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View Full Version : Somebody is lying. McCain or the Iraqi's

04-03-2007, 02:31 AM
So, who is telling lies? McCain with an American political agenda or the Iraqi shop owners that only have their lives on the line?

“A day after members of an American Congressional delegation led by Senator John McCain pointed to their brief visit to Baghdad's central market as evidence that the new security plan for the city was working, the merchants there were incredulous about the Americans’ conclusions.

"What are they talking about?" Ali Jassim Faiyad, the owner of an electrical appliances shop in the market, said Monday. "The security procedures were abnormal!”"

The delegation arrived at the market, which is called Shorja, on Sunday with more than 100 soldiers in armored Humvees — the equivalent of an entire company — and attack helicopters circled overhead, a senior American military official in Baghdad said. The soldiers redirected traffic from the area and restricted access to the Americans, witnesses said, and sharpshooters were posted on the roofs. The congressmen wore bulletproof vests throughout their hour long visit.”

More: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/03/world/middleeast/03mccain.html?hp

I’ll put my money on the albeit smalltime capitalists at this point. Any man or woman that tells me everything is A, OK while walking around wearing a bullet proof vest, a sentry of over 100 American military guards, a contingent of countless Iraqi military operatives, Black Hawk Helicopters and USAF fighters directly overhead during the entire visit is immediately discounted by me as suspect in their analyses as they attempt to describe it to me.

04-03-2007, 02:52 AM
So, who is telling lies? McCain with an American political agenda or the Iraqi shop owners that only have their lives on the line?

“A day after members of an American Congressional delegation led by Senator John McCain pointed to their brief visit to Baghdad's central market as evidence that the new security plan for the city was working, the merchants there were incredulous about the Americans’ conclusions.

"What are they talking about?" Ali Jassim Find, the owner of an electrical appliances shop in the market, said Monday. "The security procedures were abnormal!”"

The delegation arrived at the market, which is called Shorja, on Sunday with more than 100 soldiers in armored Humvees — the equivalent of an entire company — and attack helicopters circled overhead, a senior American military official in Baghdad said. The soldiers redirected traffic from the area and restricted access to the Americans, witnesses said, and sharpshooters were posted on the roofs. The congressmen wore bulletproof vests throughout their hour long visit.”

More: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/03/world/middleeast/03mccain.html?hp

I’ll put my money on the albeit smalltime capitalists at this point. Any man or woman that tells me everything is A, OK while walking around wearing a bullet proof vest, a sentry of over 100 American military guards, a contingent of countless Iraqi military operatives, Black Hawk Helicopters and USAF fighters directly overhead during the entire visit is immediately discounted by me as suspect in their analyses as they attempt to describe it to me.

What was that you said in another post.......About a crystal ball?? :rolleyes: