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View Full Version : Stimulus? U.S. to buy Chinese condoms, ending Alabama jobs

03-23-2009, 12:11 PM
Call it a condom conundrum.

At a time when the federal government is spending billions of stimulus dollars to stem the tide of U.S. layoffs, should that same government put even more Americans out of work by buying cheaper foreign products?

In this case, Chinese condoms.

That's the dilemma for the folks at the U.S. Agency for International Development, which has distributed an estimated 10 billion U.S.-made AIDS-preventing condoms in poor countries around the world.

But not anymore.

In a move expected to cost 300 American jobs, the government is switching to cheaper off-shore condoms, including some made in China.

The switch comes despite implied assurances over the years that the agency would continue to buy American whenever possible.

Full story at:

03-23-2009, 12:26 PM
The U.S. is sending these condoms to other countries, to prevent AIDS, they say. And they found that for the price of 2 million U.S. made condoms, they can send 5 million Chinese and Korean made condoms instead.

Do you know how much more AIDS they will be preventing as a result? And how many fewer people will die as a result?

But no, you don't want that to happen. For a few more extra bucks, you're happy to see those extra 3 million people get no protection at all. How many of them will die as a result?

03-23-2009, 03:31 PM
speaking of condoms :thumb:


Call it a condom conundrum.

At a time when the federal government is spending billions of stimulus dollars to stem the tide of U.S. layoffs, should that same government put even more Americans out of work by buying cheaper foreign products?

In this case, Chinese condoms.

That's the dilemma for the folks at the U.S. Agency for International Development, which has distributed an estimated 10 billion U.S.-made AIDS-preventing condoms in poor countries around the world.

But not anymore.

In a move expected to cost 300 American jobs, the government is switching to cheaper off-shore condoms, including some made in China.

The switch comes despite implied assurances over the years that the agency would continue to buy American whenever possible...

Full story at: