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View Full Version : Some perspective...please.

03-21-2009, 04:42 AM
Let's put the issue of bonuses for AIG's, and executives at other federally bailed out financial corporations, in perspective. They are irrelevant. So these sots negotiated sweet-heart contracts. So what...? They're just doing what they've always done, look out for number one and devil take the hind-most. The populist kerfuffle over over these bonuses are a side-show and they distract from the real issues at hand.

These bonuses are irrelevant in the face of the hundreds of billions of dollars the feckless, reckless captains of the financial industry have already cost the tax-payer ...in the face of more than 4,000 dead US service men and women in Iraq...in the face of the more than 25,000 US service men and women maimed and crippled...in the face of the the nearly 100,000 <b><i>documented</i></b> Iraqi civilian casualties...in the face of war profiteers raking in billions in ill-gotten gains. And, in the face of the recently leaked <a href=http://www.nybooks.com/articles/22530>ICRC report which documents abuses at GITMO</a>...the outrage over executive bonuses is irrelevant. Of far greater relevance is the question that goes begging if, as President Obama has repeatedly stated, "No one is above the law...", that question being, "Why are Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and all of the others involved in the issue of authorizing the torture of "enemy combatants" in US custody still free persons?" Why are they walking around, attempting to rewrite history with every breath instead of in prison and awaiting to stand trial for their crimes?

It is past time to put these issues in perspective...Sure, you don't fuck with peoples money. But what is money in the face of crimes of such enormity and influence on our national character that to ignore them will make an utter mockery and sham of the Constitution and the rule of law. Absent these foundations, all else will fall and fail.

03-21-2009, 04:57 AM
Change the subject? Go ahead, but why tie AIG to the underargued, :rolleyes: war argument? C'mon Bully, I feel your pain regarding the failure of Obama thus far, I had to live with the same for years. However, this is transparent on your part, I wish Obama was such.

03-21-2009, 06:23 AM
I agree that the AIG bonus money is simply a diversion from the important issue.....who cares that the government wasted 160 million when the truth is the government wasted a trillion?.....and intends to waste trillions more....

03-21-2009, 06:28 AM
I agree that the AIG bonus money is simply a diversion from the important issue.....who cares that the government wasted 160 million when the truth is the government wasted a trillion?.....and intends to waste trillions more....

IMO all we've had is a planned series of diversions, which is when they ram through a few more things that were planned all along. While not working perfectly, it's working the way they planned. We are well along the way to being a banana republic. Then maybe OAS will hit the Kumbaya moment.

Joe Steel
03-21-2009, 06:32 AM
Let's put the issue of bonuses for AIG's, and executives at other federally bailed out financial corporations, in perspective. They are irrelevant.



Reestablishing the will of the People as the supreme law is not irrelevant. In fact, it is the most important issue before Congress today. For too long it has been subrogated by the will of the special interests and their partisan stooges. This has to stop and this is as good a time as any to stop it.

03-21-2009, 06:45 AM
Reestablishing the will of the People as the supreme law is not irrelevant. In fact, it is the most important issue before Congress today. For too long it has been subrogated by the will of the special interests and their partisan stooges. This has to stop and this is as good a time as any to stop it.

was that reestablishing or manipulating?.....how will you feel about the will of the people if they decide they don't like how much Obama and Congress are spending on bailouts?......

03-21-2009, 06:48 AM
was that reestablishing or manipulating?.....how will you feel about the will of the people if they decide they don't like how much Obama and Congress are spending on bailouts?......

He's for the banana republic.

Joe Steel
03-21-2009, 06:49 AM
was that reestablishing or manipulating?.....how will you feel about the will of the people if they decide they don't like how much Obama and Congress are spending on bailouts?......

The will of the People is supreme. We real Americans, true patriots all, accept it.

03-21-2009, 06:49 AM
The will of the People is supreme. We real Americans, true patriots all, accept it.

:laugh2: You really are an arrogant fuktard. :beer:

03-21-2009, 06:52 AM
The will of the People is supreme. We real Americans, true patriots all, accept it.

will you accept it if the will of the people won't stand for the elimination of secret ballot in union organizing votes?......or are you only in favor of the will of the people when it is properly supervised by union officials......

03-21-2009, 09:02 AM
The will of the People is supreme. We real Americans, true patriots all, accept it.

How Clintonesque of you, to have no opinions of your own except what the most recent poll numbers say is popular.

03-21-2009, 09:42 AM
How Clintonesque of you, to have no opinions of your own except what the most recent poll numbers say is popular.

I'm thinking tyranny myself, I didn't think that of Clinton.

03-21-2009, 10:26 AM
I agree that the AIG bonus money is simply a diversion from the important issue.....who cares that the government wasted 160 million when the truth is the government wasted a trillion?.....and intends to waste trillions more....

Try a lot more than a single trillion - try several trillion, with tens of trillions coming down the pipe if the Democrats and Obama have their way.

Joe Steel
03-21-2009, 12:55 PM
How Clintonesque of you, to have no opinions of your own except what the most recent poll numbers say is popular.

Do you ever think about what you post?

Accepting the will of the People does not mean someone has no opinion.

03-21-2009, 01:39 PM
Do you ever think about what you post?

Accepting the will of the People does not mean someone has no opinion.

You're the one who said that if 50% +1 of "the People" wanted to use genocide to eradicate some of their fellow citizens, you'd go along with it. That's called an absolute lack of backbone - or balls.

03-21-2009, 03:21 PM


Reestablishing the will of the People as the supreme law is not irrelevant. In fact, it is the most important issue before Congress today. For too long it has been subrogated by the will of the special interests and their partisan stooges. This has to stop and this is as good a time as any to stop it.

Vox populi, vox dei? That is mob rule. Restoring the constitutional protections, regulatory structures and the rule of law eroded under the Bush administration underpins everything going on right now.