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View Full Version : Republican Senators say Obama will eliminate jobs

04-12-2009, 12:04 PM
What's wrong with this?

Sens. Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson, both Republicans from Georgia, released a joint statement in opposition to the defense budget cuts. Chambliss called the move "imprudent," and pledged to work to "overturn" Gates' recommendation to end F-22 production. "This fight is not finished," he said. Senator Isakson accused the administration of wanting to "eliminate 2,000 jobs in Marietta" at a time when unemployment is rising.


04-12-2009, 12:36 PM
What's wrong with this?

It's two pigs that are upset that their food got moved to someone else's trough.

04-12-2009, 01:17 PM
If you guys think the Secretary of Defense and the President can control appropriations for Defense or Agriculture you don't ever watch CSPAN... All appropriations are controlled in congress and it doesn't matter what the hell the president or the Secretary of Defense says... watch and learn.

04-12-2009, 02:21 PM
What's wrong with this?

I thought Republicans believed that government spending didn't create jobs.

04-12-2009, 02:24 PM
Hypocrisy of people who claimed gov't spending "never creates jobs" during stimulus debate now decrying cuts to defense program as job killer - http://mediamatters.org/countyfair/200904120002?f=cf_clips

04-12-2009, 07:13 PM
Defense spending most definitely creates jobs.

04-12-2009, 07:41 PM
Hypocrisy of people who claimed gov't spending "never creates jobs" during stimulus debate now decrying cuts to defense program as job killer - http://mediamatters.org/countyfair/200904120002?f=cf_clipsGovernment spending almost always creates jobs, usually new government jobs to manage the program and of course the jobs related to the spending... Several hundred feds to manage the government contract with the military that will remain if the project is closed or remains... the same with building a sewer, bridge or highway more new fed jobs that never go away... but when the fed stimulus money runs out the jobs are gone with exception of the fed jobs.

Democrats always argue that every dollar of food stamps creates a dollar and a half of activity that returns the spent money to the government so using that logic we should put every citizen on food stamps and really stimulate the economy?

04-14-2009, 08:25 AM
Hypocrisy of people who claimed gov't spending "never creates jobs" during stimulus debate now decrying cuts to defense program as job killer - http://mediamatters.org/countyfair/200904120002?f=cf_clips

Nice try!!!! But again you and Krugman are nothing more than liars. Yes I will use that word, for you are guilty of lying. Republicans decried the social spending that doesn't create jobs, they also complained that the government jobs were only temporary, for how long can you waste time and money building a road, a bridge, or repairing a school.

Defense contracts, create long term jobs, for once the US puts a new technology into the field, the demand for that technology increased from our allies who we sell.

Tell me how many of our allies will hire our construction workers to build roads, schools, or bridges in this country???? Answer, Not a Damn One.

Tell me are you really as stupid as your posts make you seem or are you just in need of always getting your posts proven as lies?
