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View Full Version : Glenn Beck Legalize Marijuana & Stop The Violence

03-09-2009, 02:16 PM
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03-09-2009, 03:46 PM
just having this discussion with my wife this weekend. the current street price of high quality marijuana is approximately $400 an ounce. imagine legalizing marijuana, regulating it like alcohol and then taxing it. for hypothetical purposes (as i have no idea the actual cost) that it costs a total of $100 to produce one ounce of marijuana. this includes everything. i am sure the actual cost is a lot lower, but for this hypo. then let's say the government taxes $100 for each ounce of marijuana sold. the manufacturer still wants a healthy profit, however, since it is now legal, he can probably lower the price as certain security measures are no longer needed. so let's assume the manufacturer gets a healthy $150 per ounce profit, a healthy profit on any crop. the price is now $50 less than the illegal street price and likely to go down as competition grows.

the consumer benefits. the government makes an obscene amount of tax revenue and throw in the fact that the government will not have to pay to fight marijuana use...i think the government will reap 10's of billions of dollars a year in tax money.

a win-win situation.

03-09-2009, 05:20 PM
It should be legalized so the powers that be can move on and concentrate on matters that are far more important. It's the lowest drug on the addiction totem pole, for crying out loud. The health hazards just aren't there like with many other drugs, such as crack, heroin etc. It's way beyond time to put effort into other things rather than wasting time and money on locking people up for using it.

Give me a break!

03-09-2009, 05:59 PM
I have yet to see any good argument against legalization.

03-09-2009, 06:01 PM
I have yet to see any good argument against legalization.

The strongest always was its function as a 'gateway drug.' That function however is a result of being illegal.

03-09-2009, 06:03 PM
The strongest always was its function as a 'gateway drug.' That function however is a result of being illegal.

Absolutely. If you can buy marijuana at a pharmacy, and you still have to go to the back alley to get meth or coke, meth and coke sales will logically fall.

03-09-2009, 06:43 PM
The strongest always was its function as a 'gateway drug.' That function however is a result of being illegal.

absolutely true. if marijuana is legal and regulated like alcohol, the gateway myth will go away. it is only gateway because you have to to through dealers who also sell other drugs, hard core drugs that probably make more money. they of course will push such drugs and tell you how great they are. its just like alcohol, make it illegal and empower thugs.

this is not like crack, coke, meth, heroin....it is similar to alcohol, a social drug, you can abuse it, but it is nothing like coke, meth or heroin....how many people do you know who have od'd on ganja?

03-09-2009, 06:49 PM
absolutely true. if marijuana is legal and regulated like alcohol, the gateway myth will go away. it is only gateway because you have to to through dealers who also sell other drugs, hard core drugs that probably make more money. they of course will push such drugs and tell you how great they are. its just like alcohol, make it illegal and empower thugs.

this is not like crack, coke, meth, heroin....it is similar to alcohol, a social drug, you can abuse it, but it is nothing like coke, meth or heroin....how many people do you know who have od'd on ganja?

Indeed, very much a prohibition act.

03-09-2009, 06:51 PM
Cigarettes are by far the definitive gateway drug.

03-09-2009, 06:55 PM
Cigarettes are by far the definitive gateway drug.

Really? They put the kids in contact with hard drug pushers?

03-09-2009, 06:59 PM
Really? They put the kids in contact with hard drug pushers?

No, but they are readily available, they are addictive as all hell, and there is more than one study (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=cigarettes+the+gateway+drug&aq=f&oq=) that points to tobacco use among teens increases the likelihood that they will experiment with harder drugs.

03-09-2009, 07:08 PM
No, but they are readily available, they are addictive as all hell, and there is more than one study (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=cigarettes+the+gateway+drug&aq=f&oq=) that points to tobacco use among teens increases the likelihood that they will experiment with harder drugs.

I'd say the take is wrong. The same kids that seek out cigarettes are the same that may seek out drugs. Since most kids get the cigs from home, or theirs or friends, not a 'gateway', unless parents are also into drugs.

03-09-2009, 08:02 PM
Cigarettes are by far the definitive gateway drug.

Really meathead ? What do they lead to .....cigars ?:lol::lol::lol:

03-09-2009, 08:21 PM
Really meathead ? What do they lead to .....cigars ?:lol::lol::lol:

Is there any need for insults?

This is my opinion, and the opinion of many others. Others much more learned than myself. Tobacco is more often than not the first drug tried by many folks. For what it's worth, I have never seen anyone who was addicted to marijuana, but the number of people I have seen addicted to tobacco is overwhelming.

03-09-2009, 08:49 PM
Is there any need for insults?

This is my opinion, and the opinion of many others. Others much more learned than myself. Tobacco is more often than not the first drug tried by many folks. For what it's worth, I have never seen anyone who was addicted to marijuana, but the number of people I have seen addicted to tobacco is overwhelming.

Yeah, sorry....but to claim tobacco leads to any other drug use is uniquely stupid....
ok...so why is grass prohibited...whats the overriding reason in your opinion...

grass....Grow it and use it...nobodies business
tobacco?...its nobodies business but yours
prostitution? .... no victims...again nobodies business
alcohol?.... again nobodies business
gambling?...again nobodies business
suicide? ....again nobodies business
eat dogs and cats....again nobodies business

03-09-2009, 09:14 PM
Originally, bigotry and the Depression. Currently, I think the drug companies lobby hard to keep it illegal. The don't want the competition.

03-09-2009, 10:02 PM
milk is a gateway drug for CocaCola......OH!, envisions new signature line.....

03-09-2009, 10:06 PM
milk is a gateway drug for CocaCola......

Actually birth is the ultimate gateway to all that might be wrong to do. In US a myriad of drugs, same with others. In others, birth may mean starvation; Good news for many, dying for lack of food, may not be that far from the end of the road.

03-10-2009, 12:12 AM
Originally, bigotry and the Depression. Currently, I think the drug companies lobby hard to keep it illegal. The don't want the competition.

Other than a pain killer Marijuana has no other medicinal properties, it does not cure any disease. I find it funny that the FDA can regulate drugs that are used as medicines, removing some that have side effects but otherwise actually help patients. There have been a rash of states that have passed legislation allowing for the medicinal use of Marijuana, however, to this date, the FDA has not yet regulated it.

Once upon a time, I believed it was a gateway drug. I no longer hold that opinion. I believe that California is thinking of legalizing Marijuana and plans to tax it to help reduce their large budget deficeit. I think the Federal Government should do the same. Because eventually, Marijuana will get the same treatment as Cigarettes, and have people suing who die from its use, much like the current cases pending against tobacco regarding cancer. Marijuana contains ten times the carcinogens as does cigarettes. It is a cash cow just waiting for the government to exploit.


03-10-2009, 12:22 AM
Weed has been proven repeatedly to subside if not cure eye diseases such as glaucoma and relieve symptoms of diarrhea, constipation and other more mentally incapabilities beyond just full of shit.

Other than a pain killer Marijuana has no other medicinal properties, it does not cure any disease. I find it funny that the FDA can regulate drugs that are used as medicines, removing some that have side effects but otherwise actually help patients. There have been a rash of states that have passed legislation allowing for the medicinal use of Marijuana, however, to this date, the FDA has not yet regulated it.

Once upon a time, I believed it was a gateway drug. I no longer hold that opinion. I believe that California is thinking of legalizing Marijuana and plans to tax it to help reduce their large budget deficeit. I think the Federal Government should do the same. Because eventually, Marijuana will get the same treatment as Cigarettes, and have people suing who die from its use, much like the current cases pending against tobacco regarding cancer. Marijuana contains ten times the carcinogens as does cigarettes. It is a cash cow just waiting for the government to exploit.


Do you have a problem with any of that science?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?



03-10-2009, 01:04 PM
absolutely true. if marijuana is legal and regulated like alcohol, the gateway myth will go away. it is only gateway because you have to to through dealers who also sell other drugs, hard core drugs that probably make more money. they of course will push such drugs and tell you how great they are. its just like alcohol, make it illegal and empower thugs.

this is not like crack, coke, meth, heroin....it is similar to alcohol, a social drug, you can abuse it, but it is nothing like coke, meth or heroin....how many people do you know who have od'd on ganja?

Smoking weed will give one a serious case of the munchies where you search the house over for something to devour. And then you'll want to take a nice long nap once you've munched. It mellows one out. Relaxes the mind and body and eases whatever pain one may have. Gateway drug, my ass!

If someone moves on to a harder and more dangerous drug, it's because that person is weak minded and wants to experience an even bigger high. It isn't because weed leads them to it. Bullpucky!

03-10-2009, 04:45 PM
Smoking weed will give one a serious case of the munchies where you search the house over for something to devour. And then you'll want to take a nice long nap once you've munched. It mellows one out. Relaxes the mind and body and eases whatever pain one may have. Gateway drug, my ass!

If someone moves on to a harder and more dangerous drug, it's because that person is weak minded and wants to experience an even bigger high. It isn't because weed leads them to it. Bullpucky!

The 'gateway' tag is because it is illegal. You buy grass from someone selling it illegally. Oftentimes that person has ties to those that sell harder drugs. There is also the possibility of the grass being laced with another, addictive drug. Take away the 'illegal' you take away the issues of 'gateway.'

03-10-2009, 05:55 PM
An important service message about drugs:


03-10-2009, 06:26 PM
Will people grow marijuana on their own property, cutting out the gov't? Perhaps. But in no greater numbers than those that don't have to buy veggies at the market.

03-10-2009, 07:18 PM
Will people grow marijuana on their own property, cutting out the gov't? Perhaps. But in no greater numbers than those that don't have to buy veggies at the market.


yeah, and moonshiners....

03-10-2009, 08:07 PM

yeah, and moonshiners....

Yeah 'moonshiners' post repeal, that's my point. Cut out the gateway!

03-11-2009, 03:51 AM
Weed has been proven repeatedly to subside if not cure eye diseases such as glaucoma and relieve symptoms of diarrhea, constipation and other more mentally incapabilities beyond just full of shit.

Do you have a problem with any of that science?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?



Yes, I do. It seems that Marijuana is an unrealistic cure for glaucoma (http://www.glaucoma.org/treating/medical_marijua.php).

As far as diarrhea and constipation, Marijuana is best known for dealing with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. However, Marijuana does not cure it, it only treats the symptoms. IBS usually arises from stress, well like alcohol, marijuana is a depressent, anything that relieves stress would relieve the symptoms of IBS. Again, Marijuana is not a cure, but relieves symptoms, mainly pain and in this instance stress.

So yes I do have a problem. Once again, those that argue for the medical use of marijuana must demand that it be treated as every other drug, and undergo testing and monitoring by the FDA, and risk it being pulled because of the negative side effects.


03-11-2009, 01:45 PM
Yeah 'moonshiners' post repeal, that's my point. Cut out the gateway!

totally agree

03-11-2009, 03:27 PM
I have yet to see any good argument against legalization.Its too easy to grow and process, therefore the government wouldn't be able to effectively tax it.

03-11-2009, 03:52 PM
Let the free market set the price for marijuana.

03-11-2009, 08:27 PM
So yes I do have a problem. Once again, those that argue for the medical use of marijuana must demand that it be treated as every other drug, and undergo testing and monitoring by the FDA, and risk it being pulled because of the negative side effects.


Well, I don't particularly care for the FDA's methodology, but I suppose that's a story for another thread. Out of curiosity, though, do you support FDA regulation of tobacco?