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View Full Version : Comments on Immanuel's interview

03-27-2009, 07:55 AM
Great interview!

03-27-2009, 12:49 PM
Taking a moment to read anything this man has to say is always a worthwhile venture.

If I may be so bold Immie as to offer you some advice sir. On a Saturday morning when you don't have anything planned, get up early on one of those nice clear Tampa Bay type mornings. Drive across the bridge to the rest area out there on the island. Take your favorite portable chair and ice chest full of tea, a couple of snacks and a legal pad. NO COMPUTER! Find one of those beautiful vantage points that are everywhere out there and set up. As I am sure you will do, take a moment to ask for a blessing from God before beginning and then outline that novel on your pad. Start of course with the subject by which you have already chosen. Jot down your outline while enjoying that panoramic view. In your effort remember it is most important NOT to write something that you feel someone will want to read so much as it is more important that you write what YOU want to say. I can tell you this sir, whatever you write, people are going to want to read it. Personally, if I had your wonderfull talent for writing I would throw mine away. It is obvious that your ability to address issues with the compassion you mentioned while holding steadfast to important personal values, allow you to display a realistical in prospective and is indeed truly admirable. I am certain that we all especially admire your unique way to speak to everybody and not allow yourself to "narrow" your opinions. You have a very special gift that IMHO will work to influence many people one day. It is my further contention that with each day that passes, the rest of us are being denied whatever insight your novel is certain to provide. (LOL).

03-27-2009, 10:26 PM
I stripped the 2 comments from the latest interview and moved them here. Only staff has rights to post in that forum as I always intended to keep it "clean" and free from flames, and easier for future readers to peruse through. I have no issue if a new thread is opened in here to discuss though.

03-28-2009, 06:44 AM
OOPS! Sorry Jimbo!! :)

03-28-2009, 11:18 AM
Another fine interview Jim, Immie is one of my favorite posters, always gives me something to think about. We cross over alot in our thinking, though there's usually something we disagree with even on issues we are for the main, simpatico. Always respectful and thoughtful!

03-28-2009, 12:22 PM
Another job well done, Jim and Immie. Keep the interviews flowing Jim, they're always interesting.