loyality

moderate democrat
02-28-2009, 10:10 PM
I just have to check several economic numbers to see Obama is doing better at screwing things up at a faster pace then even I thought

so... you WANT to start threads about Gallup polls when they seem to prove your point...but when the same poll tends to disprove that point, you run away like a girlieman. No surprise there.

red states rule
02-28-2009, 10:14 PM
so... you WANT to start threads about Gallup polls when they seem to prove your point...but when the same poll tends to disprove that point, you run away like a girlieman. No surprise there.

Obama is not as popular as he was when he won - his numbers are going in same direction as the Dow and the economy

I will sit back and watch you shift into pass the buck mode, and make the same lame excuses as libs did about Carter

moderate democrat
02-28-2009, 10:17 PM
Obama is not as popular as he was when he won - his numbers are going in same direction as the Dow and the economy

I will sit back and watch you shift into pass the buck mode, and make the same lame excuses as libs did about Carter

according to Gallup, he's right where he was when he was inaugurated. fact.

now...run away from it, girlieman.

red states rule
02-28-2009, 10:21 PM
according to Gallup, he's right where he was when he was inaugurated. fact.

now...run away from it, girlieman.

You know Virgil, your lies are so easy to prove. Obama was in the mid 80's on Jan 20 - now he is below 60%

How is that right where he was?

Not that facts ever mattered to you

moderate democrat
02-28-2009, 10:24 PM
You know Virgil, your lies are so easy to prove. Obama was in the mid 80's on Jan 20 - now he is below 60%

How is that right where he was?

Not that facts ever mattered to you
my name is not Virgil

Elmer... HERE is a fact:

can you read a graph, or do I need to explain it to you?


red states rule
02-28-2009, 10:26 PM
my name is not Virgil

Elmer... HERE is a fact:

can you read a graph, or do I need to explain it to you?


Not only are you still lying about who you are, you can;t bring yourself to admit your messiah is not as popular as he once was as candidate Obama


moderate democrat
02-28-2009, 10:28 PM
Not only are you still lying about who you are, you can;t bring yourself to admit your messiah is not as popular as he once was as candidate Obama


so...you CAN'T read a graph. Why not just admit it?:lol:

YOu read that graph and tell me what his approval rating was on inauguration day and then tell me what it is today.
I dare ya. pussy.

red states rule
02-28-2009, 10:38 PM
so...you CAN'T read a graph. Why not just admit it?:lol:

YOu read that graph and tell me what his approval rating was on inauguration day and then tell me what it is today.
I dare ya. pussy.

Take a deep breath Virgil

Obama's Approval Rating Drops 15% to 68%, But WHY?
Crimson Politics ^ | 1/25/09 | Brian Kane

Posted on Sunday, January 25, 2009 12:07:17 PM by Crimson Politics

Obama's approval rating drops from 83% to 68%, a 15% drop. There are several explanations for this, the only president to have a higher approval rating from Obama on Gallup would be John F. Kennedy. Maybe because unlike Obama, John F. Kennedy didn't just win on hype but on actual substance of his ideas.

Obama's first actions don't help his reputation much at all on EITHER side of the aisle.


moderate democrat
02-28-2009, 10:40 PM
Take a deep breath Virgil

Obama's Approval Rating Drops 15% to 68%, But WHY?
Crimson Politics ^ | 1/25/09 | Brian Kane

Posted on Sunday, January 25, 2009 12:07:17 PM by Crimson Politics

Obama's approval rating drops from 83% to 68%, a 15% drop. There are several explanations for this, the only president to have a higher approval rating from Obama on Gallup would be John F. Kennedy. Maybe because unlike Obama, John F. Kennedy didn't just win on hype but on actual substance of his ideas.

Obama's first actions don't help his reputation much at all on EITHER side of the aisle.


run away from Gallup Elmer... keep running!!:lol:

red states rule
02-28-2009, 10:41 PM
run away from Gallup Elmer... keep running!!:lol:

I posted how your messiah has dropped from the mid 80's to below 60%. I have backed up my statement - and you like a loyal liberal hack - ignore the proof

moderate democrat
02-28-2009, 10:44 PM
I posted how your messiah has dropped from the mid 80's to below 60%. I have backed up my statement - and you like a loyal liberal hack - ignore the proof

you have not proved your LIE that he was at 80% on January 20th.

I HAVE proven that he his popularity is virtually the same as it was the day he was inaugurated...and you can't show the grace to admit it.

pathetic, Elmer...truly pathetic.

red states rule
02-28-2009, 10:45 PM
you have not proved your LIE that he was at 80% on January 20th.

I HAVE proven that he his popularity is virtually the same as it was the day he was inaugurated...and you can't show the grace to admit it.

pathetic, Elmer...truly pathetic.

Same ol' Virgil. When facts get in the way - ignore them :laugh2:

moderate democrat
02-28-2009, 10:48 PM
When facts get in the way - ignore them :laugh2:

provide a link to a reputable polling site that had Obama's approval rating at 80% on January 20th, 2009.

I will bet that you cannot do that.

i HAVE provided you the link to the most reputable polling firm around that shows that Obama's approval rating is virtually unchanged from the day he was inaugurated and you can't QUITE bring yourself to admit that, can you Elmer?

red states rule
02-28-2009, 10:54 PM
provide a link to a reputable polling site that had Obama's approval rating at 80% on January 20th, 2009.

I will bet that you cannot do that.

i HAVE provided you the link to the most reputable polling firm around that shows that Obama's approval rating is virtually unchanged from the day he was inaugurated and you can't QUITE bring yourself to admit that, can you Elmer?

Ah, looks like Virgil can't except the fact his messiah is losing his glow. Get over it Virgil - people are not liking the change

moderate democrat
02-28-2009, 11:02 PM
Ah, looks like can't except the fact his messiah is losing his glow. Get over it people are not liking the change

can't come up with a link to back up your lie about 80% on January 20th?

why not just say so?

A greater percentage of Americans approve of Obama TODAY than voted for him in November.... his approval rating has been rising this past week and is virtually unchanged from where it was the day he took office.

THOSE ARE FACTS. You can only hide from them.


red states rule
02-28-2009, 11:06 PM
can't come up with a link to back up your lie about 80% on January 20th?

why not just say so?

A greater percentage of Americans approve of Obama TODAY than voted for him in November.... his approval rating has been rising this past week and is virtually unchanged from where it was the day he took office.

THOSE ARE FACTS. You can only hide from them.


Eh, CNN had the mesiah in the 80's Virgil

(CNN) – Hawaii's always been a great spot for honeymoons — and Barack Obama, who's spending the holiday season there on the beach at Kailua, is unquestionably having one of the best in modern presidential history.

Eighty-two percent of those questioned in a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll released Wednesday morning approve of the way the Obama is handling his presidential transition. That's up 3 points from when we asked this question at the beginning of December. Fifteen percent of those surveyed disapprove of the way Obama's handling his transition, down 3 points from our last poll.

The 82 percent approval is higher than then President-elect George W. Bush 8 years ago, who had a 65 percent transition approval rating, and Bill Clinton, at 67 percent in 1992.

"Barack Obama is having a better honeymoon with the American public than any incoming president in the past three decades. He's putting up better numbers, usually by double digits, than Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, or either George Bush on every item traditionally measured in transition polls," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

The poll also suggests that the public approves of the President-elect's cabinet nominees, with 56 percent of those questioned saying Obama's appointments have been outstanding or above average, with 32 percent feeling the picks have been average, and 11 percent saying Obama's choices have been below average or poor.

That 56 percent figure is 18 points higher than those who said then President-elect Bush's cabinet appointments were outstanding or above average and 26 points higher than those who felt the same way about then President-elect Clinton's nominees.


The glow is wearing off the messiah as people see the rusults of his policies, and the people he has hired in his administratioe

moderate democrat
02-28-2009, 11:09 PM
that CNN article is NOT from January 20th.... it is from much earlier.

Like I said... You LIED when you said that Obama had an approval rating of 80% on January 20th...and you continue to RUN AWAY from the FACT that Gallup shows his approval rating at virtually the same level as the day he took office.

liar. Let me know when you are willing to address the truth.

red states rule
02-28-2009, 11:11 PM
that CNN article is NOT from January 20th.... it is from much earlier.

Like I said... You LIED when you said that Obama had an approval rating of 80% on January 20th...and you continue to RUN AWAY from the FACT that Gallup shows his approval rating at virtually the same level as the day he took office.

liar. Let me know when you are willing to address the truth.

Eh, he was Virgil. Your boy is not the moderate he tried to pass himself off as.

He had very high numbers before he became drunk with power like most libs do when they are in charge

moderate democrat
02-28-2009, 11:23 PM
so...you admit that you LIED about him being at 80% on Janaury 20th?

thank you. That's all I needed to hear.:salute:

red states rule
02-28-2009, 11:28 PM
so...you admit that you LIED about him being at 80% on Janaury 20th?

thank you. That's all I needed to hear.:salute:

Obama Job Approval Dips Below 60% for First TimeFifty-nine percent now approve as more express no opinion on his performanceUSA Government Government and Politics Leadership The Presidency Americas Northern America by Jeffrey M. Jones

PRINCETON, NJ -- For the first time since Gallup began tracking Barack Obama's presidential job approval rating on Jan. 21, fewer than 60% of Americans approve of the job he is doing as president. In Feb. 21-23 polling, 59% of Americans give Obama a positive review, while 25% say they disapprove, and 16% have no opinion.



CNN Poll: Obama transition draws approval of 4 in 5 Americans
Posted: 09:05 AM ET

From CNN Deputy Political Director Paul Steinhauser

Obama is drawing the approval of 4 in 5 Americans in a new CNN/ORC poll.
(CNN) – Hawaii's always been a great spot for honeymoons — and Barack Obama, who's spending the holiday season there on the beach at Kailua, is unquestionably having one of the best in modern presidential history.

Eighty-two percent of those questioned in a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll released Wednesday morning approve of the way the Obama is handling his presidential transition. That's up 3 points from when we asked this question at the beginning of December. Fifteen percent of those surveyed disapprove of the way Obama's handling his transition, down 3 points from our last poll.


moderate democrat
02-28-2009, 11:29 PM
Obama Job Approval Dips Below 60% for First TimeFifty-nine percent now approve as more express no opinion on his performanceUSA Government Government and Politics Leadership The Presidency Americas Northern America by Jeffrey M. Jones

PRINCETON, NJ -- For the first time since Gallup began tracking Barack Obama's presidential job approval rating on Jan. 21, fewer than 60% of Americans approve of the job he is doing as president. In Feb. 21-23 polling, 59% of Americans give Obama a positive review, while 25% say they disapprove, and 16% have no opinion.



CNN Poll: Obama transition draws approval of 4 in 5 Americans
Posted: 09:05 AM ET

From CNN Deputy Political Director Paul Steinhauser

Obama is drawing the approval of 4 in 5 Americans in a new CNN/ORC poll.
(CNN) – Hawaii's always been a great spot for honeymoons — and Barack Obama, who's spending the holiday season there on the beach at Kailua, is unquestionably having one of the best in modern presidential history.

Eighty-two percent of those questioned in a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll released Wednesday morning approve of the way the Obama is handling his presidential transition. That's up 3 points from when we asked this question at the beginning of December. Fifteen percent of those surveyed disapprove of the way Obama's handling his transition, down 3 points from our last poll.


old news.... you lied and you can't admit it.

really sad.

red states rule
02-28-2009, 11:31 PM
old news.... you lied and you can't admit it.

really sad.

You can change your name nut not your political hack style Virgil

Good night Virgil, and lay off the salted peanuts and suger heavy Kool Aid. It is bad your BP