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View Full Version : While America Slept

03-20-2009, 11:31 AM
The Obama administration, in its first few months in office, has paid so much attention to the current and potential opponents of the U.S. that some fear we have forgotten our traditional allies. Great Britain and Japan have been solid friends of the U.S. for many years and, although their loyalty is not in question, times may be changing. On March 17th, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) assembled a panel of experts to discuss whether or not the U.S. can still rely on Britain and Japan.

As Paul Wolfowitz, a visiting scholar at AEI, pointed out, in many ways Britain and Japan make natural allies for the United States. Both are island nations with advanced economies that have a strong influence over their respective regions. Both have vibrant democracies, and share liberal values with the U.S.

