View Full Version : Only His Hair Dresser Knows For Sure Or No I'm Not, Yes, You Are

03-02-2009, 12:38 PM
I am not insulting you RSR... I am merely pointing out the obvious: your command of the english language is not all that great. I did NOT say that Rush was angry. That's a fact.

And I would NEVER want to silence Rush. I understand that he charges up the base of the republican party, and I am perfectly happy if he does so. It is my belief that, while he may charge up your base, he does nothing to EXPAND your base, and does, in fact, have the counter-effect of annoying moderate republicans and independents. I really HOPE you all can follow Rush all the way to 2012 and let Rush annoint your next candidate. Really I do. I wish you, and Rush, boatloads of success.

liar, your comments unequivocally indicate you believe he was angry...if you didn't think he was angry, your comments make no sense.....but since you do believe rush is angry you said "if rush is angry, i don't care."

you are lying hack

moderate democrat
03-02-2009, 01:19 PM
liar, your comments unequivocally indicate you believe he was angry...if you didn't think he was angry, your comments make no sense.....but since you do believe rush is angry you said "if rush is angry, i don't care."

you are lying hack

you DO understand the meaning of the word, IF, don't you?

IF you are a one legged pelican, I don't care.

That statement does NOT mean that I think you are a one legged pelican... if means that IF you are, I don't care about it.

THAT is a fact... one would think that you'd be better at language than you are...given your "profession".

As I said, if Rush is angry - OR NOT - I don't care. I know that whatever he says or does, he will inspire the base of the republican party but that, whatever he does, his words and actions will do nothing to expand that base, will probably alienate the moderate republicans and independents, and will certainly inspire the democrats to be even more vocal in hopes of provoking further commentary - angry or otherwise - from El Rushbo.

sorry about that one leg, by the way!:poke:

03-02-2009, 02:09 PM
you DO understand the meaning of the word, IF, don't you?

IF you are a one legged pelican, I don't care.

That statement does NOT mean that I think you are a one legged pelican... if means that IF you are, I don't care about it.

THAT is a fact... one would think that you'd be better at language than you are...given your "profession".

As I said, if Rush is angry - OR NOT - I don't care. I know that whatever he says or does, he will inspire the base of the republican party but that, whatever he does, his words and actions will do nothing to expand that base, will probably alienate the moderate republicans and independents, and will certainly inspire the democrats to be even more vocal in hopes of provoking further commentary - angry or otherwise - from El Rushbo.

sorry about that one leg, by the way!:poke:

if you weren't an angry, repressed homosexual preacher, i wouldn't care

moderate democrat
03-02-2009, 02:11 PM
if you weren't an angry, repressed homosexual preacher, i wouldn't care

If I were, I wouldn't care whether you did or not.

the point being....my saying that IF you are a one legged pelican is not the same thing as saying you ARE a one legged pelican, is it?:poke:

03-02-2009, 02:27 PM
If I were, I wouldn't care whether you did or not.

the point being....my saying that IF you are a one legged pelican is not the same thing as saying you ARE a one legged pelican, is it?:poke:

as i said before, if you didn't think he was angry, then you had zero reason to make that comment....the comment makes no sense...but do continue to tap dance away from the truth per your MO...

dance away elf!

moderate democrat
03-02-2009, 02:37 PM
as i said before, if you didn't think he was angry, then you had zero reason to make that comment....the comment makes no sense...but do continue to tap dance away from the truth per your MO...

What you think I might have thought is irrelevant. I did not SAY that Rush was angry. period. Learn the english language. It might help you, you mincing fag.

03-02-2009, 02:43 PM
What you think I might have thought is irrelevant. I did not SAY that Rush was angry. period. Learn the english language. It might help you, you mincing fag.

how pathetic....in another thread you claimed i mentioned your identity, i did not and asked you to show me were in that post i did...then you claimed i was being a trial lawyer because we both know i was really talking about your identity...yet here, you weasel out of what you really meant

you're a lying hypocrite that has zero credibility and integrity on this board.

moderate democrat
03-02-2009, 02:48 PM
how pathetic....in another thread you claimed i mentioned your identity, i did not and asked you to show me were in that post i did...then you claimed i was being a trial lawyer because we both know i was really talking about your identity...yet here, you weasel out of what you really meant

you're a lying hypocrite that has zero credibility and integrity on this board.

I didn't see the announcement where mincing fags got to be the arbiters for credibility on this board.

The fact remains...I did not say that Rush was angry and I did not intend to say that he was angry.... whether he was angry or not is of no consequence to me... I know he will energize your base and I know he will alienate the middle and infuriate and bind the left. I do not care if he is angry or not....I say again...I do not care if he is angry...he will do what he does so well regardless.

And I never claimed you were a trial lawyer. learn to read. moronic fag.

03-02-2009, 02:51 PM
lying sack of cowdung:

as if you were some slimey trial lawyer

moderate democrat
03-02-2009, 03:03 PM
lying sack of cowdung:

as IF you were....

it is a simile...not a statement of fact...

another example:

the slimey lawyer smelled as if he had soaked in a tub of women's perfume.

that is not a statement that suggests that the slimey lawyer in question actually soaked in a tub of perfume, only that he smelled like he had.

get the difference?

this english language stuff is hard, ain't it?:poke:

03-02-2009, 03:43 PM
oh stop whining little acorn, as if you never get into it with another poster :poke:

shit happens...and be honest, it has decreased quite a bit, let it go

moderate democrat
03-02-2009, 03:49 PM
oh stop whining little acorn, as if you never get into it with another poster :poke:

shit happens...and be honest, it has decreased quite a bit, let it go

indeed yurt...let it go!:poke:

I dare ya!

03-02-2009, 03:56 PM
...moronic fag. Why do libs always use "gay" as an insult?

moderate democrat
03-02-2009, 04:10 PM
Why do libs always use "gay" as an insult?

we don't...we only use it as an insult when insulting folks we know would find it insulting.

see? what good is an insult if the person being insulted does not feel insulted by it?

03-02-2009, 04:19 PM
we don't...we only use it as an insult when insulting folks we know would find it insulting.

see? what good is an insult if the person being insulted does not feel insulted by it? Isn't it insulting to gays?

03-02-2009, 04:22 PM
Why do libs always use "gay" as an insult?

Cus conseritives never ever ever would...btw don't look up the page at yurts 'repressed homosexual' comment and we can pretend it's only libs that use gay and fag and so forth as insults.

03-02-2009, 04:26 PM
Cus conseritives never ever ever would...btw don't look up the page at yurts 'repressed homosexual' comment and we can pretend it's only libs that use gay and fag and so forth as insults. I never said conservatives didn't. But libs insist that gay is normal, moral and healthy, so why would they insult someone by calling them gay?

"Noir you are normal moral and healthy."

See, it just doesn't work as an insult.

03-02-2009, 05:28 PM
I never said conservatives didn't. But libs insist that gay is normal, moral and healthy, so why would they insult someone by calling them gay?

"Noir you are normal moral and healthy."

See, it just doesn't work as an insult.

Your logic is perfect Glock, the use of homosexuality as an insult by the very same people that claim to champion them is illogical. Liberals have always been logic-phobic and this is just another example of that.:coffee:

03-02-2009, 05:31 PM
I'm with Yurt. "moderatedemocrat" is full of it.

03-02-2009, 05:33 PM
I'm with Yurt. "moderatedemocrat" is full of it.

Referring to #11?

03-02-2009, 06:04 PM
Referring to #11?

i already apologized to LA in pm. thank you very much!

Abbey Marie
03-02-2009, 07:18 PM
Your logic is perfect Glock, the use of homosexuality as an insult by the very same people that claim to champion them is illogical. Liberals have always been logic-phobic and this is just another example of that.:coffee:

Yup. If I call a someone the "N" word, am I not accused of being racist? Trying to claim that I only called him that because I knew he would find it insulting is absurd.

I am still going to lose my job, and Al Sharpton is still going to show up on my front steps.

03-02-2009, 07:20 PM
i already apologized to LA in pm. thank you very much!

I'm not surprised, though that wasn't my intent.