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View Full Version : U.S. combat role in Iraq ends Aug. 31, 2010

02-27-2009, 05:14 PM
About dang time! Too bad Obama has to clean up what the Bushies screwed up in the first place.

02-27-2009, 05:27 PM
he is still going to keep approx 50,000 combat troops there...

really, this is not much different than bush's plan...

02-27-2009, 05:41 PM
And of course Gabby, you're not smart enough to see that Obamas plan is in essance not much different than Bush's....and will probably pan out exactly like the Bush plan....the differences are minor...

An existing U.S-Iraq agreement, negotiated under President George W. Bush, calls for U.S. combat troops to withdraw from Baghdad and other cities by the end of June, with all American forces out of the country by the end of 2011.

The 30-article status-of-forces agreement, known by the acronym, SOFA, acknowledges that the U.S. troop presence in Iraq is temporary and at the request of the sovereign Iraqi government. Article 24 of the SOFA requires U.S. forces to withdraw from all Iraqi territory no later than Dec. 31, 2011. U.S. combat forces in Iraq also are required to withdraw from Iraqi cities, villages and localities no later than June 30, 2009

02-27-2009, 05:57 PM
Gabo only sees what she wants to see through her Obama colored glasses.

02-27-2009, 08:00 PM
Gabo only sees what she wants to see through her Obama colored glasses.

unfortunately, typical dem...bush = bad, obama same thing = good

party over country

02-27-2009, 09:25 PM
Interstingly, the timetable Obama has laid out is actually three months longer than he promised while campaigning and yet there is no mention of this by the fawning thread author. No whisper of outrage at a promise broken. Nor does the thread author seem to have any concern about the increase in troop numbers and military action in Afghanistan.

02-27-2009, 09:32 PM
Gabby makes her one bullshit post and never returns to debate anyone....

Shes a hit and run meathead....

02-27-2009, 10:09 PM
And of course Gabby, you're not smart enough to see that Obamas plan is in essance not much different than Bush's....and will probably pan out exactly like the Bush plan....the differences are minor..And of course, Bush's plan is not much different than the plan democrats have been pushing for some time as well when they urged withdrawal that conservatives in turn labeled surrender. It all comes around.

02-27-2009, 11:45 PM
And of course, Bush's plan is not much different than the plan democrats have been pushing for some time as well when they urged withdrawal that conservatives in turn labeled surrender. It all comes around.

ya the dems didn't vote to send the troops......then they didn't bitch and moan that there were not enough troops......then they didn't bitch that the surge wasn't working.....now the will take credit for what bush said he would do....and leave 50,000 troops there and move the rest to afganistan and then when the war starts back up he will re-invade iraq and blame the whole thing on bush......

02-27-2009, 11:53 PM
Probably a nail in the coffin

03-01-2009, 08:43 PM
no surprise...not a peep from a liberal on this board and not a peep back from gabs. gabs....drove through (toll road every time, love the view and the time saved) OC 4 times in the last two weeks, so give you hearts for driving through your neck of the "woods"...but, come on...you made the thread...

moderate democrat
03-01-2009, 09:28 PM
Obama listened to his commanders and took their advice. I just watched an interview with Mullins and he seemed very impressed with his new boss.

03-01-2009, 09:36 PM
And of course, Bush's plan is not much different than the plan democrats have been pushing for some time as well when they urged withdrawal that conservatives in turn labeled surrender. It all comes around.

Yeah...the dim Dems would have you dive off the springboard before the pool is full of water....

get it Sonny?