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03-24-2009, 01:53 PM
James Carville reminds me of a nasty little chihuahua who nibble at the ankles of their owners..:coffee:

She's become, to the left, what Hillary Clinton and Ted Kennedy long were to the right -- fundraising gold.

The DCCC blasts out an email from James Carville:

Dear Friend,

You won't even believe this.

The Republicans have called on none other than Sarah Palin to headline their big fat-cat fundraising dinner.

You know they're going to use every last dime they raise to try to slam the brakes on President Obama's change agenda.

You know what I say? Thanks, but no thanks - how about you get back on that bridge to nowhere, Sarah.

We've got to beat her and the rest of those "no, baby, no" Republicans standing in President Obama's way by winning this FEC fundraising battle on March 31st. It's the only one in President Obama's first 100 days. It'll show everybody that America stands behind President Obama and Democrats fighting for change - not Sarah Palin and the "just say no" Republicans.

Contribute $5, $10, or more today to the DCCC's Million Dollar Match campaign. This is the only FEC deadline during President Obama's first 100 days. If you give today, they'll match your gift 2-to-1, tripling its impact.

We need to make sure our Democratic voices for change are stronger and louder than all their "Party of No" talk.

Republicans are trying to change the subject by going on the attack. First, it was the daddy of all Republicans Rush Limbaugh riling up the GOP base by rooting for President Obama to fail. Then it was RNC Chair Michael Steele transferring $1 million to bolster the House Republicans' campaign war chest. One Republican even fessed up that his party's goal in Congress isn't getting anything done - it's tearing down approval numbers for Democrats.

They're coming for a fight. Let's give them one.

read the rest and comments..

03-24-2009, 02:06 PM
Ahhh yes...Caribou Barbie. I can see her and Bobby "The Exorcist" Jindal on the '12 GOP ticket. Y'all go right ahead and die on that hill. :lmao:

moderate democrat
03-24-2009, 02:06 PM
thank you for giving me the link to use to send my campaign contribution to the DCCC. I appreciate it!

03-24-2009, 02:09 PM
thank you for giving me the link to use to send my campaign contribution to the DCCC. I appreciate it!

hey, you want to flush your hard earned money down the toilet, what do I care. ya got the link, now flush flush swirl..

Mr. P
03-24-2009, 03:01 PM
I love it when Carville and his wife appear together and she whips his ass in PUBLIC, on NATIONAL TV! :laugh2:

Don't understand the marriage relationship though. Opposites attract I guess. :eek:

moderate democrat
03-24-2009, 05:11 PM
hey, you want to flush your hard earned money down the toilet, what do I care. ya got the link, now flush flush swirl..

I am quite pleased with how effective my election campaign contributions were... I will certainly do more of the same here.

03-24-2009, 05:21 PM
I am quite pleased with how effective my election campaign contributions were... I will certainly do more of the same here.

well if you really want to do some good, I think you should donate your whole paychecks to them..then they could do some more, don't ya think..

flush flush swirlie..:coffee:

03-24-2009, 05:46 PM
email from James Carville

You know what I say? Thanks, but no thanks - how about you get back on that bridge to nowhere, Sarah.

because we know James Carville intended to contribute to the Republican Party if they had called on someone else to speak instead of Palin......

03-24-2009, 05:48 PM
I love it when Carville and his wife appear together and she whips his ass in PUBLIC, on NATIONAL TV! :laugh2:

Don't understand the marriage relationship though. Opposites attract I guess. :eek:

it must be the sex because she sure didn't marry him for his looks or his brains.....

03-24-2009, 06:05 PM
Ahhh yes...Caribou Barbie. I can see her and Bobby "The Exorcist" Jindal on the '12 GOP ticket. Y'all go right ahead and die on that hill. :lmao: :poke: The laughing stock of the world the ASSCLOWN obama's Numbers are falling quicker then the stock market on a bad day. even his socialist ASSCLOWN Brother Hugo Chavez is calling obama an Ignorant Fuck :cheers2:

moderate democrat
03-24-2009, 08:34 PM
well if you really want to do some good, I think you should donate your whole paychecks to them..then they could do some more, don't ya think..

flush flush swirlie..:coffee:

I DO want to do some good... I want to do some good for my country and for my family and myself.... which is why I contribute what I do, and also why I keep my family as my first priority.

moderate democrat
03-24-2009, 08:37 PM
Obama's Numbers are falling quicker then the stock market on a bad day.

obviously, you are mathematically challenged.


03-24-2009, 08:38 PM
I DO want to do some good... I want to do some good for my country and for my family and myself.... which is why I contribute what I do, and also why I keep my family as my first priority.

never mind, you didn't get the joke..
your choice to give to who you want..you thanked me for the link, now do as you wish..

moderate democrat
03-24-2009, 08:49 PM
never mind, you didn't get the joke..
your choice to give to who you want..you thanked me for the link, now do as you wish..

I got the "joke", steph.

I just didn't think it was very funny...or very original.... but then, very little of what you write is.

03-24-2009, 08:53 PM
I got the "joke", steph.

I just didn't think it was very funny...or very original.... but then, very little of what you write is.

and not one thing you've written has been funny, original, or informative.

03-24-2009, 08:56 PM
I got the "joke", steph.

I just didn't think it was very funny...or very original.... but then, very little of what you write is.

awwwwww, u urt me wittle fweeling..I go cri nuw...

u nweed twos fends yur funni bonis..u aacts likes a meeeenie.

03-24-2009, 09:11 PM
gotta disagree with you there, steph is very funny, original, and good

I got the "joke", steph.

I just didn't think it was very funny...or very original.... but then, very little of what you write is.

03-28-2009, 06:26 AM
obviously, you are mathematically challenged.


His approval rating may be 60% however, this poll (http://zogby.com/news/ReadNews.cfm?ID=1686)shows that his job performance is under 50%. That means have the country thinks the job he is doing sucks.

So what people like hime, the majority of the country think he can't do the job.


03-28-2009, 07:09 AM
His approval rating may be 60% however, this poll (http://zogby.com/news/ReadNews.cfm?ID=1686)shows that his job performance is under 50%. That means have the country thinks the job he is doing sucks.

So what people like hime, the majority of the country think he can't do the job.


I am a truck driver that goes all over this country , when obama was first elected the blacks went crazy, now they are happy saying at least he is trying, the hell with the polls I listen to people all over the country and he has fallen in popularity so much so quick it is unreal,Give him a couple more months and even the people that voted for him just for his skin color will see threw him.

moderate democrat
03-28-2009, 08:49 AM
His approval rating may be 60% however, this poll (http://zogby.com/news/ReadNews.cfm?ID=1686)shows that his job performance is under 50%. That means have the country thinks the job he is doing sucks.

So what people like hime, the majority of the country think he can't do the job.


the difference here being that you have posted ONE poll...I posted the RCP average of MANY polls.

03-28-2009, 09:26 AM
His approval rating may be 60% however, this poll (http://zogby.com/news/ReadNews.cfm?ID=1686)shows that his job performance is under 50%. That means have the country thinks the job he is doing sucks.

So what people like hime, the majority of the country think he can't do the job.


<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.pollster.com/flashcharts/scripts/javascript/loess.js"></script><object width="450" height="346"><param name="chart" value="http://www.pollster.com/flashcharts/flash/swfs/chart.swf?xml=http://www.pollster.com/flashcharts/content/xml/Obama44JobApproval.xml&choices=Approve,Disapprove&phone=&ivr=&internet=&mail=&smoothing=&from_date=&to_date=&min_pct=&max_pct=&grid=&points=&trends=&lines=&colors=Disapprove-BF0014,Approve-000000,Undecided-68228B&e=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="false"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.pollster.com/flashcharts/flash/swfs/chart.swf?xml=http://www.pollster.com/flashcharts/content/xml/Obama44JobApproval.xml&choices=Approve,Disapprove&phone=&ivr=&internet=&mail=&smoothing=&from_date=&to_date=&min_pct=&max_pct=&grid=&points=&trends=&lines=&colors=Disapprove-BF0014,Approve-000000,Undecided-68228B&e=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="false" allowScriptAccess="always" width="450" height="346"></embed></object>

Sucks to be you, what with reality having a liberal bias and all. <a href=http://www.pollster.com/polls/us/fav-obama.php>Pollster.com</a> cuts through the bullshit.

03-28-2009, 05:19 PM
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.pollster.com/flashcharts/scripts/javascript/loess.js"></script><object width="450" height="346"><param name="chart" value="http://www.pollster.com/flashcharts/flash/swfs/chart.swf?xml=http://www.pollster.com/flashcharts/content/xml/Obama44JobApproval.xml&choices=Approve,Disapprove&phone=&ivr=&internet=&mail=&smoothing=&from_date=&to_date=&min_pct=&max_pct=&grid=&points=&trends=&lines=&colors=Disapprove-BF0014,Approve-000000,Undecided-68228B&e=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="false"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.pollster.com/flashcharts/flash/swfs/chart.swf?xml=http://www.pollster.com/flashcharts/content/xml/Obama44JobApproval.xml&choices=Approve,Disapprove&phone=&ivr=&internet=&mail=&smoothing=&from_date=&to_date=&min_pct=&max_pct=&grid=&points=&trends=&lines=&colors=Disapprove-BF0014,Approve-000000,Undecided-68228B&e=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="false" allowScriptAccess="always" width="450" height="346"></embed></object>

trends?....what trends?.....we don't see no trends.......

03-28-2009, 06:49 PM
OK...I'n convinced, Obama is the greatest thing since toilet paper! That gives me an idea for the next time I visit the can. I seem to have enough Time covers laying around I could use him to ................you know...............for a long time!

03-28-2009, 07:09 PM
OK...I'n convinced, Obama is the greatest thing since toilet paper! That gives me an idea for the next time I visit the can. I seem to have enough Time covers laying around I could use him to ................you know...............for a long time!

magazine covers don't work, too slick....the banana leaves i used in the south pacific were better than that, texture, you need texture