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View Full Version : Obama's Poll Numbers Are Falling to Earth

03-14-2009, 02:23 PM

It is simply wrong for commentators to continue to focus on President Barack Obama's high levels of popularity, and to conclude that these are indicative of high levels of public confidence in the work of his administration. Indeed, a detailed look at recent survey data shows that the opposite is most likely true. The American people are coming to express increasingly significant doubts about his initiatives, and most likely support a different agenda and different policies from those that the Obama administration has advanced.

Polling data show that Mr. Obama's approval rating is dropping and is below where George W. Bush was in an analogous period in 2001. Rasmussen Reports data shows that Mr. Obama's net presidential approval rating -- which is calculated by subtracting the number who strongly disapprove from the number who strongly approve -- is just six, his lowest rating to date.

Overall, Rasmussen Reports shows a 56%-43% approval, with a third strongly disapproving of the president's performance. This is a substantial degree of polarization so early in the administration. Mr. Obama has lost virtually all of his Republican support and a good part of his Independent support, and the trend is decidedly negative.

03-14-2009, 04:54 PM
Crickets chirping.......................................... .............

moderate democrat
03-14-2009, 05:03 PM
looks pretty steady to me


what would you say the general trend of the BLUE line is in this graph and what do you think that means?


Joe Steel
03-15-2009, 07:53 AM

Overall, Rasmussen Reports shows ...

I wanted to validate Ramussen so I did my own poll at the Democratic Club meeting. Turns out Rassmussen is wrong. Obama's popularity is holding strong at near 100%.

03-15-2009, 08:32 AM
I wanted to validate Ramussen so I did my own poll at the Democratic Club meeting. Turns out Rassmussen is wrong. Obama's popularity is holding strong at near 100%.

you're wrong, i conducted my own poll at my secret club meeting and obama's popularity is at 0%. absolutely no one i polled approved of the direction he is taking this country. absolutely 100% want to impeach him now.

03-15-2009, 09:02 AM
President Obama's popularity is higher than it's ever been, Americans are hopeful about his leadership and Republicans are getting their butts kicked in the court of public opinion.

03-15-2009, 01:01 PM
I wanted to validate Ramussen so I did my own poll at the Democratic Club meeting. Turns out Rassmussen is wrong. Obama's popularity is holding strong at near 100%.

Why do you go to Democratic club meetings? Is there no Stalinist Club anywhere nearby?

03-15-2009, 01:01 PM
President Obama's popularity is higher than it's ever been, Americans are hopeful about his leadership and Republicans are getting their butts kicked in the court of public opinion.

Uh, no... if you read the article, you'll see that Obama's popularity is not higher than it's ever been.

03-18-2009, 06:56 AM
Uh, no... if you read the article, you'll see that Obama's popularity is not higher than it's ever been.

Indeed and fall continues:


March 16, 2009
Obama's Approval Rating Slips Amid Division Over Economic Proposals
GOP Congressional Leaders' Ratings Hit New Low - 28%


President Barack Obama’s approval rating has slipped, as a growing number of Americans see him listening more to his party’s liberals than to its moderates and many voice opposition to some of his key economic proposals. Obama’s job approval rating has slipped from 64% in February to 59% currently, while disapproval has jumped from 17% to 26% over this period.

Although most people think the new president is doing as much as he can to fix the economy and relatively few say Obama’s policies have made the economy worse, the public expresses mixed views of his many major proposals to fix the economy. There continues to be broad support for increased spending on infrastructure, and most have positive views of key aspects of his budget plan – reducing taxes on middle and lower-income households and raising taxes on the affluent.

Yet a majority (52%) says it is wrong to change the Medicare prescription drug plan so that upper-income retirees would pay more. And nearly as many (47%) express a negative view of reducing agricultural subsidies for many farms, as Obama has proposed in his budget plan....

moderate democrat
03-18-2009, 07:09 AM
Indeed and fall continues:

not according to Gallup:
