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View Full Version : A New Appreciation For Muslims

03-07-2009, 12:23 PM
After spending several hours this week with a guy who was raised a Muslim in Mali but converted to Christ at the age of 22 I have a new appreciation for Muslims.
I have found that Muslims are smarter than allot of Westerners. They are smart enough to outright reject evolution even though it is being forced on them in school, to accept a 6 day literal creation and they believe there is a God. While they are wrong on the aspects of creation and have no idea who the one true and living God is they are still smarter than any evolutionist.

03-07-2009, 12:51 PM
After spending several hours this week with a guy who was raised a Muslim in Mali but converted to Christ at the age of 22 I have a new appreciation for Muslims.
I have found that Muslims are smarter than allot of Westerners. They are smart enough to outright reject evolution even though it is being forced on them in school, to accept a 6 day literal creation and they believe there is a God. While they are wrong on the aspects of creation and have no idea who the one true and living God is they are still smarter than any evolutionist.

Dark-agers who wipe their ass with their bare hands...yep...geniuses all. There's nothing intelligent about blind faith in ancient mythology.

03-07-2009, 01:41 PM
After spending several hours this week with a guy who was raised a Muslim in Mali but converted to Christ at the age of 22 I have a new appreciation for Muslims.
I have found that Muslims are smarter than allot of Westerners. They are smart enough to outright reject evolution even though it is being forced on them in school, to accept a 6 day literal creation and they believe there is a God. While they are wrong on the aspects of creation and have no idea who the one true and living God is they are still smarter than any evolutionist.

They simply don't embrace far left Darwinism. The far left have always embraced philosophies with Darwinism embeded in them, such as Communism, socialism, and Nazism. Islam represents the far right religious nuts that believe religion should be forced upon people. Just because they reject ideas from the far left doesn't make them moderate in any way, or any "smarter". Both sides are still lunatic extremists.

03-07-2009, 01:54 PM
They simply don't embrace far left Darwinism. The far left have always embraced philosophies with Darwinism embeded in them, such as Communism, socialism, and Nazism. Islam represents the far right religious nuts that believe religion should be forced upon people. Just because they reject ideas from the far left doesn't make them moderate in any way, or any "smarter". Both sides are still lunatic extremists.

I am completely opposed to islam and I disagree that they are far right. They are far left in their beliefs since islam is a complete dictatorship. Their is no freedom in islam.

I just think that it is interesting that muslims reject evolution and believe in a 6 day literal creation.

03-07-2009, 02:14 PM
I am completely opposed to islam and I disagree that they are far right. They are far left in their beliefs since islam is a complete dictatorship. Their is no freedom in islam.

I just think that it is interesting that muslims reject evolution and believe in a 6 day literal creation.

I think the right left dichotemy is pointless since there really isnt a linear spectrum.

Islam actually was pretty revolutionary in its earlier days. I think thats one of the reasons it was so successful.

Course, my dispute is that you cant tell that what is called Islam today is anything like what Mohammad actually taught. But then im not sure alot of Christianity is anything like what Christ and the Apostles taught.

Truth Squad
03-09-2009, 01:58 PM
Muslims and Christians are pretty much the same. They both believe in the concept of some supreme being who controls their destiny. And they are both willing to resort to hatred and violence to get their point across.
Religion is by far the No. 1 reason for deaths throughout the world. The U.S. had an idiot president who preached violence and hatred. Most of the Muslim world has idiot leaders who preach violence and hatred.
Their respective followers are possessed with fear, hatred and utter stupidity.

03-09-2009, 04:35 PM
Muslims and Christians are pretty much the same. They both believe in the concept of some supreme being who controls their destiny. And they are both willing to resort to hatred and violence to get their point across.
Religion is by far the No. 1 reason for deaths throughout the world. The U.S. had an idiot president who preached violence and hatred. Most of the Muslim world has idiot leaders who preach violence and hatred.
Their respective followers are possessed with fear, hatred and utter stupidity.

religion is not the reason. the people who commit the deaths are the reason. stated correctly, it is not necessarily the faith that causes the deaths, it is the people who cause the deaths. this is not to say that some faiths are wrong and their followeres more violent or evil, it is only to say that people commit the deaths, not the faith or religion.

such a belief is a cop out. it allows people to marginalize religion and faith and make those people, like you truthmatters, sleep well at night for bashing religion and faith.