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View Full Version : First 100 Days: Obama's Federal Spending Spree

red states rule
04-25-2009, 11:00 AM
I remember Richard Pryor made a movie where he had to spend $30 million in 30 days and have NOTHING to show for it at the end of the 30 days

Looks like Pbama is taking that idea to new heights

Libs were always screaming about Pres Bush's spending and his defiicts - now Obama has spent in 30 days what Pres Bush spent on Iraq, Afghanistan and Katrina COMBINED and the left are silent

First 100 Days: Obama's Federal Spending Spree Raises Management Concerns
President Obama's spending spree in his first 100 days in office has initiated the largest expansion of federal government since World War II and set up a massive challenge for his administration.
By Stephen Clark


In the early months of his presidency, President Obama has shown he isn't afraid to spend billions of dollars on corporate bailouts or to run up trillions of dollars in U.S. debt to battle an economic crisis.

But in doing so, he has initiated the largest expansion of federal government since World War II and set up a massive challenge for his administration -- one that officials are already warning will be fraught with peril.

During the first 100 days of his presidency, Obama has signed a $787 billion stimulus bill into law, proposed an eye-popping $3.6 trillion budget for the next fiscal year, taken over a massive $700 billion Wall Street bailout program and created other billion-dollar programs to help grease the economic wheels.

Analysts call the spending spree "unprecedented" when the nation is not in a declared war, and they say the challenges that accompany it are a logical result.

"You take any organization in the world and you double its size in 90 days, it's going to have a hard time managing that transition," said William Gale, vice president and director of the economic studies program at Brookings Institute.

"The sheer management issues that come up are very important," Gale said, "because I can imagine the people running those projects that are about to be doubled may not want to see their face on '60 Minutes' as the poster child for government waste and useless spending."

Among the warning signs: The Government Accountability Office said Thursday that states need help covering the cost of overseeing their share of the massive federal stimulus program.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told a congressionally appointed oversight panel this week that America's banks are still broken, despite all their bailout billions. And an inspector general assigned to the bailout program concluded this week that a private-public partnership designed to buy up bad assets is tilted in favor of private investors and creates "potential unfairness to the taxpayer."


04-25-2009, 04:06 PM
I remember Richard Pryor made a movie where he had to spend $30 million in 30 days and have NOTHING to show for it at the end of the 30 days

Looks like Obama is taking that idea to new heights

Omigorsh!....I think we're on to something here.....black guy....spends lots of money with nothing to show for it.....motive was gets more money.......Obama, spends our future, ends up owning banks, auto industry, health insurance.....that's it!.....his motive is to end up owning even more than he spends!......

red states rule
04-25-2009, 05:16 PM

red states rule
04-26-2009, 07:45 AM
Here is another laugh. Onloy the Obamabots would actually think this rookie knows what the hell he is doing or talking about

Obama says: "We need to adhere to the basic principle that new tax or entitlement policies should be paid for"

That rule didn't seem to apply to the $785 billion pork bill with 9,000 earmarks he crammed through before anyone could even read the thing or all the money he has borrowed from China.

Obama Calls for Return of 'PAYGO' Rule to Reduce Federal Deficits

In his weekly radio and Internet address Saturday, President Obama called on Congress to pass a pay-as-you-go legislation, known as PAYGO, that would require new federal spending to be offset by budgetary cuts or tax hikes.

President Obama is looking to the past to help reduce growing federal budget deficits threatening the country's future.

In his weekly radio and Internet address Saturday, Obama called on Congress to pass a pay-as-you-go legislation, known as PAYGO, that would require new federal spending to be offset by budgetary cuts or tax hikes.

"We need to adhere to the basic principle that new tax or entitlement policies should be paid for," he said, asserting that PAYGO "helped transform large deficits into surpluses in the 1990s. Now we must restore that sense of fiscal discipline."

Fiscally conservative Democratic lawmakers, known as Blue Dogs, told Obama on Friday that they're working on a PAYGO plan and that they prefer to offset new spending with spending cuts elsewhere. Rep. Baron Hill of Indiana will introduce legislation next week, a Democratic aide told FOXNews.com

The federal deficit is projected to hit a record high of more than $1.8 trillion this year, due in large part to the government providing aid to Wall Street firms and other struggling companies, as well as Obama's $787 stimulus package. Pay-as-you-go legislation wouldn't affect that spending.

The Congressional Budget Office has forecast the deficit would drop to nearly $1.4 trillion next fiscal year, and Obama is aiming to cut it in half by the end of his first term. But the federal deficits are facing explosive growth from entitlement spending on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

"We can't continue to spend money like we spend and borrow money from China to do it," Kristen Hawn, a spokeswoman for the Blue Dog Democrats, told FOXNews.com. Asked how the pay-as-you-go rule might affect Obama's ambitious agenda to reform healthcare, energy and education, she said, "I think all those things need to be done but in a fiscally responsible manner. And the president knows it too."


red states rule
04-27-2009, 06:41 AM
The highlights of Obama's first 100 days


04-27-2009, 09:05 AM
actually, this is what most will think...or at least what the news will show everyone what "we" think. http://worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=96138


red states rule
04-27-2009, 09:11 AM
actually, this is what most will think...or at least what the news will show everyone what "we" think. http://worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=96138


Some Obama supporters will feel the painting is not complementary enough