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View Full Version : DUI on a lawnmower?

03-22-2009, 01:48 PM
Did you know that in Georgia you can be arrested for mowing your grass? Well.....if you happen to be consuming your third beer in an hour you can! That is about what it would take to be able to blow .08 on a breathalyzer!


While I don't drink personally I find this perposterous! Just shameful that my state legislature even wasted it's time discussing this issue. When laws governing our way life can tell a guy he can't even have a few beers while he minds his own business and mows his grass is unbelievable. Who can a man hurt in his own yard? If your answer is himself, then I assume you prescribe to the philosophy that government knows better than you what is good for you. A person can also be arrested for public drunk outside of his own home in HIS OWN CARPORT! That's right, if it isn't enclosed with walls and a door, you certainly can!

So just remember this everyone. It is against the law for you to drink and paint in your outdoor carport area at your own home! Or rework furniture, build model trains, or engage in any at home family project after having a third or fourth beer! And for god's sake do not go to the mailbox and get your mail or paper. If you do YOU ARE A CRIMINAL and are engaging in illegal activity! Do not move your car so someone else can get out of the driveway. Do not load your lawnmower onto a trailer, move it to the back yard or operate any motorized device. This includes a weedeater! That's right. It is against the law!!!!!!

Why do these stupid laws exist? Because we allow them to. When was the last time you sat down and wrote your local congressman or senator a letter to let them know you do not approve of such treatment of American citizens? If you haven't it can only be assumed that you condone this type of treatment of your fellow citizens. Well.... maybe that is a bit stern, however you aren't doing anything to prevent it and that means you aren't concerned enough. With this mentality it won't be long before the gustapo will consider it illegal for you to operate your mechanical easy chair!

Let us think about this for just a minute. A lawnmower! How would a police officer develop probable cause for a traffic stop in your front yard? Weaving? Not making even cur rows? Maybe police officers could carry tape measures and the legislatures could set a standard of profiency for cutting the grass to establish a precedent. Let's say if you are operationg a 52" cutting deck you will allowed to overlap eack pass by .....oh.... 6". If you go 7" it could be considered that you had displayed behavior clearly demonstrating that you were intoxicated.

Can you see a police officer issuing a field sobriety test to a man in his front yard?

If you are of the mindset to be one of those folks who says, "Yeah ...but they don't enforce that law!" then you are the worst kind! Why do we need laws we do not enforce? Just for the sake of making laws? If this stupid little post I have placed does not convince you that we have a problem in this country with government authority, I don't know what else could be said to you.

When I went to my voting booth last November and stepped inside I voted my true conscience. I didn't have to stop and ponder about lesser of evils, who had the best chance of winning or whether I was willing to sell my soul. I was not. My choices were clear on every selection! I didn't have to remember any news articles, think of what dirty laundry there was on the party I was choosing or wrestle in any way with ANY choice. I went right down the line and voted for LIBERTARIANS because I knew already in my heart that NO Libertarian would have ever voted for a law that would victimize an American citizen in such a way as the aforementioned post. This gives me assurance that if they wouldn't allow something that stupid then they certainly would not have voted for bailouts, eminant domain or any other intrusion into the rights we have that should be non-negotiable!

Is your conscience clear right now? Good. I'm happy for you. Mine is! I VOTED LIBERTARIAN!

Mr. P
03-22-2009, 03:53 PM
Did you know that in Georgia you can be arrested for mowing your grass? Well.....if you happen to be consuming your third beer in an hour you can! That is about what it would take to be able to blow .08 on a breathalyzer!


While I don't drink personally I find this perposterous! Just shameful that my state legislature even wasted it's time discussing this issue. When laws governing our way life can tell a guy he can't even have a few beers while he minds his own business and mows his grass is unbelievable. Who can a man hurt in his own yard? If your answer is himself, then I assume you prescribe to the philosophy that government knows better than you what is good for you. A person can also be arrested for public drunk outside of his own home in HIS OWN CARPORT! That's right, if it isn't enclosed with walls and a door, you certainly can!

So just remember this everyone. It is against the law for you to drink and paint in your outdoor carport area at your own home! Or rework furniture, build model trains, or engage in any at home family project after having a third or fourth beer! And for god's sake do not go to the mailbox and get your mail or paper. If you do YOU ARE A CRIMINAL and are engaging in illegal activity! Do not move your car so someone else can get out of the driveway. Do not load your lawnmower onto a trailer, move it to the back yard or operate any motorized device. This includes a weedeater! That's right. It is against the law!!!!!!

Why do these stupid laws exist? Because we allow them to. When was the last time you sat down and wrote your local congressman or senator a letter to let them know you do not approve of such treatment of American citizens? If you haven't it can only be assumed that you condone this type of treatment of your fellow citizens. Well.... maybe that is a bit stern, however you aren't doing anything to prevent it and that means you aren't concerned enough. With this mentality it won't be long before the gustapo will consider it illegal for you to operate your mechanical easy chair!

Let us think about this for just a minute. A lawnmower! How would a police officer develop probable cause for a traffic stop in your front yard? Weaving? Not making even cur rows? Maybe police officers could carry tape measures and the legislatures could set a standard of profiency for cutting the grass to establish a precedent. Let's say if you are operationg a 52" cutting deck you will allowed to overlap eack pass by .....oh.... 6". If you go 7" it could be considered that you had displayed behavior clearly demonstrating that you were intoxicated.

Can you see a police officer issuing a field sobriety test to a man in his front yard?

If you are of the mindset to be one of those folks who says, "Yeah ...but they don't enforce that law!" then you are the worst kind! Why do we need laws we do not enforce? Just for the sake of making laws? If this stupid little post I have placed does not convince you that we have a problem in this country with government authority, I don't know what else could be said to you.

When I went to my voting booth last November and stepped inside I voted my true conscience. I didn't have to stop and ponder about lesser of evils, who had the best chance of winning or whether I was willing to sell my soul. I was not. My choices were clear on every selection! I didn't have to remember any news articles, think of what dirty laundry there was on the party I was choosing or wrestle in any way with ANY choice. I went right down the line and voted for LIBERTARIANS because I knew already in my heart that NO Libertarian would have ever voted for a law that would victimize an American citizen in such a way as the aforementioned post. This gives me assurance that if they wouldn't allow something that stupid then they certainly would not have voted for bailouts, eminant domain or any other intrusion into the rights we have that should be non-negotiable!

Is your conscience clear right now? Good. I'm happy for you. Mine is! I VOTED LIBERTARIAN!

Yep! Oral sex is illegal here too. I'll bet 99.9999% of folks are criminals too.

Hey, there are all kinds of stupid laws...voting libertarian is not necessarily the answer, NOT voting for MORONS is. :poke:

03-22-2009, 07:13 PM
Did you know that in Georgia you can be arrested for mowing your grass? Well.....if you happen to be consuming your third beer in an hour you can! That is about what it would take to be able to blow .08 on a breathalyzer!


While I don't drink personally I find this perposterous! Just shameful that my state legislature even wasted it's time discussing this issue. When laws governing our way life can tell a guy he can't even have a few beers while he minds his own business and mows his grass is unbelievable. Who can a man hurt in his own yard? If your answer is himself, then I assume you prescribe to the philosophy that government knows better than you what is good for you. A person can also be arrested for public drunk outside of his own home in HIS OWN CARPORT! That's right, if it isn't enclosed with walls and a door, you certainly can!

So just remember this everyone. It is against the law for you to drink and paint in your outdoor carport area at your own home! Or rework furniture, build model trains, or engage in any at home family project after having a third or fourth beer! And for god's sake do not go to the mailbox and get your mail or paper. If you do YOU ARE A CRIMINAL and are engaging in illegal activity! Do not move your car so someone else can get out of the driveway. Do not load your lawnmower onto a trailer, move it to the back yard or operate any motorized device. This includes a weedeater! That's right. It is against the law!!!!!!

Why do these stupid laws exist? Because we allow them to. When was the last time you sat down and wrote your local congressman or senator a letter to let them know you do not approve of such treatment of American citizens? If you haven't it can only be assumed that you condone this type of treatment of your fellow citizens. Well.... maybe that is a bit stern, however you aren't doing anything to prevent it and that means you aren't concerned enough. With this mentality it won't be long before the gustapo will consider it illegal for you to operate your mechanical easy chair!

Let us think about this for just a minute. A lawnmower! How would a police officer develop probable cause for a traffic stop in your front yard? Weaving? Not making even cur rows? Maybe police officers could carry tape measures and the legislatures could set a standard of profiency for cutting the grass to establish a precedent. Let's say if you are operationg a 52" cutting deck you will allowed to overlap eack pass by .....oh.... 6". If you go 7" it could be considered that you had displayed behavior clearly demonstrating that you were intoxicated.

Can you see a police officer issuing a field sobriety test to a man in his front yard?

If you are of the mindset to be one of those folks who says, "Yeah ...but they don't enforce that law!" then you are the worst kind! Why do we need laws we do not enforce? Just for the sake of making laws? If this stupid little post I have placed does not convince you that we have a problem in this country with government authority, I don't know what else could be said to you.

When I went to my voting booth last November and stepped inside I voted my true conscience. I didn't have to stop and ponder about lesser of evils, who had the best chance of winning or whether I was willing to sell my soul. I was not. My choices were clear on every selection! I didn't have to remember any news articles, think of what dirty laundry there was on the party I was choosing or wrestle in any way with ANY choice. I went right down the line and voted for LIBERTARIANS because I knew already in my heart that NO Libertarian would have ever voted for a law that would victimize an American citizen in such a way as the aforementioned post. This gives me assurance that if they wouldn't allow something that stupid then they certainly would not have voted for bailouts, eminant domain or any other intrusion into the rights we have that should be non-negotiable!

Is your conscience clear right now? Good. I'm happy for you. Mine is! I VOTED LIBERTARIAN!

You can also get a DUI on a golf cart, or a bicycle, basically anything that has wheels or is motorized.

However you can also post no trespassing signs in your yard, and if the police come onto your property without being invited, you can damn well bet I am going to be asking them what right they have coming onto my personal property without being invited, or having the proper documentation such as a search warrant. I would then be refusing any such sobriety type tests they offered, and give them the number of my lawyer.Then I would be forwarding a copy of the video from my security cameras to my lawyer. ( Yes I have security cameras, and I live in the country!)

03-22-2009, 07:19 PM
way to get thrown, police suspect something illegal that can come on your property. According to csi/ncis anyway.

03-22-2009, 08:11 PM
way to get thrown, police suspect something illegal that can come on your property. According to csi/ncis anyway.

Better have a search warrant.

03-22-2009, 08:20 PM
We had several instances of DUI convictions on lawnmowers and golf carts in my neighborhood several years ago. We privatized our streets and now the only cops allowed in here have to be summoned on potential felony charges. I love my golf cart, my Snapper 30" rider and my freedom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



03-22-2009, 08:34 PM
I think everyone understands the basic point.

03-22-2009, 08:45 PM
Better have a search warrant.
Smoke pot in your car and see if they get a warrant before searching.

03-22-2009, 08:48 PM
I have always found the basic point and your understanding to be at odds, emmie!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think everyone understands the basic point.

Not to be contrary, but just what is your point as related to your understanding?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!



03-23-2009, 07:07 AM
Smoke pot in your car and see if they get a warrant before searching.

Well if your dumb enough to smoke pot in your car knowing it is illegal, then your a dumb ass and deserve to have your car searched. Especially if your out driving on public roads.

But you also have the right to refuse, however if the cop smells it, or sees it then he would have probable cause to search.

Probable cause Facts or evidence that would lead a reasonable person to believe that a crime has been, is being, or will be committed and the person arrested is responsible

At this stage, police may perform a search, and often an arrest. Probable cause generally means police know what crime they suspect you of and have discovered evidence to support that belief. Common examples include seeing or smelling evidence which is in plain view, or receiving an admission of guilt for a specific crime.

For the conscientious citizen, the best advice regarding police authority is to stick to your guns and not waive your constitutional rights under any circumstances. Police officers will often give misleading descriptions of what their authority is, but you have nothing to gain by submitting to coercive police tactics. Police must make ad hoc decisions in the streets regarding their authority level in a given situation and these decisions are subject to review in court. Asserting your rights properly is good way to avoid arrest, but it is an even better way to avoid a conviction.

03-23-2009, 07:36 AM
way to get thrown, police suspect something illegal that can come on your property. According to csi/ncis anyway.

uh no....they need more than mere suspicion even to get a warrant.....

Abbey Marie
03-23-2009, 09:16 AM
I'm imagining "DUI on a Lawnmower" sung to the tune of Love in an Elevator. :)

03-23-2009, 12:06 PM
I'm imagining "DUI on a Lawnmower" sung to the tune of Love in an Elevator. :)

:laugh2: well now that songs going to be stuck in my head all day!

Abbey Marie
03-23-2009, 01:53 PM
:laugh2: well now that songs going to be stuck in my head all day!


03-23-2009, 08:07 PM
I'm imagining "DUI on a Lawnmower" sung to the tune of Love in an Elevator. :)

Livin' it up while you're mowin' down?

03-23-2009, 08:12 PM
uh no....they need more than mere suspicion even to get a warrant.....


And.... A police officer may pursue you onto private property in order to arrest you.

He may also come onto your property when he sees (suspects) you are committing a crime.

Technically, your neighbor can arrest you too!

So take that shit back and get a refund, somebody sold you some bad shit!

03-23-2009, 09:44 PM
I don't think any law enforcement officer is just going to randomly stop and give a dui test to somebody mowing their lawn. There would have to be some type of activity to draw attention to the fact that someone was intoxicated on a lawn mower, i.e. they are causing some type of problem. The same thing applies to public drunk on your own property. You can be as drunk as you want as long as you are not disturbing the peace or causing problems.

03-23-2009, 09:50 PM
as i understand it, its up to a cops discretion if you are drunk in public, or even riding a bike under the influence.

Abbey Marie
03-23-2009, 10:58 PM
Livin' it up while you're mowin' down?

Yeah, that's it. :laugh2:

03-24-2009, 06:20 AM

????...no, I'm not....

And.... A police officer may pursue you onto private property in order to arrest you.
yes, if they have observed you commit a crime and you have fled after they confront you......

He may also come onto your property when he sees (suspects) you are committing a crime.

seeing is not suspecting, it is observing.....go in on mere suspicion and the courts will throw out any evidence obtained.......

So take that shit back and get a refund, somebody sold you some bad shit!
sorry armchair lawyer, you lose......