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04-04-2007, 07:54 AM
Rove attacked by protestors (http://www.nbc4.com/news/11516096/detail.html#)

WASHINGTON -- White House Advisor Karl Rove was the target of a protest on the American University campus Tuesday night, News4 reported.

Rove was on the campus to talk to the College Republicans, but when he got outside more than a dozen students began throwing things at him and at his car, an American University spokesperson said.

The students then got on the ground and laid down in front of his car as a protest.

The students said security officials picked them up and carried them away so Rove could leave.

Police said they have dealt with a lot of protests on campus and this one was handled peacefully.

No one was arrested.

How on earth is assaulting speakers peaceful? And why the heck wasnt anyone arrested?

04-04-2007, 10:11 AM
Rove attacked by protestors (http://www.nbc4.com/news/11516096/detail.html#)

How on earth is assaulting speakers peaceful? And why the heck wasnt anyone arrested?

Because they are Liberals. If they would have jumped him and beat the tar out of him,the press would have still called it peaceful. Libs couldn't possibly be violent...could they?

04-04-2007, 10:16 AM
My question too. Throwing things at someone is assault. Just because they were removed from the road peacefully doesn't make it a peaceful demonstration.

I guess it was peaceful because thre were no libs injured.

04-04-2007, 10:34 AM
Rove attacked by protestors (http://www.nbc4.com/news/11516096/detail.html#)

How on earth is assaulting speakers peaceful? And why the heck wasnt anyone arrested?

Sometimes if you arrest people like that, you're doing exactly what they want you to do. Sometimes they want to get arrested so they can put on the martyr role.

When I worked at the National Institutes of Health, the PETA people took over some administrative offices one hot July day. They were hoping to get arrested.

NIH officials decided not to have them arrested. Instead, they turned off the A/C to the occupied offices. LOL

Oh, and one more thing. Bad behavior is not only a "lib" thing. If you think all rightwingers are civilized and well behaved in the presence of the "opposition," think again. Would you have me believe that Kerry, for instance, was never heckled during his presidential campaign?

Heckling is a boorish way of expressing one's free speech rights that both sides use from time to time.

04-04-2007, 10:37 AM
Sometimes if you arrest people like that, you're doing exactly what they want you to do. Sometimes they want to get arrested so they can put on the martyr role.

When I worked at the National Institutes of Health, the PETA people took over some administrative offices one hot July day. They were hoping to get arrested.

NIH officials decided not to have them arrested. Instead, they turned off the A/C to the occupied offices. LOL

Oh, and one more thing. Bad behavior is not only a "lib" thing. If you think all rightwingers are civilized and well behaved in the presence of the "opposition," think again. Would you have me believe that Kerry, for instance, was never heckled during his presidential campaign?

Heckling is a boorish way of expressing one's free speech rights that both sides use from time to time.

If they want to get arrested, Let them. I'm all for giving them exactly what they want when they break the law. Because people willing to go to these lengths deserve to be in jail.

04-04-2007, 10:57 AM
If they want to get arrested, Let them. I'm all for giving them exactly what they want when they break the law. Because people willing to go to these lengths deserve to be in jail.

I'm not sure, but possibly where no actual physical violence or destruction of property is involved, the police may not have the discretion to arrest if an interested party does not press charges.

I think the police just as soon would try to defuse a situation without arrests, if possible.

04-04-2007, 11:22 AM
Sometimes if you arrest people like that, you're doing exactly what they want you to do. Sometimes they want to get arrested so they can put on the martyr role.

When I worked at the National Institutes of Health, the PETA people took over some administrative offices one hot July day. They were hoping to get arrested.

NIH officials decided not to have them arrested. Instead, they turned off the A/C to the occupied offices. LOL
LOL! Assuming this method worked, that was both creative and completed the purpose of showing the demonstrators for what they were.

Oh, and one more thing. Bad behavior is not only a "lib" thing. If you think all rightwingers are civilized and well behaved in the presence of the "opposition," think again. Would you have me believe that Kerry, for instance, was never heckled during his presidential campaign?

Heckling is a boorish way of expressing one's free speech rights that both sides use from time to time.

Agreed. Although, from my observation, liberals take it WAY farther than conservatives in terms of frequency and venom.

04-04-2007, 11:43 AM
Ok, I'm racking my brain about news reports for the last 40 years and NEVERdo I remember any conservatives rioting or demonstrating or trying to get arrested for civil disobedience. Heckling does not count. Heckling and storming the speakers platform does. And I have never heard of that being done by conservatives.

Violent demonstrations is purely a left wing tactic.

04-04-2007, 12:29 PM
LOL! Assuming this method worked, that was both creative and completed the purpose of showing the demonstrators for what they were.

Agreed. Although, from my observation, liberals take it WAY farther than conservatives in terms of frequency and venom.

Uh, huh. Remember the hardhats? (http://chnm.gmu.edu/hardhats/bloody.html) Were they liberals?

04-04-2007, 12:47 PM
Uh, huh. Remember the hardhats? (http://chnm.gmu.edu/hardhats/bloody.html) Were they liberals?

They were working Joe's that had had enough of the liberal bullshit. The libs and commies, and those demonstrations were commie funded, were there to disrupt business and creat havoc. The construction workers decided to take action they knew the police wouldn't take. It was a counter action to a demonstration already underway by the liberals/communists. All the demonstrations in those days were funded by the russians through internal communist agencies.

The demonstrations today are funded by ANSWER and other communist based groups funneling money from North Korea, iran and other dictatorships. There is nothing American about any of these demonstrations. They are all funded by anti-American groups embraced by the liberals.

Next time there's a demonstration in your area, ask who is funding it. You will find they are either communist or muslim groups.

04-04-2007, 01:02 PM
You had to go back to 1970 to find a violent non-"liberal" demonstration?

At any rate, I prefaced my statement with the phrase "from my observation," denoting that my opinion was based on the things I have personally heard of or witnessed.

One anecdote does not change my opinion that, for every violent demonstration or incident done by non-liberals, you will be able find at least one (if not 100) incidents that are MORE violent. And, you will be able to find more incidents in general done by liberals than by non-liberals.

The ClayTaurus
04-04-2007, 01:22 PM
Does anyone know what they were actually throwing at rove? Rocks and crumpled paper are two very different things...

04-04-2007, 01:25 PM
They were working Joe's that had had enough of the liberal bullshit. The libs and commies, and those demonstrations were commie funded, were there to disrupt business and creat havoc. The construction workers decided to take action they knew the police wouldn't take. It was a counter action to a demonstration already underway by the liberals/communists. All the demonstrations in those days were funded by the russians through internal communist agencies.

The demonstrations today are funded by ANSWER and other communist based groups funneling money from North Korea, iran and other dictatorships. There is nothing American about any of these demonstrations. They are all funded by anti-American groups embraced by the liberals.

Next time there's a demonstration in your area, ask who is funding it. You will find they are either communist or muslim groups.

So their disgust with the protesters justified their assaulting them? My father, who was a pretty conservative guy, used to tell me, "Two wrongs don't make a right." Apparently you seem to think it's OK to beat up on leftie protesters but it's not OK for them to behave like rowdies. Go figure.


04-04-2007, 01:26 PM
You had to go back to 1970 to find a violent non-"liberal" demonstration?

At any rate, I prefaced my statement with the phrase "from my observation," denoting that my opinion was based on the things I have personally heard of or witnessed.

One anecdote does not change my opinion that, for every violent demonstration or incident done by non-liberals, you will be able find at least one (if not 100) incidents that are MORE violent. And, you will be able to find more incidents in general done by liberals than by non-liberals.

I was a college student at the time, so I remember that incident very well. That is why I used it, rather than to take time to locate a more recent story of right wing malfeasance.

04-04-2007, 01:29 PM
Abortion protests have become violent in the past.

04-04-2007, 01:40 PM
So their disgust with the protesters justified their assaulting them? My father, who was a pretty conservative guy, used to tell me, "Two wrongs don't make a right." Apparently you seem to think it's OK to beat up on leftie protesters but it's not OK for them to behave like rowdies. Go figure.


Protests and riots sparked by the protests had been going on for three years. These guys were fed up with the liberals getting away with destroying the country. The liberals of those days were no different than the ones of today. Communist backed vicious liars who are out to destroy everything this country stands for. And they are using the same tactics they did back then.

The lefties have behaved like rowdies for 40 years. At some point people are going to say enoughs enough. That's what the hardhats did. And it will happen again. It already has to a peaceful degree with the Gathering of Eagles. The libs didn't start anything then because they were outnumbered ten to one.

04-04-2007, 02:08 PM
Protests and riots sparked by the protests had been going on for three years. These guys were fed up with the liberals getting away with destroying the country. The liberals of those days were no different than the ones of today. Communist backed vicious liars who are out to destroy everything this country stands for. And they are using the same tactics they did back then.

The lefties have behaved like rowdies for 40 years. At some point people are going to say enoughs enough. That's what the hardhats did. And it will happen again. It already has to a peaceful degree with the Gathering of Eagles. The libs didn't start anything then because they were outnumbered ten to one.

So you believe two wrongs make a right. Oooo-kay.

Oh, and how were the liberals "destroying the country?" This oughta be good.

Abbey Marie
04-04-2007, 02:45 PM
Professional protesters, like the ones who regularly protest the IMF/World Bank, are generally unemployed socialists and communists, who travel the world looking for ways to protest the evils of Capitalism. Thanks to libs and the MSM here in the USA constantly disparaging our country and our President, they smell a chance for relevance again, after a long post-Viet Nam war dry spell. Amateur (college) protesters love the chance to feel relevant and rebellious as well. Hence the uptick in stage-storming, bottle-throwing, and the like.

04-04-2007, 02:46 PM
So you believe two wrongs make a right. Oooo-kay.

Oh, and how were the liberals "destroying the country?" This oughta be good.

Through rioting and and civil unrested, supported by the russians, they were attempting to intimidate and terrorize the country into socialism. It's been the liberal goal since the 60's. And you, like so many other useful idiots, buy right into their agenda.

The liberal agenda is socialism. with hillery, kerry, gore, kennedy and a few others being at the top, controling everyone through the government. Their own little politibeaurue.

Abbey Marie
04-04-2007, 02:51 PM
So you believe two wrongs make a right. Oooo-kay.

Oh, and how were the liberals "destroying the country?" This oughta be good.

For starters, lib policies are behind our crappy education sytem, our conferring of automatic victim status on all minorities, lenient sentencing, lack of personal responsibility, the inability to take filth off the airwaves or internet, up to and including child porn, and the open and total denigration of the offiice of President of the US, much to the world's delight. Cindy Sheehan, anyone?

Oh, I almost forgot the loss of respect for the value of life, through abortion on demand, and partial birth abortion.

04-04-2007, 04:05 PM
For starters, lib policies are behind our crappy education sytem, our conferring of automatic victim status on all minorities, lenient sentencing, lack of personal responsibility, the inability to take filth off the airwaves or internet, up to and including child porn, and the open and total denigration of the offiice of President of the US, much to the world's delight. Cindy Sheehan, anyone?

Oh, I almost forgot the loss of respect for the value of life, through abortion on demand, and partial birth abortion.

Have to spread the rep around. well said tho.

04-04-2007, 04:08 PM
Have to spread the rep around. well said tho.

I got her..

That was right on, Abbey..:clap:

04-04-2007, 04:11 PM
For starters, lib policies are behind our crappy education sytem, our conferring of automatic victim status on all minorities, lenient sentencing, lack of personal responsibility, the inability to take filth off the airwaves or internet, up to and including child porn, and the open and total denigration of the offiice of President of the US, much to the world's delight. Cindy Sheehan, anyone?

Oh, I almost forgot the loss of respect for the value of life, through abortion on demand, and partial birth abortion.

I see an awful lot of conservatives drape themselves in the "victim" mantle, which makes criticizing liberals for that laughable.

Lack of personal responsibility? How many conservatives have been bemoaning the conviction of Scooter Libby? Sheesh.

Denigration of the office of the President? What the hell did conservatives do during the Clinton years? Now you expect people like me to respect and revere the current POTUS even though I haven't seen how he has earned my respect.

Loss of respect for the value of life? Don't tell that to the families of 3000+ men and women who have died in this stupid war we're in. That's not liberals' fault.

04-04-2007, 04:47 PM
I see an awful lot of conservatives drape themselves in the "victim" mantle, which makes criticizing liberals for that laughable.

Lack of personal responsibility? How many conservatives have been bemoaning the conviction of Scooter Libby? Sheesh.

Denigration of the office of the President? What the hell did conservatives do during the Clinton years? Now you expect people like me to respect and revere the current POTUS even though I haven't seen how he has earned my respect.

Loss of respect for the value of life? Don't tell that to the families of 3000+ men and women who have died in this stupid war we're in. That's not liberals' fault.

ahhh the mantle of victimization. Yes that is a favorite of liberals. That's why murtha has joined rangel in calling for a draft. They don't have a victim class in the military.

Libby got caught up in the liberals witch hunt. Really doesn't mean much to me.

clinton denigrated the office of the president all by himself, he didn't need any help from the republicans.

The war in iraq would have been completed by now had more troops been put in early and had the media stopped attacking Bush at every opportunity and libs showed a united front against the islamists. By showing a divided country it just encourages the enemy to keep fighting. All they have to do is wait for the libs to demoralize enough of the population and they will have victory. The libs are the islamist best ally.

04-04-2007, 05:10 PM
For starters, lib policies are behind our crappy education sytem, our conferring of automatic victim status on all minorities, lenient sentencing, lack of personal responsibility, the inability to take filth off the airwaves or internet, up to and including child porn, and the open and total denigration of the offiice of President of the US, much to the world's delight. Cindy Sheehan, anyone?

Oh, I almost forgot the loss of respect for the value of life, through abortion on demand, and partial birth abortion.

dont forget amnesty to illegals, socialist policy to "save the environment" from junk science, racial quotas... the list goes on

04-04-2007, 05:31 PM
dont forget amnesty to illegals, socialist policy to "save the environment" from junk science, racial quotas... the list goes on

and its a really long list.

04-04-2007, 06:44 PM
Here's a video of the little sweeties..:laugh2:


04-04-2007, 06:57 PM
Here's a video of the little sweeties..:laugh2:


exclusive huh. nbc's moonbats on parade. One interview with a moonbat with a ring in her nose and some still photos does not make for much of an exclusive or even good reporting. Just another shotgun pellet going nowhere.

I do believe Rove is the only republican hated more than Bush. If that's posible.

Hint, when moonbats lay in front of your car, run over them. They will learn to stop doing that after a few years.

04-04-2007, 08:12 PM
Rove attacked by protestors (http://www.nbc4.com/news/11516096/detail.html#)

How on earth is assaulting speakers peaceful? And why the heck wasnt anyone arrested?

They just prove who and what they are, and what their "peaece chants" are all about. It's pretty much "do it my way or I'll hold a violent protest and kick your ass" with the left-wingnuts.

04-04-2007, 08:41 PM
Those weren't no peace chants I heard..

I heard the one guy yelling over and over........Rove go to hell..
If I had been Rove....I'd of told the guy to go there first, and I'd join him later on....:coffee:

04-05-2007, 04:39 PM
Here's a video of the little sweeties..:laugh2:


All I got was a black screen, Stephanie.......I did see one still photo. What exactly were they throwing at him, words or paper?

04-05-2007, 04:47 PM
All I got was a black screen, Stephanie.......I did see one still photo. What exactly were they throwing at him, words or paper?

It just worked for me..It's slow loading up so give it some time..