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View Full Version : Limbaugh offers to debate Obama one-on-one

03-04-2009, 03:44 PM
I would love to see this take place. Very seldom does a liberal sit down with a conservative in a public forum, for the express purpose of debating the merits of conservatism vs. modern liberalism and socialism.

If Limbaugh is as stupid as his detractors keep calling him, or as wrong, then the detractors should be as eager for this debate as I am. Obama is truly a gifted speaker, no doubt, and is intelligent and articulate. He should be able to mop the floor with Limbaugh, prove him wrong in a dozen ways, if that's really how much better modern liberalism is than conservatism.

Of course, if Limbaugh is right in what he says, and Obama wrong, then it might not be Obama doing the mopping.

Of course, this will happen... when pigs fly. Liberals such as Obama (and his advisors) know what will happen when someone almost as articulate as Obama, promotes and defends conservatism, in a debate with ANY liberal. Conservatives have always had the advantage of being right, in their contention that limited government and personal freedom and responsibility yield greater prosperity than government expansion and dependence.

President Obama, of course, has no particular reason to want to debate Limbaugh or any other prominent conservative. He has the votes, and can simply hide in the White House and go along with the Dem majorities in Congress to put his agenda in place. I predict he will do exactly that, and will act like he's never even heard of Limbaugh's offer.

Still, it's a great thought.



Rush challenges Obama to 1-on-1 debate
Says president will own U.S. if he can wipe out Republican head

by Joe Kovacs
Posted: March 04, 2009
1:51 pm Eastern

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. – With Democrats targeting talk-show host Rush Limbaugh as the de facto head of the Republican Party, the radio giant is now inviting President Barack Obama on his show for a face-to-face debate about policies important to America's future.

"I am offering President Obama to come on this program without staffers, without a teleprompter, without note cards to debate me on the issues," Limbaugh said on his program today.

"Let's talk about free markets versus government control. Let's talk about nationalizing health care and raising taxes on small business. ... Let's talk about illegal immigration and lawlessness on the borders. Let's talk about massive deficits and the destroying the opportunities of future generations."

The offer comes in the wake of a published report by the Politico stating White House insiders have been targeting the No. 1 rated host now that President Bush is out of office.

Limbaugh said the debate could take place without spending a single dime of taxpayer money, offering to fly Obama to South Florida at the host's own expense, lodge him at the five-star Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach, and even feed him $100-a-pound beef.

"If you take me out," Limbaugh said addressing Obama directly, "if you can wipe me out in a debate and prove to the rest of America that what I say is senseless and wrong, do you realize you will own the United States of America? You will have no opposition."

"You've debated the best out there. You are one of the most gifted public speakers of our age. I would think, Mr. President, you would jump at this opportunity," he added.

Regarding his being placed on a so-called "enemies list," Limbaugh offered this analysis:

"It's amazing. In 1972, Richard Nixon had an enemies list, and the media was outraged by this. They were outraged. At the same time, those who weren't on it were a little jealous. But they were outraged that a president would engage in this kind of behavior toward the media. Now they go after a private citizen. Rahm Emanuel is leading the team going after a private citizen, and the Drive-By Media applaud, get on board and help further the mission. We live in different times."

As WND previously reported, Limbaugh has verbally slammed the economic stimulus plan of Obama and the Democrat-led Congress, calling it an assault on capitalism intentionally designed to harm the private sector and lead to bigger government.

"This is a full-fledged attack on capitalism, and the leftists Democrats have been seeking this for the longest time," Limbaugh said. "That's why they can't stop themselves. It is Christmas morning every day for these people. There's nobody that can stop them."

GW in Ohio
03-04-2009, 03:47 PM
Yup, Obama will "debate" Mr. Talent On Loan from God when the elephant and the mosquito square off with boxing gloves, and when those 50 chimpanzees locked in a room with typewriters produce the Complete Works of William Shakespeare.



03-04-2009, 04:07 PM
Obama doesn't have enough ears for ear pieces to tell him how to answer the questions. It would be a 1st round knockout since Obama cant go in scripted.

03-04-2009, 04:11 PM
Yup, Obama will "debate" Mr. Talent On Loan from God when the elephant and the mosquito square off with boxing gloves, and when those 50 chimpanzees locked in a room with typewriters produce the Complete Works of William Shakespeare.

I agree. And who can blame Obama for avoiding such a debate? As I said, liberals don't dare debate conservatives on the merits of their relative agendas: the liberals would lose huge. Why should Pres. Obama go for that, when all he has to do is hide behind his Dem majorities in Congress and sign their bills?

03-04-2009, 06:28 PM
would love to see it...i mean obama trashes rush and says we can't just listen to him...so come on obama, you're big time now, let's see you debate instead of just trash talk...oh wait, that reminds of some liberals on this board....

03-04-2009, 06:43 PM
Doesnt matter who is making the challenge or who is President. I just dont see a President ever debating a citizen.

Joe Steel
03-04-2009, 06:53 PM

Does anyone think the President of the United States is going to debate a hack?

I would like to see Limbaugh make that offer to anyone of a number of persons. Rachel Maddow, for instance, would destroy Limbaugh in a real debate -- by which I don't mean a radio rant where Limbaugh can cut-off the caller.

03-04-2009, 08:28 PM
Does anyone think the President of the United States is going to debate a hack?

of course not, he would be too frightened the hack would show him up.....

03-04-2009, 08:33 PM

Does anyone think the President of the United States is going to debate a hack?

I would like to see Limbaugh make that offer to anyone of a number of persons. Rachel Maddow, for instance, would destroy Limbaugh in a real debate -- by which I don't mean a radio rant where Limbaugh can cut-off the caller.

I don't think Obama will take on Limbaugh, as the results are pretty well written to be against him. That is what winning the election was about. On the other hand, it's the WH that has sent the masses to hear Rush, a talking head I've never been over enamored with, though many are. Seems thanks to the WH, more are listening by the hour, not just days. So, with the gauntlet thrown, not to be picked up, questions arise.

I see this as Obama's 'Mission Accomplished' moment, though it's yet to catch fire with a very friendly press.

moderate democrat
03-04-2009, 08:36 PM
would any of the republicans on here really have wanted to have President Bush demean the office of President by debating Chris Rock or Rosie ODonnell? Honestly?

03-04-2009, 08:44 PM
Rachel Maddow, for instance, would destroy Limbaugh in a real debate --

lol, she wouldn't last ten minutes.....

moderate democrat
03-04-2009, 08:46 PM
lol, she wouldn't last ten minutes.....

lol, yes she would...


oh...and did I say, "lol"?

03-04-2009, 08:47 PM
lol, yes she would...


oh...and did I say, "lol"?

crap, she couldn't even last ten minutes against ME.....

moderate democrat
03-04-2009, 08:54 PM
crap, she couldn't even last ten minutes against ME.....

ooooh what big cyber muscles you have! I am swooning!:lol:

so...you have an inflated opinion of yourself. what else is new?

03-04-2009, 09:00 PM

Does anyone think the President of the United States is going to debate a hack?

I wouldnt talk bout his Vice President like that.

moderate democrat
03-04-2009, 09:02 PM
I wouldnt talk bout his Vice President like that.

ba dum bump **rimshot**:lol:

03-04-2009, 09:08 PM
The thing is...the office of the Pres has it out for Limbaugh. Frankly, Rush would absolutely DESTROY Obama in a debate for at least one reason: Politicians can't REALLY be honest.

03-04-2009, 09:18 PM
The thing is...the office of the Pres has it out for Limbaugh. Frankly, Rush would absolutely DESTROY Obama in a debate for at least one reason: Politicians can't REALLY be honest.

As I've said, I'm not crazy for Limbaugh, but you are 100% correct. He'd mop the floor with Obama.

03-04-2009, 09:31 PM
would any of the republicans on here really have wanted to have President Bush demean the office of President by debating Chris Rock or Rosie ODonnell? Honestly?

Did Pres. Bush ever call out Rosie O'Donnell or Chris Rock? Pres. Obama did call out Rush and in doing so fired the first shot. Rush's challenge was analogous with Rush dropping trou, putting his family jewels on the table and telling Pres. Obama to put up or shut up.

The thing about talking heads like Rush is that if you validate them to the public at-large, you run the risk of demeaning your own position.

When Pres. Obama made his calling-out statements about Rush, Rush had to be chortling with glee as it's a win-win scenario for him, and it was one of Pres. Obama's making.

03-04-2009, 09:35 PM
The thing is...the office of the Pres has it out for Limbaugh. Frankly, Rush would absolutely DESTROY Obama in a debate for at least one reason: Politicians can't REALLY be honest.

Actually, I'd go a step further and say that Pres. Obama has one of the thinnest skins I have ever seen. Both Pres. Obama and his mouthpiece Gibbs have come off as spiteful and childish in a good number of their actions in the short time Pres. Obama has been in office. Compare and contrast to the classy way in which Pres. Bush endured the slings and arrows of his detractors for the eight years of his Presidency (and beyond). Clearly we HAD an adult in the Oval Office, whereas now we have a self-important man-child. I had hoped that Obama would live up to the high ideals he spouted on about during his campaign, but it seems that those ideals, just like so many other things, have gotten tossed under the bus.

moderate democrat
03-04-2009, 09:39 PM
Did Pres. Bush ever call out Rosie O'Donnell or Chris Rock? Pres. Obama did call out Rush and in doing so fired the first shot. Rush's challenge was analogous with Rush dropping trou, putting his family jewels on the table and telling Pres. Obama to put up or shut up.

The thing about talking heads like Rush is that if you validate them to the public at-large, you run the risk of demeaning your own position.

When Pres. Obama made his calling-out statements about Rush, Rush had to be chortling with glee as it's a win-win scenario for him, and it was one of Pres. Obama's making.

it is good that rush thinks it is a win for him...because the white house clearly thinks that elevating limbaugh to the position of de facto face and voice of the republican party is good for them as well.

rush will always rally your base... the problem for you all is, that he also strongly alienates the middle and energizes the left. your base won't elect a republican president... your base plus the middle and a less than enthused left CAN. Rush won't get you that.

red states rule
03-04-2009, 09:41 PM
Does anybody recall how Obama reacted when Sean hannity asked for a debate?

Obama said to a crowd of supporters (no fainting ones) how he was going to send someone else. I can't remember the name but Obama siad "he wouold tear him up"

Like with Rush, Obama has no desire to face to face a true conservative and try to defend liberalism against conservatism

red states rule
03-04-2009, 09:42 PM
ba dum bump **rimshot**:lol:

Damn. this looks familiar


moderate democrat
03-04-2009, 09:50 PM
Damn. this looks familiar


it's a pretty common idiom.:lol:
I notice that other guy used dashes in his... I, myself, would never use dashes in that way.

moderate democrat
03-04-2009, 09:52 PM
Does anybody recall how Obama reacted when Sean hannity asked for a debate?

Obama said to a crowd of supporters (no fainting ones) how he was going to send someone else. I can't remember the name but Obama siad "he wouold tear him up"

Like with Rush, Obama has no desire to face to face a true conservative and try to defend liberalism against conservatism

can you tell me another time in history when a sitting president has "debated" an entertainer? Wouldn't this be totally unprecedented?

03-04-2009, 09:54 PM
Did Pres. Bush ever call out Rosie O'Donnell or Chris Rock? Pres. Obama did call out Rush and in doing so fired the first shot. Rush's challenge was analogous with Rush dropping trou, putting his family jewels on the table and telling Pres. Obama to put up or shut up.

The thing about talking heads like Rush is that if you validate them to the public at-large, you run the risk of demeaning your own position.

When Pres. Obama made his calling-out statements about Rush, Rush had to be chortling with glee as it's a win-win scenario for him, and it was one of Pres. Obama's making.

exactly, obama started this and rush called him out on it. now obama has egg on his face and will run away scared from rush. i hope rush challenges any of the dems who want to trash him in public to a debate. either put up or shut up.

03-04-2009, 09:55 PM
it's a pretty common idiom.:lol:
I notice that other guy used dashes in his... I, myself, would never use dashes in that way.


03-04-2009, 09:56 PM
can you tell me another time in history when a sitting president has "debated" an entertainer? Wouldn't this be totally unprecedented?

Can you tell us another president or his spokespeople that have focused on an entertainer as the Obama team has?

red states rule
03-04-2009, 09:56 PM
can you tell me another time in history when a sitting president has "debated" an entertainer? Wouldn't this be totally unprecedented?

and when in history has a President whined so much about talk show hosts? Hannity uses about 6 Obama commens about Hannity during his shows intro

Obama has an obsession about Rush and Hannity. The man is very thin skinned

moderate democrat
03-04-2009, 09:57 PM
Can you tell us another president or his spokespeople that have focused on an entertainer as the Obama team has?

Michael Moore. Murphy Brown... ring any bells?

red states rule
03-04-2009, 09:59 PM
Rush challenges Obama to a debate, and Obama sends Gibbs out in front of the media to back down on behalf of the White House by saying that trashing Obama is "not productive."

Apparently trashing Rush was productive to Obama a couple of weeks ago. Now confronted, Obama runs and hides behinds Gibbs skirt.

Geez, I hope Obama has a "bigger pair" if he has to confront a real enemy.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/XL0HABWKf30&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/XL0HABWKf30&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

moderate democrat
03-04-2009, 09:59 PM
and when in history has a President whined so much about talk show hosts? Hannity uses about 6 Obama commens about Hannity during his shows intro

Obama has an obsession about Rush and Hannity. The man is very thin skinned

are you suggesting that the president is not allowed to publicly speak about the message put out by talk radio? Would you really have wanted President Bush or Reagan to demean the office of president by debating an entertainer?

03-04-2009, 10:01 PM
are you suggesting that the president is not allowed to publicly speak about the message put out by talk radio? Would you really have wanted President Bush or Reagan to demean the office of president by debating an entertainer?

LOL! Great escape, while it may happen de facto, the logic is not sound.

moderate democrat
03-04-2009, 10:02 PM
LOL! Great escape, while it may happen de facto, the logic is not sound.

can you give an honest answer to the question posed or not?

red states rule
03-04-2009, 10:04 PM
can you give an honest answer to the question posed or not?

I've come to one major conclusion about Obama. He doesn't read or understand history

Didnt he see what happened to Harry Reid when he decided to attack a private citizen?

03-04-2009, 10:05 PM
Rush challenges Obama to a debate, and Obama sends Gibbs out in front of the media to back down on behalf of the White House by saying that trashing Obama is "not productive."

Apparently trashing Rush was productive to Obama a couple of weeks ago. Now confronted, Obama runs and hides behinds Gibbs skirt.

Geez, I hope Obama has a "bigger pair" if he has to confront a real enemy.

that has to be the funniest thing i have watched in a while. obama thinks he is going to silence rush, so obama and his croonies go on this insult fest with rush and now this reporter calls them on their hypocrisy...and obama admits that it was counterproductive...

he waved the white flag awfully quick. :laugh2:

03-04-2009, 10:06 PM
can you give an honest answer to the question posed or not?

granted a president can speak in reaction to anything. As for 'demeaning' by responding, well if not demeaning in the first place, not in the second.

red states rule
03-04-2009, 10:06 PM
that has to be the funniest thing i have watched in a while. obama thinks he is going to silence rush, so obama and his croonies go on this insult fest with rush and now this reporter calls them on their hypocrisy...and obama admits that it was counterproductive...

he waved the white flag awfully quick. :laugh2:

It is, sadly, they typical reaction of our manchild President. He talks a good game, but when time to belly up to the bar - he goes belly up

03-04-2009, 10:07 PM
are you suggesting that the president is not allowed to publicly speak about the message put out by talk radio? Would you really have wanted President Bush or Reagan to demean the office of president by debating an entertainer?

then obama should shut up about rush if he doesn't want to be called out in his bs...simple really. if the president is going to go around trashing a talk radio host for his viewpoints, then be prepared to debate those points. obama is doing the same thing he complains that rush is doing, yet when rush says, ok, lets debate, obama runs like frightened puppy who scared of his own bark.

red states rule
03-04-2009, 10:11 PM
then obama should shut up about rush if he doesn't want to be called out in his bs...simple really. if the president is going to go around trashing a talk radio host for his viewpoints, then be prepared to debate those points. obama is doing the same thing he complains that rush is doing, yet when rush says, ok, lets debate, obama runs like frightened puppy who scared of his own bark.

This whole thing started when Obama said, "Stop listening to Rush Limbaugh if you want to get things done."

03-04-2009, 10:19 PM
This whole thing started when Obama said, "Stop listening to Rush Limbaugh if you want to get things done."

exactly, i have been saying this for weeks now, but the libs were all in favor of obama and his thugs keeping up the attack, now that rush told them to put their money where their mouth is....oooops, i guess that was counterproductive and hypocritical of us...

poor bam bam

as i noted a few weeks ago, the difference between bush's response to the dixie chicks and obama's repsonse to rush is telling...bush = mature world leader...obama = school yard immature bully

red states rule
03-04-2009, 10:22 PM
exactly, i have been saying this for weeks now, but the libs were all in favor of obama and his thugs keeping up the attack, now that rush told them to put their money where their mouth is....oooops, i guess that was counterproductive and hypocritical of us...

poor bam bam

as i noted a few weeks ago, the difference between bush's response to the dixie chicks and obama's repsonse to rush is telling...bush = mature world leader...obama = school yard immature bully

Michelle must have Barry's balls in a lock box

red states rule
03-04-2009, 11:09 PM

GW in Ohio
03-05-2009, 08:37 AM
As I've said, I'm not crazy for Limbaugh, but you are 100% correct. He'd mop the floor with Obama.

Obama has already engaged in debates....many of them.....during last year's primaries and then the debates with John McCain.

Then there was the election....which Obama won. End of story.

But now the talk show guy behind the EIB microphone wants to boost his ratings by challenging the President of the United States to a debate.

Not gonna happen, Oxycontin Boy. We had elections. Your side lost. Try to be a good loser.

moderate democrat
03-05-2009, 08:38 AM

it's all good

red states rule
03-05-2009, 08:39 AM
Obama has already engaged in debates....many of them.....during last year's primaries and then the debates with John McCain.

Then there was the election....which Obama won. End of story.

But now the talk show guy behind the EIB microphone wants to boost his ratings by challenging the President of the United States to a debate.

Not gonna happen, Oxycontin Boy. We had elections. Your side lost. Try to be a good loser.

Eh, once again it was Obama that fired the first shot at Rush. He has also fired some shots at Sean hannity

Obama must be worried about these guys since he talks about them so often

Rush does not need Obama for ratings. Rush has them - much to the dismay of Dems and other liberal talk show hosts

red states rule
03-05-2009, 08:47 AM
are you honestly suggesting that Rush has not been attacking Obama since long before the election? Are you honestly suggesting that Obama attacked Rush before Rush attacked Obama?

Since Rush is the voice of true conservatism of course he is going to disagree with him

To you that is attacking him

But for a sitting Presdient to single out a private citizen is an example of how think his skin really is

03-05-2009, 08:49 AM
Eh, once again it was Obama that fired the first shot at Rush. He has also fired some shots at Sean hannity

Obama must be worried about these guys since he talks about them so often

Rush does not need Obama for ratings. Rush has them - much to the dismay of Dems and other liberal talk show hosts

and it was the administration, not Rush that 'made' him the voice of the GOP.

moderate democrat
03-05-2009, 08:49 AM
Eh, once again it was Obama that fired the first shot at Rush. He has also fired some shots at Sean hannity

Obama must be worried about these guys since he talks about them so often

Rush does not need Obama for ratings. Rush has them - much to the dismay of Dems and other liberal talk show hosts

are you honestly suggesting that Rush has not been attacking Obama since long before the election? Are you honestly suggesting that Obama attacked Rush before Rush attacked Obama?

moderate democrat
03-05-2009, 08:50 AM
and it was the administration, not Rush that 'made' him the voice of the GOP.
for good reason.... it works for us politically.


GW in Ohio
03-05-2009, 08:53 AM
Eh, once again it was Obama that fired the first shot at Rush. He has also fired some shots at Sean hannity

Obama must be worried about these guys since he talks about them so often

Rush does not need Obama for ratings. Rush has them - much to the dismay of Dems and other liberal talk show hosts

RSR: Any Democrat with an ounce of common sense would not begrudge Rush his ratings. He is popular with the ever-shrinking conservative element in this country.

There will always be conservatives in the US, but their numbers are greatly reduced from the days of Ronald Reagan, when many more people considered themselves conservatives.

moderate democrat
03-05-2009, 08:54 AM
Since Rush is the voice of true conservatism of course he is going to disagree with him

To you that is attacking him

But for a sitting Presdient to single out a private citizen is an example of how think his skin really is

Obama didn't ATTACK Rush...he just suggested that people not listen to him all the time.

Again...to say that Obama "started" this is silly.

and is it any sillier than a vice president singling out a fictitious television character???:lol:

GW in Ohio
03-05-2009, 08:58 AM
Since Rush is the voice of true conservatism of course he is going to disagree with him

To you that is attacking him

But for a sitting Presdient to single out a private citizen is an example of how think his skin really is

Guys: Let's be honest here.....

Do you really think Obama thinks about Rush Limbaugh more than once or twice a week?

Do you really think Obama considers Limbaugh a threat to him?

Limbaugh is the voice of the dispossessed, the out-of-power people.....the minority.

It's Limbaugh's function to rant, and posture, and strut, and play the tough guy ("He's afraid to debate me.....yeah!") while his loyal fans cheer.

And it's Obama's job to govern, and get us out of the messes left by the Bush administration.

red states rule
03-05-2009, 08:58 AM
Obama didn't ATTACK Rush...he just suggested that people not listen to him all the time.

Again...to say that Obama "started" this is silly.

and is it any sillier than a vice president singling out a fictitious television character???:lol:

Being drunk on Obama Kool Aid you would not admit the fact Obama started his war of words with both Rush and Sean

Yet he does not have the balls to ste up and talk to them

Being without his notecards and teleprompter would put the Chosen One at a huge disadvantage

Not to mention having to defend his liberalism against conservatism - which is a loser everytime for liberals

GW in Ohio
03-05-2009, 09:08 AM
Being drucnk of Obama Kool Aid yu would not admit the fact Obama started his war of words with both Rush and Sean

Yet he does not have the balls to ste up and talk to them

Being without his notecards and teleprompter would put the Chosen One at a huge disadvantage

Not to mention having to defend his liberalism against conservatism - which is a loser everytime for liberals

RSR: You might say the recent elections, in which Democrats increased their advantages in the House and Senate, not to mention taking over the White House, were a debate pitting liberalism against conservatism.

Obama's already shown he can debate without a teleprompter or notecards. Did you catch any of those debates during the campaign?

red states rule
03-05-2009, 09:12 AM
RSR: You might say the recent elections, in which Democrats increased their advantages in the House and Senate, not to mention taking over the White House, were a debate pitting liberalism against conservatism.

Obama's already shown he can debate without a teleprompter or notecards. Did you catch any of those debates during the campaign?

I remember in 1994, when the Democrats were basically running against Reagan. Trying to invoke Reagan and Bush to point out why they needed to be reelected.

Rush said on his TV show, "C'mon! Bring it on!"

We all remembered what happened in 1994. Obama tried to play pretend conservative during the election. Saying he was going to cut taxes. He was going to cut the pork and the deficit

Does anyone doubt what Obama is now?

He can't play pretend conservative again. Rush has him nailed.

03-05-2009, 09:16 AM
for good reason.... it works for us politically.


Time will tell on that one. Too cute by 1/2 and already feeling the repercussions of it.

GW in Ohio
03-05-2009, 09:18 AM
As the conservative writer David Frum said recently, “If you’re a talk radio host and you have five million who listen and there are 50 million who hate you, you make a nice living. If you’re a Republican party, you’re marginalized.”

red states rule
03-05-2009, 09:21 AM
As the conservative writer David Frum said recently, “If you’re a talk radio host and you have five million who listen and there are 50 million who hate you, you make a nice living. If you’re a Republican party, you’re marginalized.”

Then why is Obama going after him. Obama supporters seem to want to ignore or spin the fact Obama started this

Rush has been and continues to be, the King of Talk Radio and does not need David Frum for advice on how to succeed

red states rule
03-05-2009, 09:32 AM
here is how the left is spinning Rush's offer to deabte him

Democrats Set the Rush Limbaugh Trap for the GOP
Submitted by jmeasley on Sun, 03/01/2009 - 22:43.

There is a new strategy afoot in the Democratic Party. The White House has decided to use Rush Limbaugh against his own party. The White House is making Rush the symbol of partisan division. They are setting a trap for the GOP, which they are almost certain to fall into.

On Face The Nation, Emanuel said of Limbaugh, “He has been upfront about what he views, and hasn't stepped back from that, which is he hopes for failure. He said it. And I compliment him for his honesty, but that's their philosophy that is enunciated by Rush Limbaugh. And I think that's the wrong philosophy for America."

Host Bob Schieffer asked Emanuel if he though Limbaugh was such a force in the Republican Party, and he answered, “I do think he's an intellectual force, which is why the Republicans pay such attention to him. But our goal, Bob, is to continue to reach out. And it's our desire that the Republicans would work with us and try to be constructive, rather than adopt the philosophy of somebody like Rush Limbaugh, who is praying for failure."


03-05-2009, 10:01 AM
Guys: Let's be honest here.....

Do you really think Obama thinks about Rush Limbaugh more than once or twice a week?

Do you really think Obama considers Limbaugh a threat to him?


red states rule
03-05-2009, 10:38 AM

red states rule
03-05-2009, 10:48 AM
and if anyone needed more evidence why libs fail as talk show hosts here is another example

Ed Schultz (who has ratings that barely can be measured) went off of this rant

Envious Ed Schultz Likens Limbaugh to Hitler
By Jack Coleman (Bio | Archive)
March 4, 2009 - 23:57 ET

Deep down, Ed Schultz is shallow, to paraphrase Dorothy Parker.

Case in point: Schultz's trite, cliched comparison of conservative talker Rush Limbaugh's remarks before a boisterous CPAC audience with Hitler addressing a Nazi rally.

Schultz, the top-rated liberal radio host in the nation, watched Limbaugh's speech on TV last weekend -- with the sound turned down -- and was convinced he saw "striking" parallels to the German dictator.

Here's what Schultz said on Monday's show, preceding his criticism of Limbaugh with praise for the late radio giant Paul Harvey

He was looked up to as a guy that would always, OK, give you the rest of the story, but also give it to you straight. But he was a staunch conservative, you couldn't get around it. But he told a great story about people and I think in some respects that's missing in our media coverage today, that we don't get the story about the guy down the street who had an amazing thing happen to him. It was sensationalism news, I guess you could say, but the truth, and interesting. And that's really what a broadcaster's supposed to do, bring it to you in an interesting manner.

It's kind of like the way Rush brought it to CPAC over the weekend, about how, you know, how interesting he was (plays audio of speech by Hitler over Limbaugh's remarks) Look, how many times do you watch the TV monitors with the sound down? I don't know how you watch television, but oftentimes we have the sound down in our home until we visually see something that we want to hear ...

So we have our monitors with the sound down. Now if you watch Limbaugh with the sound down, the drugster, he looks like Adolf Hitler! His animation is amazing! It's, the parallel is so striking. And then, of course, Rush is now the angry American. The angry American.

for the audio


03-05-2009, 10:51 AM
lol...so he came to this conclusion by watching Rush with the audio turned off.....in other words, Rush is like Hitler if you don't listen to what he says.....

personally, I think the Dems decided to target Rush because it was easy to change the graphics on all their Blame Bush signs.....

red states rule
03-05-2009, 10:53 AM
lol...so he came to this conclusion by watching Rush with the audio turned off.....in other words, Rush is like Hitler if you don't listen to what he says.....

personally, I think the Dems decided to target Rush because it was easy to change the graphics on all their Blame Bush signs.....

Well, you can't expect the Dems to talk about the economy can you?

The Dow is giving back most of the small gain it had yesterday

03-05-2009, 12:37 PM
Obama didn't ATTACK Rush...he just suggested that people not listen to him all the time.

Again...to say that Obama "started" this is silly.

and is it any sillier than a vice president singling out a fictitious television character???:lol:

obama did in fact attack rush. further, obama's administration further attacked rush. obama admitted that doing so was hypocrisy and counterproductive via his press secretary :poke:

GW in Ohio
03-05-2009, 01:09 PM
obama did in fact attack rush. further, obama's administration further attacked rush. obama admitted that doing so was hypocrisy and counterproductive via his press secretary :poke:

So this is what Republicans and conservatives have come down to.....

They're out of power. They're leaderless. They're rudderless. They're seen as obstructionists by most of the country. And the leader of their party is a fat, egotistical, drug-abusing radio demagogue.

And all they've got going for them is quibbling about whether Obama attacked their beloved leader, and calling the President of the United States a chicken because he won't answer some radio show blowhard's debate challenge.

Sad...very sad.....

03-05-2009, 01:17 PM
So this is what Republicans and conservatives have come down to.....

They're out of power. They're leaderless. They're rudderless. They're seen as obstructionists by most of the country. And the leader of their party is a fat, egotistical, drug-abusing radio demagogue.

And all they've got going for them is quibbling about whether Obama attacked their beloved leader, and calling the President of the United States a chicken because he won't answer some radio show blowhard's debate challenge.

Sad...very sad.....

yes, limbaugh is so weak and powerless the leader of the free world has to get into a school yard mudsling with obama and get his administration to trash him.

uh huh....

even bush didn't attack the dixie chicks, face it, obama is a school yard bully with the maturity of a pimply faced 11 year old who drank too much kool aid for breakfast

moderate democrat
03-05-2009, 01:58 PM
As the conservative writer David Frum said recently, “If you’re a talk radio host and you have five million who listen and there are 50 million who hate you, you make a nice living. If you’re a Republican party, you’re marginalized.”

exactly. And the more he is in the public eye, the greater both those numbers get...but they do so in proportions that approximate the bell curve of political ideology. For every additional conservative that Rush brings into his camp of loyal listeners, he alienates two or three moderates and at least one liberal who had not paid much attention to him before this. Again... making Rush the face of the republican party is a good thing for democrats. It is funny... if it were a good thing for republicans, you'd wonder why they are all complaining about it. You'd think they'd just shut up and let Rush gather new sheep into the fold...but somehow, they are upset that the democrats are making a big deal about it.

03-05-2009, 02:02 PM
exactly. And the more he is in the public eye, the greater both those numbers get...but they do so in proportions that approximate the bell curve of political ideology. For every additional conservative that Rush brings into his camp of loyal listeners, he alienates two or three moderates and at least one liberal who had not paid much attention to him before this. Again... making Rush the face of the republican party is a good thing for democrats. It is funny... if it were a good thing for republicans, you'd wonder why they are all complaining about it. You'd think they'd just shut up and let Rush gather new sheep into the fold...but somehow, they are upset that the democrats are making a big deal about it.

There are plenty of moderates out here, moderate liberals and moderate conservatives. Neither you nor Obama are. David Brooks said it well the other day. Most concerning is the 'class divisiveness, something moderates are seeing and not liking:


March 3, 2009
A Moderate Manifesto

You wouldn’t know it some days, but there are moderates in this country — moderate conservatives, moderate liberals, just plain moderates. We sympathize with a lot of the things that President Obama is trying to do. We like his investments in education and energy innovation. We support health care reform that expands coverage while reducing costs.

But the Obama budget is more than just the sum of its parts. There is, entailed in it, a promiscuous unwillingness to set priorities and accept trade-offs. There is evidence of a party swept up in its own revolutionary fervor — caught up in the self-flattering belief that history has called upon it to solve all problems at once.

So programs are piled on top of each other and we wind up with a gargantuan $3.6 trillion budget. We end up with deficits that, when considered realistically, are $1 trillion a year and stretch as far as the eye can see. We end up with an agenda that is unexceptional in its parts but that, when taken as a whole, represents a social-engineering experiment that is entirely new.

The U.S. has never been a society riven by class resentment. Yet the Obama budget is predicated on a class divide. The president issued a read-my-lips pledge that no new burdens will fall on 95 percent of the American people. All the costs will be borne by the rich and all benefits redistributed downward....

03-05-2009, 05:52 PM
Interesting email I just received:

Dear Kathleen,

During his campaign last year, President Obama promised to bring a new tone to Washington. He decried partisan politics and in a speech last September said, "We have real problems in this country right now and the American people are looking to us for answers, not distractions, no diversions, not manipulations."

Yet, just weeks into his Administration the President's staff has been caught engaging in a coordinated and cynical political attack game - the very diversion and manipulation then-candidate Obama attacked the McCain campaign for last year.

The apparent goal of this strategy was to distract public attention from the Democrats' massive spending proposals by depicting Rush Limbaugh as the new face of the Republican Party.

Democrats needed the distraction -- over the course of only seven weeks of the current Congressional session, Senate Democrats have passed more spending than the previous Administration spent on Iraq, Afghanistan, and Katrina recovery combined.

According to Politico newspaper yesterday, this coordinated strategy began with "conversations and email exchanges" taking place "in and out of the White House" between former Clinton political operative James Carville, the political team at the Democrat National Committee, and White House staff. The article goes on to note that "a senior White House aide has been tasked with helping to guide the Limbaugh strategy."

This is an outrage. It appears the Obama Administration has forgotten that the salaries of White House staff are paid for by you the taxpayer. To say nothing of the fact that this story reeks of hypocrisy coming from a President who campaigned against these very cynical political tactics last fall.

President Obama owes the American people an explanation.

His staff should apologize to the American people for supporting these tactics and diverting attention to the hard work that needs to be done to get America's economy back on track.

Please join me in signing this petition and calling on the Obama White House to come clean on this matter. Join me in asking them to work with Republicans on the critical issues facing our country today. The American people deserve better than diversions and manipulations.


Senator John Cornyn
National Republican Senatorial Committee

03-05-2009, 06:36 PM
Doesnt matter who is making the challenge or who is President. I just dont see a President ever debating a citizen.

Although I believe it is true, I believe it is very sad. Who better to debate a politician than a citizen. Politicians need our money, our hard work and our support, we are the very people who should be aksing the questions and demanding the answers.


03-05-2009, 06:47 PM

Does anyone think the President of the United States is going to debate a hack?

I would like to see Limbaugh make that offer to anyone of a number of persons. Rachel Maddow, for instance, would destroy Limbaugh in a real debate -- by which I don't mean a radio rant where Limbaugh can cut-off the caller.

Rachel Maddow would not be able to carry Limbaugh's jock. I have watched her show and all I have ever seen on it are people who believe the exact same thing as her. She has never once been challenged and she would not know how to respond.

All Maddow would be able to do is state liberal mantra about how the government and socialism will work, whereas Rush would have instance of fact where government has not worked, and socialism has repeatedly failed.

In responding to the Republican response by Jindal on Barrack's state of the union, she proved this point. Jindal discussed the governmental failure after Katrina, right after Obama laid out his plans for governmental growth in all areas. She was right to be speechless, Katrina proved the point that conservatives have stated time and time again, the government closest to the people is better suited to respond to the needs of the people. Although in this case Mayor Nagin was a bigger failure than President Bush. All those city school buses flooded in the parking lot was proof of that. Plenty of transportation to get the citizens out.


03-05-2009, 06:47 PM
Why won't you explain how Reaganomics led to 86 months of continuous economic expansion?


03-05-2009, 06:50 PM
Rachel Maddow would not be able to carry Limbaugh's jock. Why won't you explain how Reaganomics led to 86 months of continuous economic expansion?

03-05-2009, 06:54 PM
it is good that rush thinks it is a win for him...because the white house clearly thinks that elevating limbaugh to the position of de facto face and voice of the republican party is good for them as well.

rush will always rally your base... the problem for you all is, that he also strongly alienates the middle and energizes the left. your base won't elect a republican president... your base plus the middle and a less than enthused left CAN. Rush won't get you that.

That may be true that Rush can alienate the middle, who cares about the left. But if the stimulus doesn't work, and the economy continues to struggle, pushing people to Rush is going to give them a great opportunity to hear about other ideas, ideas that have long been the base of the Republican platform, although a lot the Washington Republicans have forgotten them.
This could cause quite a stir in 2010 with Republicans seeking to gain back seats in both houses.

It might make the left base happy the President calling out Rush, but if the policies coming out of Washington don't work, it will result in a back lash from voters who will definitely vote thier pocketbooks in 2010. For the democrats in Washington, this has been an all-in move (to use a poker term).


03-05-2009, 06:56 PM
If Limbaugh wants to debate the President, he can run for President in 20012.


Can anyone explain how Reaganomics led to 86 months of economic expansion?

03-05-2009, 06:58 PM
If Limbaugh wants to debate the President, he can run for President in 20012.


Wow, no question mark? :trolls:

03-05-2009, 07:02 PM
Obama has already engaged in debates....many of them.....during last year's primaries and then the debates with John McCain.

Then there was the election....which Obama won. End of story.

But now the talk show guy behind the EIB microphone wants to boost his ratings by challenging the President of the United States to a debate.

Not gonna happen, Oxycontin Boy. We had elections. Your side lost. Try to be a good loser.

WHy be a good loser? Tell me when were the democrats. To this day we still continue to hear about how Bush stole the election, despite several independent recounts by the newspapers that.....wait for it......Bush actually received more votes than Algore.

Or how unfair it was the the Swiftboat Veterans attacked their former commander. Lets see some 214 of them versus the 14 that supported Kerry.

Nor were there any complaints when a minority of Democratic senators decided to hold up votes on Judicial nominees by refusing to allow them to come to a vote. It seems that you are using the same what did they call it when we used it, tired argument.

Democrats won the election, so what, there are still Republicans in office and they can and will make life miserable.


03-05-2009, 07:06 PM
If Limbaugh wants to debate the President, he can run for President in 20012.

Can anyone explain how Reaganomics led to 86 months of economic expansion?

wow, not only is limbaugh very powerful and the head of the republican party, he is also an immortal...


there can be only one....

03-05-2009, 07:41 PM
WHy be a good loser?

How did Reaganomics lead to 86 months of economic expansion?

03-05-2009, 07:43 PM
Obama should challenge Limbaugh to a duel and let me stand in for him.

03-05-2009, 07:48 PM
Obama should challenge Limbaugh to a duel and let me stand in for him.

so you think obama is a wuss and can't handle himself....interesting

03-05-2009, 07:49 PM
yes, limbaugh is so weak and powerless the leader of the free world has to get into a school yard mudsling with obama and get his administration to trash him.

uh huh....

even bush didn't attack the dixie chicks, face it, obama is a school yard bully with the maturity of a pimply faced 11 year old who drank too much kool aid for breakfast


03-05-2009, 07:57 PM
How did Reaganomics lead to 86 months of economic expansion?

Seriously. Stop spamming.

moderate democrat
03-05-2009, 08:38 PM
That may be true that Rush can alienate the middle, who cares about the left. But if the stimulus doesn't work, and the economy continues to struggle, pushing people to Rush is going to give them a great opportunity to hear about other ideas, ideas that have long been the base of the Republican platform, although a lot the Washington Republicans have forgotten them.
This could cause quite a stir in 2010 with Republicans seeking to gain back seats in both houses.

It might make the left base happy the President calling out Rush, but if the policies coming out of Washington don't work, it will result in a back lash from voters who will definitely vote thier pocketbooks in 2010. For the democrats in Washington, this has been an all-in move (to use a poker term).


they have heard about the republican party's ideas for a long time. It is not as if the republican party has all of a sudden come up with a whole portfolio of NEW ideas. My guess is that the administration will soft pedal the Rush issue going forward. They have done what the sought to do: put Rush's face on the GOP. Rush has a lot of negatives. That has more to do with WHO he is and HOW he talks than WHAT he has to say.... IMHO.

03-05-2009, 09:14 PM
they have heard about the republican party's ideas for a long time. It is not as if the republican party has all of a sudden come up with a whole portfolio of NEW ideas. My guess is that the administration will soft pedal the Rush issue going forward. They have done what the sought to do: put Rush's face on the GOP. Rush has a lot of negatives. That has more to do with WHO he is and HOW he talks than WHAT he has to say.... IMHO.

wrong. they made rush look good

03-05-2009, 09:19 PM
wrong. they made rush look good

Indeed, IMHO that was no small task, but the gang that can't shoot strait did just that.

Now they have to answer to the 'icon' they created. If Obama goes head-to-head, without teleprompter, he'd lose. That won't happen, but someone chasing him around, calling him chicken, that might. Over time, effective.

03-05-2009, 09:23 PM
Indeed, IMHO that was no small task, but the gang that can't shoot strait did just that.

Now they have to answer to the 'icon' they created. If Obama goes head-to-head, without teleprompter, he'd lose. That won't happen, but someone chasing him around, calling him chicken, that might. Over time, effective.

yup. it is quite silly to go head to head with a shock jock talk show host with approx 20 million listeners. bush rightfully let the dixie chicks say their shtick and went on with his job. i believe the only thing bush said about the dixie chicks was when asked about people burning their records....he said freedom of speech is a two way street and then he smiled. i loved it...

also, bush didn't even dain to recognize the morons on airhead america

red states rule
03-06-2009, 07:38 AM
they have heard about the republican party's ideas for a long time. It is not as if the republican party has all of a sudden come up with a whole portfolio of NEW ideas. My guess is that the administration will soft pedal the Rush issue going forward. They have done what the sought to do: put Rush's face on the GOP. Rush has a lot of negatives. That has more to do with WHO he is and HOW he talks than WHAT he has to say.... IMHO.

People were suckered by Obama. he ran as a "moderate" but now governing as a liberal. The results are clear to see

I woonder when the Obama Daily Tracking Poll will drop below 6,000?

GW in Ohio
03-06-2009, 08:52 AM
WHy be a good loser? Tell me when were the democrats. To this day we still continue to hear about how Bush stole the election, despite several independent recounts by the newspapers that.....wait for it......Bush actually received more votes than Algore.

Or how unfair it was the the Swiftboat Veterans attacked their former commander. Lets see some 214 of them versus the 14 that supported Kerry.

Nor were there any complaints when a minority of Democratic senators decided to hold up votes on Judicial nominees by refusing to allow them to come to a vote. It seems that you are using the same what did they call it when we used it, tired argument.

Democrats won the election, so what, there are still Republicans in office and they can and will make life miserable.


Yes, that is what Republicans do these days....make life miserable for everyone.

Democrats are running the country, setting the agenda, and most of the country is behind them. While Republicans are sitting on the sidelines, carping and criticizing, saying, "This won't work," trying to obstruct, and all they're doing is pissing people off and building up even more ill will towrard themselves.

Oh, and I almost forgot......they're also carping about things that happened in the past (the 2000 election is over, guys) and bringing up stupid, chickenshit stuff, like, "Obama is afraid to debate Rush."

It's really sad what the Republican party has turned into....a bunch of negative, obstructionist whiners.

red states rule
03-06-2009, 08:56 AM
Yes, that is what Republicans do these days....make life miserable for everyone.

Democrats are running the country, setting the agenda, and most of the country is behind them. While Republicans are sitting on the sidelines, carping and criticizing, saying, "This won't work," trying to obstruct, and all they're doing is pissing people off and building up even more ill will towrard themselves.

Oh, and I almost forgot......they're also carping about things that happened in the past (the 2000 election is over, guys) and bringing up stupid, chickenshit stuff, like, "Obama is afraid to debate Rush."

It's really sad what the Republican party has turned into....a bunch of negative, obstructionist whiners.

Obama is making life great for his supporters. The Dow is down more then 3,000 points since he won, unemployment is up to 8.1%, business are shutting down, and yet Obama grooves to the sounds of Earth, Wind, and Fire at the White House

While people lose their retirement funds, and jobs - Obama goes after Rush

Obama dismisses the Dow as a daily tracking poll as invsetors show their lack of support for more tax and spend liberal policies

Obama is Jimmy Carter 2.0. But the Carter years will look like good ol' days compared to the Obama years

moderate democrat
03-06-2009, 09:11 AM
Obama is making life great for his supporters. The Dow is down more then 3,000 points since he won, unemployment is up to 8.1%, business are shutting down, and yet Obama grooves to the sounds of Earth, Wind, and Fire at the White House

While people lose their retirement funds, and jobs - Obama goes after Rush

Obama dismisses the Dow as a daily tracking poll as invsetors show their lack of support for more tax and spend liberal policies

Obama is Jimmy Carter 2.0. But the Carter years will look like good ol' days compared to the Obama years

I think it is really funny how you try to lay the blame for all the country's chronic economic problems on Obama even though he has been in office for just over a month... whereas, republicans were blaming Clinton for the recession that STARTED two months after Bush took office. It follows a patter. Clinton is blamed for WTC 93 which happened less than a month after he took office, and he is also blamed for 9/11 which took place nine months after he LEFT office!:lol:

red states rule
03-06-2009, 09:17 AM
I think it is really funny how you try to lay the blame for all the country's chronic economic problems on Obama even though he has been in office for just over a month... whereas, republicans were blaming Clinton for the recession that STARTED two months after Bush took office. It follows a patter. Clinton is blamed for WTC 93 which happened less than a month after he took office, and he is also blamed for 9/11 which took place nine months after he LEFT office!:lol:

Dems set the standard for the 8 years of Pres Bush. It happened on his watch

Dems have spent about $2 trillion in 6 weeks yet the economy continues to tank

03-06-2009, 09:26 AM
Limbaugh should be executed because he's a traitor.

03-06-2009, 10:06 AM
I think it is really funny how you try to lay the blame for all the country's chronic economic problems on Obama even though he has been in office for just over a month... whereas, republicans were blaming Clinton for the recession that STARTED two months after Bush took office. It follows a patter. Clinton is blamed for WTC 93 which happened less than a month after he took office, and he is also blamed for 9/11 which took place nine months after he LEFT office!:lol:

and we have yet to see you blame obama for anything....hmmm, what does that make you?

red states rule
03-06-2009, 10:10 AM
and we have yet to see you blame obama for anything....hmmm, what does that make you?

How about this for a start?


03-06-2009, 11:47 AM
Stand up and say no to a black guy.

--Rush Limbaugh

moderate democrat
03-06-2009, 12:08 PM
Dems set the standard for the 8 years of Pres Bush. It happened on his watch

Dems have spent about $2 trillion in 6 weeks yet the economy continues to tank

they haven't actually spent hardly any of it. Let's see what happens to the economy when they DO.

Also... I notice you completely avoided my post about assigning blame to Clinton versus avoiding assigning it to Bush. TYpical.

03-06-2009, 01:11 PM
The Reagan budgets were mild manifestos devoid of revolutionary purpose. They did not seek to "rebuild the foundation of our society", the task Reagan set for himself and Congress in a nationally televised speech of February 5, 1981, or even to accomplish a sharp reduction in the spending growth trend. The idea of seriously diminishing the budget was "an institutionalized fantasy."

03-06-2009, 01:34 PM
Stand up and say no to a black guy.

--Rush Limbaugh

if he did say that, do you see anything wrong with the statement?

Truth Squad
03-06-2009, 03:55 PM
I don't see how Limbaugh could debate anyone one-on-one. Limpy would not have the benefit of his call screeners, his mute/cut off button and his ability to shout someone down and follow it with overly pompous pontification.
Limbaugh is a cult of personality. He is the self-appointed Pope of the Republican Church. Those not willing to bow down, worship and put on the knee pads for gratification are not welcome in his world.

03-06-2009, 04:04 PM
Yes, that is what Republicans do these days....make life miserable for everyone.

Democrats are running the country, setting the agenda, and most of the country is behind them. While Republicans are sitting on the sidelines, carping and criticizing, saying, "This won't work," trying to obstruct, and all they're doing is pissing people off and building up even more ill will towrard themselves.

Oh, and I almost forgot......they're also carping about things that happened in the past (the 2000 election is over, guys) and bringing up stupid, chickenshit stuff, like, "Obama is afraid to debate Rush."

It's really sad what the Republican party has turned into....a bunch of negative, obstructionist whiners.

Most of the country... which is why 58% think we are going in the wrong direction. And of course, thats a triumph for President Obama.

03-06-2009, 04:05 PM
Obama is making life great for his supporters. The Dow is down more then 3,000 points since he won, unemployment is up to 8.1%, business are shutting down, and yet Obama grooves to the sounds of Earth, Wind, and Fire at the White House

While people lose their retirement funds, and jobs - Obama goes after Rush

Obama dismisses the Dow as a daily tracking poll as invsetors show their lack of support for more tax and spend liberal policies

Obama is Jimmy Carter 2.0. But the Carter years will look like good ol' days compared to the Obama years

I think we should stop giving Pres. Carter a hard time. I think he will be remembered more fondly than Pres. Obama.

03-06-2009, 04:07 PM
Limbaugh should be executed because he's a traitor.

Yeah. How dare he actually exercise his right to free speech! The nerve of that man! I mean where does he think he lives, the United States of America? Doesn't he know he has to believe exactly what the President says?

03-06-2009, 04:09 PM
I don't see how

Correct. You don't see it.

BTW, what do the vaporings and fibs you put after your statement, have to do with an actual debate?

Truth Squad
03-06-2009, 04:14 PM
Correct. You don't see it.

I doubt you see anything outside your bubble. You have been taught not to think, so you think. It runs in strict Republican households. The parents teach the kids not to think or consider anything outside of what the line is. They create the perfect world of no outside influences. The crass line of stupidity is evident wherever staunch Republicans gather.

03-07-2009, 08:04 AM
It runs in strict Republican households. The parents teach the kids not to think or consider anything outside of what the line is.

I have to admit he's nailed it.....the "line" is called truth.....and I have tried to raise my kids not to consider those things outside the truth.....

03-07-2009, 09:23 AM
Federal spending grew significantly under Reagan and the number of workers on the federal payroll rose by 61,000. By comparison, under Clinton, the number fell by 373,000.

03-08-2009, 10:45 AM
Many in the GOP wing of the media have charged that the White House is shining the spotlight on Rush Limbaugh in order to distract attention from the country's problems. However, Limbaugh and the GOP have demonstrated repeatedly over the years that they don't need assistance from Democrats for the spotlight to shine on Limbaugh. The party has honored and defended him repeatedly, the media have praised him, and Limbaugh has thrust himself into the spotlight countless times through his outrageous comments and conduct.

For example:

Ronald Reagan wrote an "unsolicited note" in which he called Limbaugh "the Number One voice for conservatism in our Country" and stated, "Keep up the good work. America needs to hear the way things ought to be."

Vice President Dan Quayle said of Limbaugh: "I know the Republican Party listens to him. He's got the pulse of our rank and file."