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View Full Version : Obama Trashes Fox and the Tea Parties

red states rule
04-29-2009, 11:20 PM
OK, the President actually called out citizens who choose to exercise their rights of free speech and assembly, rights that the president should be protecting in lieu of mocking.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Geewdx_OwOw&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Geewdx_OwOw&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

04-29-2009, 11:31 PM
Is he running for office?? Na he just wants to keep going back to the last 8 years cause he hasn't done anything different,The only change I see is we now have a president telling us to tighten our belts but he doesn't have to.
Sounds like a Moderate Democrat to me
A Liar

UN Patriotic

And don't even know where he is

red states rule
04-29-2009, 11:33 PM
Is he running for office?? Na he just wants to keep going back to the last 8 years cause he hasn't done anything different,The only change I see is we now have a president telling us to tighten our belts but he doesn't have to.
Sounds like a Moderate Democrat to me
A Liar

UN Patriotic

And don't even know where he is

Jeff, Obama has real thin skin. Like most liberals BTW

He's so accustomed to being idolized by the compliant, adoring media that he can't take hearing any dissent from Fox. He did belittle the tea partiers. This is not the first time he did that. He thinks he punished Fox by not allowing a question from their reporter, Major Garrett.

Obama won't stand for any kind of dissent, and that's why he's going to get after talk radio.

04-29-2009, 11:39 PM
Jeff, Obama has real thin skin. Like most liberals BTW

He's so accustomed to being idolized by the compliant, adoring media that he can't take hearing any dissent from Fox. He did belittle the tea partiers. This is not the first time he did that. He thinks he punished Fox by not allowing a question from their reporter, Major Garrett.

Obama won't stand for any kind of dissent, and that's why he's going to get after talk radio.

Hell Fox thought American Idol was more important and honestly so did I, The headlines I see all make me glad I didn't waste my time watching him, he spews the same lie's and has the same attitude as a certain Lib we all know

red states rule
04-29-2009, 11:40 PM
Hell Fox thought American Idol was more important and honestly so did I, The headlines I see all make me glad I didn't waste my time watching him, he spews the same lie's and has the same attitude as a certain Lib we all know

I found his snide remark very funny Jeff

"let me just remind them that I am happy to have a serious conversation about how we are going to cut our health care costs down over the long term"

Since we already spend more than any other country on health care, there is no reason to add in your budget line of 634 billion more.

Serious conversation is now over Mr President

04-29-2009, 11:43 PM
I found his snide remark very funny Jeff

"let me just remind them that I am happy to have a serious conversation about how we are going to cut our health care costs down over the long term"

Since we already spend more than any other country on health care, there is no reason to add in your budget line of 634 billion more.

Serious conversation is now over Mr President


It really makes ya wonder who writes his speeches

red states rule
04-29-2009, 11:45 PM

It really makes ya wonder who writes his speeches

Someone like Virgil?

Can Obamaseriously believe that the people who gathered to protest government bailouts, spending, size will believe he can cut healthcare cost while increasing government involvement without raising taxes?

Obamabots like Virgil would tell him YES!

04-29-2009, 11:47 PM
Someone like Virgil?

Can Obamaseriously believe that the people who gathered to protest government bailouts, spending, size will believe he can cut healthcare cost while increasing government involvement without raising taxes?

Obamabots like Virgil would tell him YES!

I am not sure even Virgil is that stupid, well ya probably have a point.

red states rule
04-29-2009, 11:48 PM
I am not sure even Virgil is that stupid, well ya probably have a point.

How about this one Jeff?

"how we're going to stabilize Social Security"

When Pres Bush wanted to give folks the choice to put their social security funds into private accounts, the Dems squashed the plan by convincing people that social security was financially fine.

Serious conversation #2 is now over Mr President

Virgil needs to take the speech back for a rewrite

red states rule
04-30-2009, 06:15 AM
Obama has a habit of picking out certain groups or people (Sean, Limbaugh, Tea Parties..etc). when they piss him off my openly disagreeing with him

I do not ever remember Pres Bush doing something like this.

And over the last 8 years there have been a lot of anti-bush/gov't groups out there, and even anti Bush networks who trashed him and his administration around the clock

Did Pres Bush ever stand up and specifically called out any of these groups? If so I would like to know.

What Obama about waving teabags around was really insulting. They talk about how Bush had no class and then Obama feels the need to insult thousand upon thousands of people. That's real class the liberal way

04-30-2009, 07:42 AM
What a shitbag. The protests had nothing to do with giving tax cuts to the rich. It has everything to do with his expansion of government power and entitlement programs which will bankrupt our country, destroy the dollar, and lay an unpayable debt square on the shoulders of the next two to three generations.

04-30-2009, 07:58 AM
Obama has a habit of picking out certain groups or people (Sean, Limbaugh, Tea Parties..etc). when they piss him off my openly disagreeing with him

I do not ever remember Pres Bush doing something like this.

And over the last 8 years there have been a lot of anti-bush/gov't groups out there, and even anti Bush networks who trashed him and his administration around the clock

Did Pres Bush ever stand up and specifically called out any of these groups? If so I would like to know.

What Obama about waving teabags around was really insulting. They talk about how Bush had no class and then Obama feels the need to insult thousand upon thousands of people. That's real class the liberal way

Obama is just cocky enough to feel he can insult
the people he leads, hopefully the people will remember how much better he is than everyone else (except libs who think his shit don't stink)in 2010

Nobody can dis agree with the Messiah or he will just get on TV and insult them, this is ridiculous that any one would even give this guy a chance to be a Jr. senator let alone President

red states rule
04-30-2009, 07:58 AM
What a shitbag. The protests had nothing to do with giving tax cuts to the rich. It has everything to do with his expansion of government power and entitlement programs which will bankrupt our country, destroy the dollar, and lay an unpayable debt square on the shoulders of the next two to three generations.

Obama says we need to "tighten our belts"

Obama's arrogant instruction to us Peasants that we need to "tighten our belts"?????

How much did your Innaguration cost again Mr President?

What did I hear about $100/lb steaks for your dinner parties Mr President

How much did your Air Force One photo-op cost Mr Presidnet?

How much did it cost NY City Mr President?

Third serious discussion over Mr President

red states rule
04-30-2009, 07:59 AM
Obama is just cocky enough to feel he can insult
the people he leads, hopefully the people will remember how much better he is than everyone else (except libs who think his shit don't stink)in 2010

Nobody can dis agree with the Messiah or he will just get on TV and insult them, this is ridiculous that any one would even give this guy a chance to be a Jr. senator let alone President

Elitists never ever change it's who they are. We are so screwed it isn't even funny anymore

04-30-2009, 08:01 AM
Elitists never ever change it's who they are. We are so screwed it isn't even funny anymore

And it is only going to get worse before it get's better

red states rule
04-30-2009, 08:02 AM
And it is only going to get worse before it get's better

When people like Virgil are giddy and walking around with more of a strut in their walk - you know we (and the country) are in deep trouble

04-30-2009, 08:06 AM
When people like Virgil are giddy and walking around with more of a strut in their walk - you know we (and the country) are in deep trouble

That is exactly right, to them it has nothing to do with bettering the Country it is all about PARTY !!!

In my opion that is one of the biggest problems in our Government is people voting party over Country

red states rule
04-30-2009, 08:07 AM
That is exactly right, to them it has nothing to do with bettering the Country it is all about PARTY !!!

In my opion that is one of the biggest problems in our Government is people voting party over Country

That is how it is with some liberals

Absolutely disgusting Obama would tell us to tighten our belts after all the spending he has done in 101 days

04-30-2009, 08:12 AM
That is how it is with some liberals

Absolutely disgusting Obama would tell us to tighten our belts after all the spending he has done in 101 days

Hell forget the spending he did , how has he tightened his belt? Maybe if times were better he would of had more pizza at his party, instead of $100 steaks they would of found something more expensive, he hasn't tightened his belt at all, so for him to have the balls to tell the American people they should just shows what kind of leader he is

moderate democrat
04-30-2009, 08:14 AM
That is how it is with some liberals

Absolutely disgusting Obama would tell us to tighten our belts after all the spending he has done in 101 days

when did Obama tell us to tighten our belts?

red states rule
04-30-2009, 08:14 AM
Hell forget the spending he did , how has he tightened his belt? Maybe if times were better he would of had more pizza at his party, instead of $100 steaks they would of found something more expensive, he hasn't tightened his belt at all, so for him to have the balls to tell the American people they should just shows what kind of leader he is

Jeff, like libs like Gore - they do not want us to da as they do - they demand we do as they say

Dems can't blame Pres Bush when the economy shrinks more then predicted, (but they will) the prediction already built in what Bush had handed over to Obama.

Go ask Catepillar how Obama's "stimulus" plan is working out for them, you remember, the company Obama claimed would be saved under his plan?

red states rule
04-30-2009, 08:14 AM
when did Obama tell us to tighten our belts?

Watch the video Virgil in the OP :rolleyes:

04-30-2009, 08:15 AM
when did Obama tell us to tighten our belts?

Last night , look at the part of the speech RSR posted :poke:

04-30-2009, 08:17 AM
Watch the video Virgil in the OP :rolleyes:

Wow Virgil must of went senile over night , How many times has Obama told us to tighten our belts, Virgil is either 1 a idiot or 2 just a good old fashion liar

red states rule
04-30-2009, 08:17 AM
Last night , look at the part of the speech RSR posted :poke:

You are asking way to much of Virgil

He will post how Obama he was telling a guy who kept pulling up his oversized pants - and not the people

red states rule
04-30-2009, 08:18 AM
Wow Virgil must of went senile over night , How many times has Obama told us to tighten our belts, Virgil is either 1 a idiot or 2 just a good old fashion liar

You asked and answered your question at the same time Jeff

moderate democrat
04-30-2009, 08:19 AM
Watch the video Virgil in the OP

I understood him to mean that government would have to tighten its belt...cutting costs in Healthcare, social security and federal spending. I don't think he was saying that Americans need to tighten their individual belts... we are all free to spend whatever we make and that speech did not say otherwise.

04-30-2009, 08:19 AM
You are asking way to much of Virgil

He will post how Obama he was telling a guy who kept pulling up his oversized pants - and not the people


You know at one time I just figured Virgil was intelligent just on the wrong side, but he has proved me wrong, he is just a Liar , He lie's just like my kids do to make there story sound better

04-30-2009, 08:21 AM
I understood him to mean that government would have to tighten its belt...cutting costs in Healthcare, social security and federal spending. I don't think he was saying that Americans need to tighten their individual belts... we are all free to spend whatever we make and that speech did not say otherwise.

Virgil he has stated ( before his pizza party ) that we will all have to tighten our belts, you knopw this so stop telling lies

red states rule
04-30-2009, 08:21 AM
I understood him to mean that government would have to tighten its belt...cutting costs in Healthcare, social security and federal spending. I don't think he was saying that Americans need to tighten their individual belts... we are all free to spend whatever we make and that speech did not say otherwise.

As usual, you are in Turbo spin mode. You really are showing what a hack you really are

and after spending $4 trillion in 100 days - how the hell is government cutting spending?

04-30-2009, 08:24 AM
As usual, you are in Turbo spin mode. You really are showing what a hack you really are

and after spending $4 trillion in 100 days - how the hell is government cutting spending?

Give him a minute he will spin something up

red states rule
04-30-2009, 08:27 AM
Give him a minute he will spin something up

Obama has spent more money funneling into failed banks and corporations than hes given us back.

Maybe I'm just being too logical, but wouldn't it be bottom up if he gave people tax refunds & breaks?

04-30-2009, 08:30 AM
Obama has spent more money funneling into failed banks and corporations than hes given us back.

Maybe I'm just being too logical, but wouldn't it be bottom up if he gave people tax refunds & breaks?

There is no logic with this guy or the people that support him, when they are proven wrong they go to spewing insults, just look back on these pages at Virgil, when things don't go his way he insults, same as Obama

moderate democrat
04-30-2009, 08:30 AM
As usual, you are in Turbo spin mode. You really are showing what a hack you really are

and after spending $4 trillion in 100 days - how the hell is government cutting spending?

why would he want individuals to curtail creating economic activity if he wants the economy to be revived?

red states rule
04-30-2009, 08:35 AM
why would he want individuals to curtail creating economic activity if he wants the economy to be revived?

To you Virgil, Obama is the Billy Mays of politics. He can package and sell anything to you

Obama is Sham Wow guy of Democrat politics

04-30-2009, 08:48 AM
why would he want individuals to curtail creating economic activity if he wants the economy to be revived?

That would be a question for your messiah

red states rule
04-30-2009, 08:51 AM
That would be a question for your messiah

I would like to ask Obama how massive deficts are good for the economy

How tax increases on workers and companies will spur economic growth

Or how if reckless spending by Pres Bush and Republicans got us in this mess (Obama has said that many times) how will his, Reid's and Pelosi's reckless spending get us out

Or how doubling the national debt - based on his spending - is a good thing

04-30-2009, 08:54 AM
I would like to ask Obama how massive deficts are good for the economy

How tax increases on workers and companies will spur economic growth

Or how if reckless spending by Pres Bush and Republicans got us in this mess (Obama has said that many times) how will his, Reid's and Pelosi's reckless spending get us out

Or how doubling the national debt - based on his spending - is a good thing

That is the # 1 question I have for all Obamabots , if Bush was wrong why when Obama double's it is it ok, and I have asked it a 100 times and get no answer

red states rule
04-30-2009, 08:56 AM
That is the # 1 question I have for all Obamabots , if Bush was wrong why when Obama double's it is it ok, and I have asked it a 100 times and get no answer

The answer is simple Jeff

Obama has a "D" at the end of his name

04-30-2009, 08:58 AM
The answer is simple Jeff

Obama has a "D" at the end of his name


Does that D stand for Dumbass or maybe it stands for him thinking the American people are Dumbasses

red states rule
04-30-2009, 09:01 AM

Does that D stand for Dumbass or maybe it stands for him thinking the American people are Dumbasses

It is a better protection racket then what the Mafia runs

04-30-2009, 09:06 AM
It is a better protection racket then what the Mafia runs

LOL, they are still one of my hopes, LOL

moderate democrat
04-30-2009, 12:16 PM
To you Virgil, Obama is the Billy Mays of politics. He can package and sell anything to you

Obama is Sham Wow guy of Democrat politics
why can't you answer a simple question?

you neg rep me every day because you disapprove of my debating tactics, yet you refuse to even carry on a simple discussion.

Why in the world would Obama want people to curtail their economic activity at a time when we need to stimulate economic activity? That makes no sense. He was NOT telling people to tighten their belts... it is counterintuitive.

04-30-2009, 12:31 PM
why would he want individuals to curtail creating economic activity if he wants the economy to be revived?

Explain how what he has done will encourage the creation of more economic activity then.

Look....it is real simple to me...any millions of others. More money invested in "spreading the wealth" by taxing is less money in the private sector being spent on economic activity.

How can that be so hard to understand?

Entitlements don't spur growth. It's that simple. They just don't don't. What they spur is votes! It is ass backwards to have those who won't in charge of electing those who make our economic decisions.

moderate democrat
04-30-2009, 12:35 PM
that's not the discussion. RSR has said that Obama wants individuals to tighten their belts, and I simply disagreed with his interpretation of that portion of Obama's speech. You can disagree with wealth distribution all you want, but that is not what I was talking about.

04-30-2009, 01:13 PM
that's not the discussion. RSR has said that Obama wants individuals to tighten their belts, and I simply disagreed with his interpretation of that portion of Obama's speech. You can disagree with wealth distribution all you want, but that is not what I was talking about.

Obama has told the American people at least twice Virgil that I know of to tighten there belts, once was in the thread I told to you look at, the other was in a speech before his pizza party or his $100 steak, if you remember there was plenty of talk then also about we should tighten our belt while he don't even need one.

Seems when ya support someone and they are caught with there pants down your memory gets bad.

moderate democrat
04-30-2009, 01:28 PM
Obama has told the American people at least twice Virgil that I know of to tighten there belts, once was in the thread I told to you look at, the other was in a speech before his pizza party or his $100 steak, if you remember there was plenty of talk then also about we should tighten our belt while he don't even need one.

Seems when ya support someone and they are caught with there pants down your memory gets bad.

again... it doesn't make any sense for Obama to suggest we rein in our spending. We need economic activity... we need to encourage participation in the marketplace. I have never felt like this president has ever told me to spend less or to do without something because of our current situation.

04-30-2009, 05:24 PM
"We're all going to have to tighten our belts," Obama said on the campaign trail in October. "We're all going to need to sacrifice. We're all going to need to pull our weight."

another MD pwned

04-30-2009, 05:48 PM
OK, the President actually called out citizens who choose to exercise their rights of free speech and assembly, rights that the president should be protecting in lieu of mocking.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Geewdx_OwOw&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Geewdx_OwOw&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

As all he said is true where is the mocking?

04-30-2009, 06:05 PM
again... it doesn't make any sense for Obama to suggest we rein in our spending. We need economic activity... we need to encourage participation in the marketplace. I have never felt like this president has ever told me to spend less or to do without something because of our current situation.

How ever ya want to take it is your business , Make it sound anyway ya want, you are good at that, as for why he has asked it, or how does it make sense, I have No Idea Virgil, but then again I really don't have any idea what this administration is doing,or there supporters, as I have said many time's people screamed about the deficit when GW was there now it is ok to double it, people screamed of the war, it is still here and Obama is telling other countries we will stand by there side , to me same shit different day, to you GW was doing it is wrong, Obama doing the same is good, see the confusion?

moderate democrat
04-30-2009, 07:06 PM
How ever ya want to take it is your business , Make it sound anyway ya want, you are good at that, as for why he has asked it, or how does it make sense, I have No Idea Virgil, but then again I really don't have any idea what this administration is doing,or there supporters, as I have said many time's people screamed about the deficit when GW was there now it is ok to double it, people screamed of the war, it is still here and Obama is telling other countries we will stand by there side , to me same shit different day, to you GW was doing it is wrong, Obama doing the same is good, see the confusion?

Do I see that you are confused? absolutely. Me? not so much. ;)

04-30-2009, 08:09 PM
Best line I've seen today:

If Bush and Clinton spent like drunken sailors.. Obama is spending like an entire drunk fucking Navy

04-30-2009, 08:30 PM
Do I see that you are confused? absolutely. Me? not so much. ;)

LOL, good one Virgil, But I know my name where I live what my Job is, LOL, Confused both you and Obama have no idea who or what y"all are, LOL

04-30-2009, 08:31 PM
Best line I've seen today:


How True that statement is .

04-30-2009, 08:37 PM

How True that statement is .

Thanks. There's an insanity regarding what went on in the past 6 months of Bush and needless to say the last 101 days of Obama. Indeed the 'enemies of US' are now emboldened. There are no longer terrorists, jihadists, etc.

04-30-2009, 08:45 PM
Thanks. There's an insanity regarding what went on in the past 6 months of Bush and needless to say the last 101 days of Obama. Indeed the 'enemies of US' are now emboldened. There are no longer terrorists, jihadists, etc.

Yea Obama is doing wonder's for our Country I feel so much safer now :eek:

04-30-2009, 08:46 PM
how cute, MD runs from this after proclaiming obama never said it...

"We're all going to have to tighten our belts," Obama said on the campaign trail in October. "We're all going to need to sacrifice. We're all going to need to pull our weight."

04-30-2009, 08:56 PM
how cute, MD runs from this after proclaiming obama never said it...

"We're all going to have to tighten our belts," Obama said on the campaign trail in October. "We're all going to need to sacrifice. We're all going to need to pull our weight."

Yurt Virgil only hears what he wants and will lie about the rest, LOL, I really feel sorry for a man like that,he stated he hadn't heard him say that we should tighten out belts, but hell you would of had to be blind to be on this board within the last month and not hear it, LOL , Some people would sell there soul to the Devil for there party, Ooo yea our preacher buddy did that, LOL

04-30-2009, 11:51 PM
Yurt Virgil only hears what he wants and will lie about the rest, LOL, I really feel sorry for a man like that,he stated he hadn't heard him say that we should tighten out belts, but hell you would of had to be blind to be on this board within the last month and not hear it, LOL , Some people would sell there soul to the Devil for there party, Ooo yea our preacher buddy did that, LOL

i would like to believe this MD poster is not a liar.

that poster's posts make that hard.

red states rule
05-01-2009, 06:46 AM
I wonder if Obama will bring his teleprompter to those "serious conversations" he wants to have with those who disagree with him

red states rule
05-01-2009, 06:51 AM
As all he said is true where is the mocking?

I'm sorry, but when the President basically tells citizens of all political persuasions their little protest was a "game" is nothing but pure arrogance

That is a right guaranteed to them. Taking the little swipe at Fox News while he was at it was rather pathetic. Obama won't even talk to anyone from Fox. How "grown-up" and "statesman like" is that?

I wonder how the left would have reacted if Pres Bush would've said this about the anti war protesters:

"people waving burning flags around" "stop playing political games with pictures of the dead soldiers"

To quote someone famous, that would have been "all hell broke loose".

red states rule
05-01-2009, 07:42 AM
Yea Obama is doing wonder's for our Country I feel so much safer now :eek:

Jeff, Obama's WH staff are doing all they can to downplay those speaking out

Here is one of the staffers "reporting" how Obama viewed those Americans who do not like the $4 trillion Obama has spent in 100 days

CBS’s Plante: Obama ‘Laughed Off’ Big Government Criticism
By Kyle Drennen (Bio | Archive)
April 30, 2009 - 13:08 ET

Rather than provide objective analysis of President Obama’s performance at Wednesday’s White House press conference, on Thursday’s CBS Early Show, correspondent Bill Plante issued what amounted to a press release and brushed aside criticism of Obama’s expansion of government during the first 100 days: "The President laughed off charges that he's intent on making the government bigger...And said the 100-day mark was just the beginning."

Plante offered no facts about the massive spending and growth of government under the Obama administration, but instead concluded his report: "Anyway, they [the White House] think that the public is well disposed to give the President some more time. How much, is the question."


05-01-2009, 07:54 AM
I wonder if Obama will bring his teleprompter to those "serious conversations" he wants to have with those who disagree with him

Don't think he needs one to tell his lies Red, he only uses it when he is suppose to make sense, and even then he screws it up

red states rule
05-01-2009, 07:56 AM
Don't think he needs one to tell his lies Red, he only uses it when he is suppose to make sense, and even then he screws it up

I guess dissent is no longer patriotic or the duty of us mere citizens