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View Full Version : Doesn't matter what you have in the bank, you can still get food stamps..........

03-18-2009, 07:05 PM
WTF.................. but those just barely making ends meet can't get squat!


WARREN COUNTY -- State leaders are pushing for a change to the state budget after it came to light that wealthy individuals were allowed to collect food stamps.

Rep. Shannon Jones said Wednesday she planned to introduce an amendment to the state budget that would take into account monetary assets besides income in determining whether someone is eligible for food stamps.

The move comes after News 5 reported Tuesday about a loophole in Ohio's public assistance plan that allowed a Warren County resident with a $311,000 home, $80,000 in the bank and a new Mercedes in the driveway to collect $500 a month in food stamps and $300 in cash assistance.

Currently, the law only takes into account a person's income, so if they have no income and $1 million in the bank, they still qualify for assistance.

"Elected officials in Warren County and taxpayers are rightly outraged that this is happening. It must be fixed," said Jones.

Warren County commissioners were also outraged when they heard about the case Tuesday.

"I'm beside myself, I'm so upset over it. It's ridiculous. It's not what America stands for," Commissioner Dave Young said.

"It's appalling ... a very big, bad loophole," Commissioner Pat South said.

County human services employees said they know of at least one other person with $71,000 in savings that is getting food stamps, and suspect there are many others across the state.

03-18-2009, 07:19 PM
Rep. Shannon Jones is a Republican .... worse yet, a WHITE Republican and will without doubt be labeled a biased racist in the future.....
an uncaring, white racist, bigoted Republican....and
I don't even need a crystal ball to predict it....:beer:

Mr. P
03-18-2009, 08:19 PM
This is a common occurrence. In addition these same folks are classified as "poor" and included in all those statistics.

03-19-2009, 06:31 AM
This is a common occurrence. In addition these same folks are classified as "poor" and included in all those statistics.

How can they possibly classify these people as poor, is what I would like to know. So I can own a 300,000 house and have 80,000 in the bank and no job and I'm classified as poor.

But in reality we bring in about $2000.00 a month for a family of 4, and live on that. I rent my house, and I have no savings, I can't get food stamps because we make to much money. So what does that make me? Last time I checked I thought I was poor. Oh but wait, I have a job so I guess that makes a difference in classifications.