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red states rule
04-26-2009, 06:42 AM
Given MSNBC's open liberal slant, all liberal hosts, few dissenting voices on Obama's policies - is it any wonder their latest host is now getting the worst ratings ever? Ed Schultz is tanking along with the rest of the MSNBC network


With Libtalker's Hire, NBC Suits Make Bad Call

When former Air America host Rachel Maddow briefly rode a wave of cable ratings "success" before the presidential election, the drive-by media couldn't get enough, smothering her in fawning coverage that has only recently subsided. Hey, it's not often that one of their own actually generates an audience, even if just for a brief period.

Now that one of liberal talk radio's key figures has absolutely bombed on cable, however, the mainstream media hasn't a word to say about it. In this case, it's hot-headed Ed Schultz, who has taken a small MSNBC audience base and rendered it truly invisible, with ratings barely perceptible even when analyzed by a microscope.

If the formerly Fargo-based faux populist and paid union hack has an excuse, it's that MSNBC's overall audience has dropped like a rock since the Obamist regime took over in January.

In both the key 25-54 and overall audience demographics, the far-left NBC outlet is losing big to its competitors, especially FOX News Channel, often attracting one-half or even one-third of the latter's viewership. That includes declining figures for Maddow.

Standing out like a sore thumb, however, is Schultz's performance to date. On Friday, his worst day so far, he scored the lowest 25-54 ratings of any cable news show between 6pm and midnight: just 75,000 average viewers nationwide. Overall, it wasn't much better: 365,000. For every person watching the Ed Show, there were more than four tuned into his competition at FOX.

And even Maddow's declining numbers look positively robust next to Big Eddie's: she beat him nearly four to one as well.

Unless Schultz can somehow turn around his so-far dismal showing, it's hard to believe NBC can afford to keep his fledgling program on the air for long. Which corporate suit will be first to have his neck chopped off over this bad call?

If and when he is cancelled, can we expect to read about it in the New York Times, home of nearly endless Maddow-fawning? Don't hold your breath.


04-26-2009, 01:09 PM
Do you know that it is hard for a liberal talk show when there is nothing but good news? Unlike conservative talk shows we don't make up stories out of nothing.

red states rule
04-26-2009, 01:13 PM
Do you know that it is hard for a liberal talk show when there is nothing but good news? Unlike conservative talk shows we don't make up stories out of nothing.

I huess all that good news during the 8 years of Pres Bush must have been the reason Air America went bankrupt

Or could it be, people have no deisre to see a bunch of moonbat libbies sprewing their hate for people who disagree with them, and running down America?

04-26-2009, 02:41 PM
shucks, red beat me to it....

04-26-2009, 06:51 PM
Do you know that it is hard for a liberal talk show when there is nothing but good news? Unlike conservative talk shows we don't make up stories out of nothing.

I'm so glad I was able to see this prospective so I don't just buy into that obviously biused point made by RSR. I mean, other than the fact that I've never heard of Ed....what's his name again, excuse me, I have to roll back up to post# 1 and see how to spell his name correctly. Schultz....OK. So he was a radio talk show host? What station again? Air America? I've never had the pleasure of hearing that particular gentleman's prospectives before.

Funny.... so let me get this straight, right siders make up everything and left handers produce true and accurate depictions of the news. I'm curious A15, if that is true....and I'm not disagreeing with you, why is Fox News' lowest rated program eighteen times more viewed than ANYTHING on MSNBC? I mean.......I'm just curious.

04-26-2009, 07:56 PM
I'm so glad I was able to see this prospective so I don't just buy into that obviously biused point made by RSR. I mean, other than the fact that I've never heard of Ed....what's his name again, excuse me, I have to roll back up to post# 1 and see how to spell his name correctly. Schultz....OK. So he was a radio talk show host? What station again? Air America? I've never had the pleasure of hearing that particular gentleman's prospectives before.

Funny.... so let me get this straight, right siders make up everything and left handers produce true and accurate depictions of the news. I'm curious A15, if that is true....and I'm not disagreeing with you, why is Fox News' lowest rated program eighteen times more viewed than ANYTHING on MSNBC? I mean.......I'm just curious.

Payoffs? As I don't really have a clue to what is on or why anyone watches TV I can't give a serious answer. I just like arguing with RSR.

04-26-2009, 08:06 PM
Do you know that it is hard for a liberal talk show when there is nothing but good news? Unlike conservative talk shows we don't make up stories out of nothing.

Is that why 'Air American' has been such a success for the past 8 years...???

04-26-2009, 08:22 PM
Payoffs? As I don't really have a clue to what is on or why anyone watches TV I can't give a serious answer. I just like arguing with RSR.

Meaning anything you say, we now know you have no clue to what you are talking about, so you should be ignored. Too bad.

04-26-2009, 10:03 PM
Meaning anything you say, we now know you have no clue to what you are talking about, so you should be ignored. Too bad.You've claimed I am on ignore anyway!

red states rule
04-27-2009, 06:13 AM
I'm so glad I was able to see this prospective so I don't just buy into that obviously biused point made by RSR. I mean, other than the fact that I've never heard of Ed....what's his name again, excuse me, I have to roll back up to post# 1 and see how to spell his name correctly. Schultz....OK. So he was a radio talk show host? What station again? Air America? I've never had the pleasure of hearing that particular gentleman's prospectives before.

Funny.... so let me get this straight, right siders make up everything and left handers produce true and accurate depictions of the news. I'm curious A15, if that is true....and I'm not disagreeing with you, why is Fox News' lowest rated program eighteen times more viewed than ANYTHING on MSNBC? I mean.......I'm just curious.

Given how the numbers look - I can see why Schultz is pissed off and is showing it on his little watched show

Fox's Brett Baier best Schultz by nearly 4 to 1

Chris "Tingle Up My Leg" is crushed by Shep Smith

O'Reilly humilates Keith Overbite

and Sean destroys the liberal lesbo Maddow

It is clear who folks want their news from and the lefts answer is to move their news coverage further to the left


04-27-2009, 06:52 AM
You've claimed I am on ignore anyway!

Then you misunderstood, I may ignore you, but you are not on 'ignore.'