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03-17-2009, 06:08 AM
In a "What the f@#*?" moment on Sunday, Dick Cheney stirred from his crypt at an undisclosed location. He was seen on CNN's <a href=http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/03/15/cheney.interview/index.html>"State of the Union" with John King</a>. What was the purpose behind Cheney rousing from his unnatural sleep? To bad mouth the Obama administration and urge Americans to be afraid...very afraid...of terrorists, economic disaster, cats and dogs cohabiting, alligators walking on two legs and eating babies like a bunch of stoners wolfing down Mallowmars...You get the idea.

My first reaction was "Why is anybody paying ANY attention to anything he says. After all, he's been proven so wrong on so many things during his tenure as VEEP and "Dark Lord of the Sith", that his credibility is, shall we say, non-existent. But wait, there is an upside here.

"What is that upside?", you may ask. To put it simply, it is that his putting his pasty face and rancid ideology out on the airwaves serves as a stark reminder of just why we are in our current straights. You know...coming up on eight years in Afghanistan...an unnecessary war in Iraq with the ongoing occupation...Stripping regulatory mechanism from the financial industry which would have prevented or ameliorated our current economic breakdown...The horrors of Abu Ghraib, renditions, black sites and GITMO.

Given his negative ratings before he was ushered out of the White House with his man-sized safe (crypt?), he serves the country well by reminding us all of just why the Republicans were run out of Congress and the White House on a rail. So just keep putting your ugly mug out there on the airwaves...Dick, and we'll keep remembering why we kicked your, and Dubbyuh's, sorry asses to the curb.

03-17-2009, 06:53 AM
What was the purpose behind Cheney rousing from his unnatural sleep?

...to point out the stupid mistakes Obama and the Democrats are making?......

03-17-2009, 08:19 AM
...to point out the stupid mistakes Obama and the Democrats are making?......

You mean putting out the flaming bags of dogshit the Bush administration left on the steps? Keep those "mistakes" (only to the apologists for the previous administration and current supporters of the GOP) comin'. When the GOP actually has something to say besides the rehashing of all the misguided policies that got us in our current predicament and "No!", I'll sit up and listen attentively.

03-17-2009, 09:10 AM
You mean putting out the flaming bags of dogshit the Bush administration left on the steps?

excellent parallel....and apparently the Obama administration was stupid enough to stomp on them......

03-17-2009, 09:54 AM
you're funny bully....as if obama did not fear monger the nation over the economy :poke:

danger, extreme danger, nation will fail....congress passes his spendulus plan....next day....economy fine, economy is not as bad you think....

obama is a liar

03-17-2009, 10:07 AM
During the election John Mccain made a blooper by stating,"The fundamentals of the economy are strong." The Stock Market was at 11,000 when that statement was made.

Obama attacked!

Yesterday Obama said that: "There are many parts of the American economy that are fundamentally strong."

At CNN, MSNBC, CBS : Crickets are heard chirping!

03-17-2009, 10:13 AM
During the election John Mccain made a blooper by stating,"The fundamentals of the economy are strong." The Stock Market was at 11,000 when that statement was made.

Obama attacked!

Yesterday Obama said that: "There are many parts of the American economy that are fundamentally strong."

At CNN, MSNBC, CBS : Crickets are heard chirping!

When the stock market was at 11,000 the fundamentals were strong. So now they are at 7,000.

Hmmm let me see a drop in 4,000 points, guess who is lying now!!!!! Any frakking surprise???


03-17-2009, 10:15 AM
Why shouldn't Cheney be heard? Time after time we have seen Walter Mondale on the tube given a liberal/democrat response. You remember Mondale don't you, the Democrat who lost 49 states?? Cheney won two elections.


03-17-2009, 10:22 AM
I recall another VP who spoke up about the next administration....something along the lines of "HE PLAYED ON OUR FEARS!"........perhaps you recall it......

03-17-2009, 10:39 AM
Yeah I recall that VP. That was the one who when he ran for President couldn't even carry his own state right!!!


03-17-2009, 11:49 AM
Waaaaaa! Bush/Cheney still bad! Waaaaaa! Fucking move on.

And don't forget. BP, nobody kicked Bush and Cheney to the curb. They had eight years, they weren't running, they were going home no matter who won the election.

03-17-2009, 08:47 PM
well said mate :clap:

you're funny bully....as if obama did not fear monger the nation over the economy :poke:

danger, extreme danger, nation will fail....congress passes his spendulus plan....next day....economy fine, economy is not as bad you think....

obama is a liar

03-18-2009, 03:41 AM
First it was we have to do something or it will be worse, even though the CBO said doing nothing would not be as bad as the stimulus in fixing the economy. Now there are many parts that are fundamentally strong, even though the stimulus has barely begun working.

What is working are the American people, we are the ones spending the money, taking risks, going out shopping, and in the end we will be the ones who wind up paying the spending off.
