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View Full Version : Japan warns it may shoot down North Korean satellite launcher

03-13-2009, 10:37 AM

Japan today threatened to shoot down a satellite that North Korea plans to launch early next month if it shows any signs of striking its territory.

Tokyo's warning that it would deploy its multibillion-dollar missile defence system raised tensions in the region after North Korea said that it had identified a potential "danger area" near Japanese territory along the rocket's flight path.

The regime told the International Maritime Organisation that the missile would be launched during daylight between 4 and 8 April, and that its boosters would fall into the Sea of Japan – about 75 miles (120km) from Japan's north-west coast – and the Pacific Ocean.

Officials in Tokyo said they reserved the right to destroy any threatening object in mid-flight, despite North Korean warnings that it would consider such a move an act of war.

03-13-2009, 01:24 PM

Park an Ohio class nuclear sub off the coast. Tell them it is there. Warn them that if they fire, it will fire. Then if it fires, FIRE!

Problem over!

03-17-2009, 09:39 AM
I'm betting there is one there already. Not certain I agree with telling someone its specifically off the coast. Best to just let them presume one always is.