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Mr. P
04-05-2007, 01:33 PM
Here is what an Army Ranger has to say about the liberals and left wing politicians.
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Newswire: Ranger Up Unanimously Votes to Send 218 members of Congress to Douchebagistan…

We are in a war in Iraq. A lot of people love to spend their time arguing about whether or not we should have gone (and by “we” they mean the American soldier, sailor, marine, and airmen – probably an inclusive term they shouldn’t use so loosely given that I know I haven’t been shot at lately from the comfort of my couch).

I don’t want to comment on that argument.

There’s no reason to. The U.S. military and its allies are in Iraq.

So that leaves two real camps:

There are people in America that believe the war in Iraq must be seen to a successful conclusion. I am one of them.

There are others that truly believe the war is wrong and fight passionately to end it immediately. While they possess many arguments for this belief, one that is reoccurring is that “not a single additional soldier should die for an unjust war or for a war that cannot be won”. For one moment, I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt and believe that they truly care about the American Armed Forces or those of our allies. I still believe these people are shortsighted, lack the proper historical perspective, and are not taking the futures of the people of Iraq into account. That being said, there is one thing I like about them – their argument makes sense if we agree on the premise.

In other words, winning the Iraq War is either good for America and Iraq or bad for America and Iraq. If you believe it is good, the only logical argument is that we must win. If you believe it is bad, the only logical argument is that we must leave immediately and preserve American life.

That’s it. People like to complicate the matter, but that’s all there is – regardless of whether you think the U.S. and its allies should have begun the war.

There are two reasonable premises. There are two logical overarching conclusions.

And then there’s the method developed by the 218 members of Congress, led by Nancy Pelosi.

Your elected leaders did the following:

They decided they would pass a bill that gave more power to the legislature than has ever been granted previously, knowing the President would have to veto this bill. This bill would mandate that Iraq War would have to end by the arbitrary date of August 31st, 2008, as Ms. Pelosi apparently felt like that seemed like a pretty good day to admit defeat. Surprisingly, she found that many of the members of her own party would not sign on to this plan and that she was lacking almost 20 votes. So she bribed them.

That’s right – the Speaker of the House led an aggressive effort that cost over $20B in taxpayer funding to bribe members of her own party to agree to the bill.

In essence, the Honorable Ms. Pelosi, third in command of the United States, has determined that while my friends are fighting in Iraq, the best way to support them is not to simply pass the emergency funding bill to support their efforts, but rather to attach $20B in bills that have nothing to do with the war effort to “grease” the wheels with the members of her party that are for sale so that she can assure that the United States will lose the war and abandon the Iraqi people to sectarian chaos in the fall of 2008.

Gosh. Thanks.

They really appreciate it.

Actually…now that I think about it…How dare you?

How dare you play political games with their lives? How dare you not fight for what you think is right? How dare you give the people killing my friends a goal – to hold out until 31 August.

What’s the intent here? The President is going to veto the bill. He has to. So then what? Do my friends not get ammo? Do they not get food? Are you going to have the balls to blame the President if that actually came to fruition?

If you truly feel that the “mandate from the people” that you keep referring to is to end the war in Iraq, then you should be fighting to do just that – with every iota of your being. You are not. You are playing games.

Violence in Iraq is down 60-80% since Petraeus took over – you should be thrilled at this fact. If you love America the way I would hope my elected officials do, you should be praying that we can win this thing – that the detractors, even if you are one of them, were wrong, and that the President’s steadfast approach to this fight was the right one. You should want victory – you should want a stable Iraq. You should feel this way now more than ever with the new success our men and women on the ground have begun to achieve. But that’s not what you’re doing – you’re trying to slow the momentum of success. You’re pretending we can’t win to meet your own needs.

You want us to fail.

You just want to be right.

You want to be right so the President looks bad – so your party has a better chance in the elections – so you can say “I told you so”.

That is not leadership, and it is entirely unacceptable.

Your actions just guaranteed the additional loss of American life. Your actions just minimized our chances of victory. You’re hurting America AND Iraq. You are killing our men and women. You – and you alone.

“Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward…” President Bush made that statement on September 11th, 2001. This time cowardice has a face.

The following members of Congress are cowards. They are either comfortable with allowing more soldiers, marines, sailors, and airmen to die for political gain or they sold their true beliefs for $20B in taxpayer’s money. Each and every one of them is responsible for strengthening the resolve of insurgents. Men and women will die because of them.

I left out the 218 names for space.

04-05-2007, 01:50 PM
Is there a link?

04-05-2007, 02:05 PM
He says what I have been saying. The continued loss of life in iraq is the direct responsiblity of the liberals. And that list of congress people needs to be published in 08 to remind everyone what these pieces of shit did to sell out the country and its military.

Mr. P
04-05-2007, 02:12 PM
Is there a link?
Read the about us while you're there.

04-05-2007, 02:32 PM
Read the about us while you're there.


But, I have to disagree about the hot French chicks. I think they are still a part of France. :)

04-05-2007, 02:37 PM

But, I have to disagree about the hot French chicks. I think they are still a part of France. :)

Spoken like a true "chick" !

04-05-2007, 02:39 PM
Spoken like a true "chick" !

What? I'm not "hot"? :(


04-05-2007, 02:45 PM
What? I'm not "hot"? :(


MY bad----"spoken like true HOT chick" :coffee:

Abbey Marie
04-05-2007, 02:47 PM
MY bad----"spoken like true HOT chick" :coffee:

Close one, Dillo!

04-05-2007, 02:50 PM
Close one, Dillo!

I know--I've had to tread very carefully these days !