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red states rule
02-26-2009, 09:17 AM
Republicans should sit back, and say nothing for six months - and let the Dems have their way

I must say, at first I liked the idea - but when I think of the damage Dems could cause to the country makes me think twice about the tactic

Republicans Smell Weakness In Obama
by John Batchelor

The public may have liked the president’s big speech, but the GOP isn’t worried. Insiders say they’re raring for a fight, and that they think Obama’s in a very vulnerable position.

Here’s how it looked from the Republican side of the aisle. “[House Minority Leader John] Boehner told us,” a senior Republican recounted to me after the president’s address on the financial crisis to a joint session of Congress, “‘Behave, be cool, be nice, sit back, all smiles, no carping, no attacking the president, no trouble. For six months.’ And everyone is cool with that. The morale is great. The old guys are into it as much as the young. We just sat there through the speech and smiled and nodded. There was only one time there might have been towel snapping, when he mentioned there were no earmarks in the stimulus bill. The boys got a little rowdy at that point. A little out of line. Could you hear it on the TV? They were a little rude. The president kept looking to the Democrats for the love, and then he would look at us to act smug, and we gotta out of line at that earmark mention.”

The GOP House members are a randy, sophisticated, energetic lot, and they are eager for the contest with the young Obama administration and the Democratic House leadership. So far the House GOP has confidence that not only will they not be overrun by the Democratic hordes and their media cavalry but also that they are attracting the ears of the Republican voters who sense a phenomenon building from the ash-heap left by DeLay, Abramoff and the Rovian administration. The same young Republican members who voted twice “No” against the grotesque TARP plan and the false-tongued Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson in the 110th Congress are now joined by the old fogey leaders in the caucus already voting “No” twice to the gargantuan trillion-dollar Democratic stimulus plan with not a single Republican vote for it.


02-26-2009, 10:05 AM
It looks like they are taking the glock-tactic of giving them plenty of rope to hang themselves with before they slap the donkey on the ass.

red states rule
02-26-2009, 10:10 AM
It looks like they are taking the glock-tactic of giving them plenty of rope to hang themselves with before they slap the donkey on the ass.

The way the Dems are going, is their enough rope to do the job - or do we need to place an order for more

Abbey Marie
02-26-2009, 12:47 PM
It looks like they are taking the glock-tactic of giving them plenty of rope to hang themselves with before they slap the donkey on the ass.

Deft imagery, G. :laugh2:

02-26-2009, 01:46 PM
The way the Dems are going, is their enough rope to do the job - or do we need to place an order for more In 6 months we'll see. If the 2010 election cycle doesn't go our way, then we should give them more. Eventually they will have plenty. There is no limit to the amount that government can tax, regulate, and waste. As long as the GOP doesn't try to "compromise" and temper the largess, eventually the voters will decide enough is enough, and the GOP will reap the benefit. Who knows, the GOP may embrace conservatism again.

02-26-2009, 03:04 PM
There's trouble in Nancyland, Nancy had to put the vote off on the People of Color special price on home mortgage bill...(the bill where people who did a normal mortgage now have to allow banks to re-write the mortgages of ACORN types under the order of liberal bankruptcy judges... Imagine that, the judge can say... well how much do you think you can afford Rastis and if he says $500 a month then the value of his house is now $100K in stead of $300K) I think Nancy had to call Obama to send in some ACORN dudes... I mean Community Orginizers over to lean on the reluctant Democrats this weekend.

red states rule
02-27-2009, 08:00 AM
And co worker and good froend of mine is a BIG LIB. Now that I am back we car pool, and he is not as jassed about Obama as he was before the election

When I ask him about the excessive spending, record deficits, pork like Pelosi's $20 million mouse - he sighs, mutters "yea", attacks Pres Bush for his spending and tries to drag Iraq into evey debate

Seems my buddy who was head over heals in love with Obama, and looked forward to the change - is not a happy Obama camper and still suffers from Bush Derangement Syndrome

02-27-2009, 08:28 AM
And co worker and good froend of mine is a BIG LIB. Now that I am back we car pool, and he is not as jassed about Obama as he was before the election

When I ask him about the excessive spending, record deficits, pork like Pelosi's $20 million mouse - he sighs, mutters "yea", attacks Pres Bush for his spending and tries to drag Iraq into evey debate

Seems my buddy who was head over heals in love with Obama, and looked forward to the change - is not a happy Obama camper and still suffers from Bush Derangement SyndromeMaybe you should get him one of these


red states rule
02-27-2009, 08:32 AM
Maybe you should get him one of these


Classic CA

I went to the site and I will order some and hand some out to the libs at work

Thanks for the tip