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View Full Version : Where's our stimulus money going?

Mr. P
03-15-2009, 11:04 AM
If this has been posted please excuse me.

You should be OUTRAGED over this vote buying BS!!
Reported by a LIBERAL outlet no less!


EDIT: Although this is the Amnesty bill.. I have no doubt stimulus money will be used for it.

03-15-2009, 11:38 AM
Personally I feel like they left out some very important things that were of more social value than some of the things I've seen in it such as:

A study to see why hamster's doo doo balls are perfectly rounded.

Perhaps a training program for vagrants to educate them on how to milk more freebies out of their local community tilly.

Equipment to alter cargo vans so they can be longer and therefore able to stuff in more mission residents on voting day so as to get more democrats to the polls more effieciently while using less fuel. Then maybe throw a couple of million at some study to see if more could be added.

Now...t'all might think this stuff stupid but in all actuality, these items could have been included in the Stimulous and nobody would have known the difference. For we know...they might be there.

Mr. P
03-15-2009, 12:10 PM
Personally I feel like they left out some very important things that were of more social value than some of the things I've seen in it such as:

A study to see why hamster's doo doo balls are perfectly rounded.

Perhaps a training program for vagrants to educate them on how to milk more freebies out of their local community tilly.

Equipment to alter cargo vans so they can be longer and therefore able to stuff in more mission residents on voting day so as to get more democrats to the polls more effieciently while using less fuel. Then maybe throw a couple of million at some study to see if more could be added.

Now...t'all might think this stuff stupid but in all actuality, these items could have been included in the Stimulous and nobody would have known the difference. For we know...they might be there.

You very well may..along with this gem....$1,700,000 for pig odor research in Iowa.

03-15-2009, 12:12 PM
lots of roads and schools and water systems in there as well. Some things badly needed.

Mr. P
03-15-2009, 12:34 PM
lots of roads and schools and water systems in there as well. Some things badly needed.

Which should be taken care of locally or by the state..NOT Nationally. Besides that these local projects will NOT stimulate the National economy...that's the rub.

03-15-2009, 12:41 PM
they will stimulate the economy, maybe not as much as some may want, but you need accountants and engineers and construction workes for all these projects, creating jobs.

Mr. P
03-15-2009, 12:56 PM
they will stimulate the economy, maybe not as much as some may want, but you need accountants and engineers and construction workes for all these projects, creating jobs.

Only the local economy for a short time, if that. The Fed has no business in local. The stimulus is SUPPOSED to be NATIONAL.. these local project are not going to stimulate Nationally.

Now if they want to stimulate Nationally..go for it, (although I have a problem with that as well, it ain't gonna work).but local water/sewer, roads don't stimulate Nationally.

03-15-2009, 01:18 PM
they will when ever town across the country is getting something. It becomes national.

Mr. P
03-15-2009, 01:43 PM
they will when ever town across the country is getting something. It becomes national.

I'll be interested to see how you feel when you are out of school working and paying 40%+ income taxes to achieve this BS stimulus. Reality is the best teacher.

03-16-2009, 03:58 PM
Where's the stimulus money going? Some where other than my pockets.