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03-17-2009, 12:04 AM
Let's see....... what do I think about that?

:lol: :laugh2:

03-17-2009, 10:41 AM
Obama and the entire administration knew about these bonuses back in February when AIG was seeking another bailout. So what is different between then when they were negotiating the bailout and now. Oh, the public is pissed, so now we see the adminstration is playing to the public.

What a load of frakking crap.


03-17-2009, 08:57 PM
obama is a fucking retard :slap:

Obama and the entire administration knew about these bonuses back in February when AIG was seeking another bailout. So what is different between then when they were negotiating the bailout and now. Oh, the public is pissed, so now we see the adminstration is playing to the public.

What a load of frakking crap.


03-17-2009, 11:10 PM
Talk about getting bit in his buttocks....

03-17-2009, 11:14 PM
I bet AIG was surprised at this display of faux outrage, I mean, they did give him $101,332. Only Dodd got more, $103,100.

Funny, they were both instrumental in allowing the bonuses to go through...

03-17-2009, 11:49 PM
Actually, I read that Dodd had received over $268,000 in contributions from AIG. I find it interesting that the same Dodd inserting in the previous stimulus bill a statement concerning pay out of bonuses.

Any bonus that was established prior to February 11, 2009 cannot be ignored nor can the money be refused if the company receives a bail out.

I know that we the people are pissed about these bonuses, however, keep in mind that they are 1/10% of the bailout to AIG. In other words, for every $100 they received only 10 cents goes to the bonuses. All in all that is not too bad, however, I think this just adds to the people not liking the bailouts in the first place.


03-18-2009, 06:07 AM
I have read that these bonuses are contractural......if that is true, they aren't really "bonuses", they are simply deferred pay....how can something be a bonus if the company is required by contract to pay it?.......where I come from a bonus is an extra the company gives you because business was good, or you did a bangup job......

03-18-2009, 09:45 AM
I have read that these bonuses are contractural......if that is true, they aren't really "bonuses", they are simply deferred pay....how can something be a bonus if the company is required by contract to pay it?.......where I come from a bonus is an extra the company gives you because business was good, or you did a bangup job......

It used to be like that here until the massive sense of entitlement made people believe that the bonuses were theirs by right.

03-18-2009, 10:25 AM
I have read that these bonuses are contractural......if that is true, they aren't really "bonuses", they are simply deferred pay....how can something be a bonus if the company is required by contract to pay it?.......where I come from a bonus is an extra the company gives you because business was good, or you did a bangup job......


Well......I'll say this. Whoever orchestrated the deal with the US Government to get that bailout ought to get a bonus!

Problem is they had to BONE US to get get it!

03-20-2009, 03:21 AM
Perhaps it is time that we the people demand that every elected official in Washington and everyone appointed to a post immediately accept $1 as salary for the next four years and then take their tax payer salary and use it to pay off the budget deficit, especially considering the US Congress just passed themselves another pay and spending raise.


03-20-2009, 08:36 AM
Perhaps it is time that we the people demand that every elected official in Washington and everyone appointed to a post immediately accept $1 as salary for the next four years and then take their tax payer salary and use it to pay off the budget deficit, especially considering the US Congress just passed themselves another pay and spending raise.


Hell yeah! That could be the sub-theme of the national tea parties!

03-20-2009, 10:45 AM
I bet AIG was surprised at this display of faux outrage, I mean, they did give him $101,332. Only Dodd got more, $103,100.

Funny, they were both instrumental in allowing the bonuses to go through...

I doubt that AIG is surprised by all this. I am sure that the Administration has people informing the execs at AIG that all is well, the admin is simply attempting to save face with the public and not to worry about the rantings of Congress... the bill will never pass... and if it does... well, it will never be signed by the President... at least that is where things sit today.

Depending on public opinion down the road... who knows, maybe he will sign it?
