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04-25-2009, 07:07 AM
For a couple years there have been widespread concerns from the CDC and WHO that a flu pandemic could be overdue. Much concern over avian flu. Now it seems that the avian may have teamed with swine virus into a new strain. Mexico has taken the bulk of deaths, but the illness has spread to the states.

On another board one from the left was hostile that Drudge had the headlines on the warnings. Finishes up his post with the complaint that sort of headline would not have been used if a Republican was president! :laugh2:


Fear, anger and fatalism over swine flu in Mexico

By ALEXANDRA OLSON, Associated Press Writer
1 hr 50 mins ago

MEXICO CITY – The schools and museums are closed. Sold-out games between Mexico's most popular soccer teams are being played in empty stadiums. Health workers are ordering sickly passengers off subways and buses. And while bars and nightclubs filled up as usual, even some teenagers were dancing with surgical masks on.

Across this overcrowded capital of 20 million people, Mexicans are reacting with fatalism and confusion, anger and mounting fear at the idea that their city may be ground zero for a global epidemic of a new kind of flu — a strange mix of human, pig and bird viruses that has epidemiologists deeply concerned.

Tests show 20 people in Mexico have died of the new swine flu strain, and that 48 other deaths were probably due to the same strain. The caseload of those sickened has grown to 1,004 nationwide, Mexico's Health Secretary Jose Angel Cordova said.

The same virus also sickened at least eight people in Texas and California, though there have been no deaths north of the border, puzzling experts at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Scientists have warned for years about the potential for a pandemic from viruses that mix genetic material from humans and animals. This outbreak is particularly worrisome because deaths have happened in at least four different regions of Mexico, and because the victims have not been vulnerable infants and elderly.

The most notorious flu pandemic, thought to have killed at least 40 million people worldwide in 1918-19, also first struck otherwise healthy young adults....


Swine Flu Found in Mexican Outbreak
Illness Raises Alarm Among U.S. Officials
By Rob Stein and David Brown
Washington Post Staff Writers
Saturday, April 25, 2009

An unusual strain of swine flu has been detected among victims of a large outbreak of a severe respiratory illness in Mexico, prompting global health officials, fearful of a potential flu pandemic, to scramble yesterday to try to contain the virus.

At least 1,004 people have been sickened and at least 68 have died, primarily in the sprawling capital of Mexico City, triggering officials to close all schools and universities, museums and libraries and to begin screening air travelers for symptoms before they leave the country....

...The outbreak heightened alarm among health officials in the United States, where at least eight cases of swine flu have been detected along the U.S.-Mexican border, and elsewhere.

"It's alarming and very concerning," said Sari Setiogi, a spokeswoman for the World Health Organization in Geneva, which began an investigation of the cause and scope of the outbreak.

President Obama has been briefed about the illness, spokesman Reid Cherlin said, adding: "The White House is taking the situation seriously and monitoring for any new developments."

The illness appeared to be primarily striking young, healthy adults, a highly unusual pattern that conjured images of the devastating 1918 flu pandemic.

Officials stressed that there were no signs that anything of that scale had begun, but Setiogi said, "This is another reason we are highly concerned," noting that it is the very old and the very young who are usually most vulnerable to common seasonal flu....

04-25-2009, 10:29 AM
Well, there you go then. Bush's fault. No need to look any further, he was President for 8 years, it must be his fault.


04-25-2009, 04:13 PM

WHO declares international concern over swine flu

By FRANK JORDANS, Associated Press Writer
16 mins ago

GENEVA – The World Health Organization warned countries around the world Saturday to be on alert for any unusual flu outbreaks after a unique new swine flu virus was implicated in possibly dozens of human deaths in North America.

WHO Director-General Margaret Chan said the outbreak in Mexico and the United States constituted a "public health emergency of international concern."

The decision means countries around the world will be asked to step up reporting and surveillance of the disease, which she said had "pandemic potential" because it is an animal virus strain infecting people. But the agency cannot at this stage say "whether or not it will indeed cause a pandemic," she added.

Chan made the decision to declare public health emergency of international concern after consulting with influenza experts from around the world. The emergency committee was called together Saturday for the first time since it was created in 2007.

In theory, WHO could now recommend travel advisories, trade restrictions or border closures, none of which would be binding. So far it has refrained from doing so.

The agency also held off raising its pandemic alert level, citing the need for more information....

04-25-2009, 06:54 PM
It is time to cull the herd!

04-25-2009, 07:06 PM
It is time to cull the herd!

What herd do you plan on culling?

04-25-2009, 07:10 PM
What herd do you plan on culling?
It is nature culling the human race. Long over due.

04-25-2009, 07:14 PM
It is nature culling the human race. Long over due.

yes, cause we really need people dying.

This is exactly why I find liberals so dangerous when they have power.

If you want to cull the human race, start with yourself.

04-25-2009, 07:16 PM
yes, cause we really need people dying.

This is exactly why I find liberals so dangerous when they have power.

If you want to cull the human race, start with yourself.It is not I but God who is doing the culling. Is that easier to understand.

04-25-2009, 07:19 PM
It is not I but God who is doing the culling. Is that easier to understand.

I understand perfectly. You think there are too many people and have no problem with them dying.

04-25-2009, 07:23 PM
I understand perfectly. You think there are too many people and have no problem with them dying.OK! The earth is only so big. As dying is the end result of birth I have no problem with people dieing. It is natural. It is the order of earth/God. I will die and so will my wife. My children will die and so will my grandchildren, ETC.

04-28-2009, 12:58 PM
OK! The earth is only so big. As dying is the end result of birth I have no problem with people dieing. It is natural. It is the order of earth/God. I will die and so will my wife. My children will die and so will my grandchildren, ETC.

Maybe we need to assassinate some people, lol that would help, or if everyone like you just sacrificed themselves we would of culled the heard,LOL.