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View Full Version : Obama rejects Normandy trip to avoid offending Germany

red states rule
04-08-2009, 08:30 AM
Obama shows his disrespect to the US military once again. Meanwhile, the liberal media ignore the story - and now his supporters will defend his actions

Barack Obama rejects Normandy trip to avoid offending Germany
Barack Obama, concerned about offending Britain and Germany, rebuffed strenuous attempts by President Nicolas Sarkozy of France to persuade the new American president to make a trip to Normandy this week.

By Toby Harnden, US Editor, and Henry Samuel in Paris
Last Updated: 10:12PM BST 02 Apr 2009

White House officials travelled to France at the start of March to discuss a visit by Mr Obama to Omaha Beach, the site of the American Cemetery, established in 1944 just after D-Day and where 9,387 American personnel are buried. Among them is Theodore Roosevelt Jr the eldest son of the 26th US President.

French officials and senior American military officers walked with White House staff through the cemetery discussing how the two presidents might follow the same route. But even before their trip, the White House had decided that Mr Obama would not travel there this week.

"It wasn't going to happen," said an American official in Washington. "We went through the motions to placate President Sarkozy but giving special treatment to France was not on our agenda.

"During this trip, we wanted to maintain a balance between the British, German and France". A White House spokesman in London declined to comment. Last month, White House officials briefed that a Normandy visit had been considered but it had not been logistically possible.

Mr Obama will arrive in Strasbourg on Friday for the Nato summit. He will hold a meeting with Mr Sarkozy and a brief press appearance in Strasbourg and then fly to Baden-Baden to do exactly the same with Chancellor Merkel of Germany. He will then fly to Prague on Saturday.

Mr Sarkozy is said by French officials to be piqued that Gordon Brown became the first European leader to meet Mr Obama and was then lavished with praise by him at a 50-minute joint press conference in London on Wednesday.


04-08-2009, 08:38 AM
Actually I think its best this way. Those 140,000 US soldiers would be rolling in their graves so see a Marxist is now POTUS.

red states rule
04-08-2009, 08:39 AM
Actually I think its best this way. Those 140,000 US soldiers would be rolling in their graves so see a Marxist is now POTUS.

But it is another classic example of how little the left respects our memebrs of the military

On the other hand, it could be all those WHITE CROSSES that makes Obama nervous

04-13-2009, 09:36 AM
Much ado about nothing.
But it is another classic example of how little the left respects our memebrs of the military

Ridiculous. White House specifically stated Obama would be visiting Normandy in June rather than now. This wasn't about the military btw, but about the French president wanting a photo-op.

Barack Obama rejects Normandy trip to avoid offending GermanyUm, its a trip to meet with Britain, France and Germany and other NATO leaders. French president wanted a long extended photo-op with Obama that the other nations wouldn't have on this trip. Entirely appropriate to say he'd do it later.

If the French president is upset that Obama has already met with the UK, then perhaps he should have flown to the USA like Brown did earlier this year. I'm sure we can fit him in a nice set of DVDs as well.

red states rule
04-13-2009, 09:38 AM
Much ado about nothing.

Ridiculous. White House specifically stated Obama would be visiting Normandy in June rather than now. This wasn't about the military btw, but about the French president wanting a photo-op.

Um, its a trip to meet with Britain, France and Germany and other NATO leaders. French president wanted a long extended photo-op with Obama that the other nations wouldn't have on this trip. Entirely appropriate to say he'd do it later.

Obama has a record of dissing the troops so this is nothing new. Libs like Obama have much distain for the military so he just being himself

04-14-2009, 08:27 AM
I think that the fact that during Obama's visit to Iraq, some 1500 members of the Armed Forces were to attend and only some 600 showed up says it all!!!!!!


red states rule
04-14-2009, 08:30 AM
I think that the fact that during Obama's visit to Iraq, some 1500 members of the Armed Forces were to attend and only some 600 showed up says it all!!!!!!



04-15-2009, 02:59 AM
There are reports out there now that before Obama's appearance in Iraq, the troops were asked who voted for Obama and those soldiers were moved to the front, not only that, but they were given digital cameras so they could pose for the press cameras. Newsbuster.org has several links to reports about this.


red states rule
04-15-2009, 06:00 AM
There are reports out there now that before Obama's appearance in Iraq, the troops were asked who voted for Obama and those soldiers were moved to the front, not only that, but they were given digital cameras so they could pose for the press cameras. Newsbuster.org has several links to reports about this.


The story is correct. I guess this is another example of the change

This is so evil ..... and the corrupt media is in lock step, goose step.

I watched that poor piece of theater and I knew it ........ well, at least we know the few in the military who are anti-American.

Obama’s Potemkin Military Reception Flopping Aces (hat tip Dave)

“Cheered wildly by U.S. troops,” begins Jennifer Democratic Operative Loven’s AP report on Obama’s surprise visit to Iraq on Tuesday.
Quite a contrast to the silent treatment Marines gave Obama at his Camp LeJeune speech in late February. Just how did Obama manage to fix that little problem?
According to a sergeant in Iraq :
We were pre-screened, asked by officials “Who voted for Obama?”, and then those who raised their hands were shuffled to the front of the receiving line. They even handed out digital cameras and asked them to hold them up. [Via Macsmind.

Charles Dharapak/associated press
So will the press cover this evidence of a staged and unrepresentative show of military affection for our anti-military president? The reporters were there. Did they actually see the troops being sorted by whether they voted for Obama, which the sergeant describes as happening on the spot?
Stephen Hurst’s AP report is up front about Obama’s fervent desire for a hero’s welcome:
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama went for the defining television shot by capping his first extended foreign tour with a surprise visit to Iraq.
He got it – pictures of hundreds of U.S. troops cheering wildly as he told them it was time for the Iraqis to take charge of their own future.
Just no mention of HOW Obama managed to fake this response: Obama lovers to the front!
FLASHBACK: How the press treated the merest impression of a staged troop response under President Bush, even when there was no actual manipulation
Remember this headline from 2005:
Bush Teleconference With Soldiers Staged
It dominated the headlines and the television news-analysis for days, and the fabricated scandal was utterly dishonest. The so-called “staging” involved no manipulation whatsoever. A group of soldiers who were scheduled for a televised chat with President Bush were “caught on tape” discussing ahead of time who would answer questions on what subjects. There was NO discussion of WHAT should be said.

Read it all and pity the leftopaths - they have no heart, no soul, no might, no honor, nothing of value. Nothing.


red states rule
04-15-2009, 06:08 AM
Judge for yourself folks. Here is a video of Pres Bush and Pres Obama talking to the troops

You tell me who the troops respect and admire more

Even the CNN anchor commented on the repsonse Obama got from the troops

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/xIHz5tevLAw&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/xIHz5tevLAw&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

04-15-2009, 07:55 PM
Judge for yourself folks. Here is a video of Pres Bush and Pres Obama talking to the troops

You tell me who the troops respect and admire more

Even the CNN anchor commented on the repsonse Obama got from the troops

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/xIHz5tevLAw&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/xIHz5tevLAw&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


Obama is such a shitbag, and everyone knows it.