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View Full Version : Robots Take Center Stage in U.S. War in Afghanistan

03-24-2009, 02:36 AM
The U.S. military is calling out the "BigDogs" in addition to its big guns as it deploys more troops to fight terrorists in Afghanistan.

The BigDogs — four-legged robots that can navigate the country's treacherous terrain — and pilotless helicopters than can transport tons of supplies to very remote bases are just two of the new weapons being tested in Afghanistan.

The war zone is increasingly becoming a development laboratory for machines that don't eat, sleep, polish their boots or suffer casualties. But can they succeed where man struggles?

It takes a moment for the senses even to comprehend BigDog, a four-legged robot that vaguely resembles a headless pack animal.


03-24-2009, 03:11 AM
That is so cool! I was listening to the radio the other evening, I think the Milt Rosenberg show. He had on a guest that was probably a historian. Anyways the conversation was about the 20th C and it's being the most deadly C ever. Asked what the 21st would bring, he said to the effect, "More war, but fewer casualties, because of technology." This seems one of the ways.

03-24-2009, 02:03 PM
Neat. I watched the video on teh Boston Dynamics website, and it is impressive. They need to do something about the sound of the motor, although it might have some advantage in striking fear into an emey force.

Imagine a dozen of those things, armored and armed with servo mounted .50 cal machine guns coming up a hill at you.