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04-30-2009, 11:34 AM
I know this isnt professional sports, but my daughter pitched her second game the other night and she really did fantastic. In this league you can only walk 4 hitters per inning and then the batter has to hit. My daughter never walked more then 2 per inning. She had a few strike outs too. She mostly kept the ball where the hitters can swing at it. Unfortunately the rest of the team did not play so well. She lost 7 - 0. I bought her a game ball anyway!

04-30-2009, 11:44 AM
I know this isnt professional sports, but my daughter pitched her second game the other night and she really did fantastic. In this league you can only walk 4 hitters per inning and then the batter has to hit. My daughter never walked more then 2 per inning. She had a few strike outs too. She mostly kept the ball where the hitters can swing at it. Unfortunately the rest of the team did not play so well. She lost 7 - 0. I bought her a game ball anyway!

Is it fast pitch? I go to the local rec dept and watch girls fast pitch games all the time. Some of those chicks can bring it man! I also like to go down to UGA (15 mins away) and watch games in season. Excellent entertainment.

04-30-2009, 11:49 AM
Well fast pitch for their age. My daughter is only 10 so... :)

04-30-2009, 12:22 PM
Well fast pitch for their age. My daughter is only 10 so... :)

Oh. My bad. I didn't remember age. Fear not though my friend, past pitch is down the road and I bet you will get just as addicted to it as I am.

I enjoy all youth sports. especially since I have begun to look so unfavorably on professional ones. Frankly I would much rather go and take in a good Pony League game locally than travel to Atlanta and see the Braves.

Here in Jefferson I can head across the street to the High school on a minutes impulse, take in a great High school game and be home in less than three hours. In the meantime I see friends there, which beats the hell out of passing beers down the aisle like at the stadium to a bunch of folks I don't know while watching millionaires, who later that night will get DUIs, pick fights in clubs and inject themselves with steroids while deciding whether to strike again.

I blame professional sports for all of those empty ball fields we see when riding down the non-interstate highways. Nothing says America like a kids ball game. I miss having small kids so much and being involved in it. Savor every moment of it my friend, it is a truly precious time for you and your child.

04-30-2009, 01:48 PM
Oh I know its coming. Some of the "older" girls in her league have really started to get the ball going. This is the first year she has pitched and she really likes it. The first game didnt go so well but this second one was much better.

It is true that the youth sports really do play just to play. Unfortunately the adults usually are the ones who ruin it for the kids.

I have kids now and there really arent that many kids who play outside anymore. I dont think my kids have ever been involved in any ball games unless I organized them. Its really sad.

04-30-2009, 07:10 PM
Mine's 14, and field hockey and track are her sports. She's awesome! :salute:

04-30-2009, 08:00 PM
My 10 year old son is wanting to play baseball. However this is the first time he has mentioned it to me, and baseball season has already started. My husband plays on a softball team and my 10 year old says to him let's go out and practice. My husband comes in later and says man that kid has one heck of an arm on him, and 95% of the time he puts it exactly where he wants it!!! hmmm I guess I need to watch for baseball sign ups next year.

04-30-2009, 09:09 PM
I have a 14 year old that has double headers ever Saturday and a 6 and 7 year old that also play ever Saturday, looks like I will be spending the next month at the ball field, JA the little one are cute and fun to watch, as they get older it is all about winning,then comes the all stars witch means another month at the ball field, LOL

Mr. P
04-30-2009, 10:14 PM
I can't say enough about how good it was for me to be involved in baseball from 7?-12 yrs old. A very positive experience and many fond memories.

I've tried many times to find my old coaches to say thank you but have been unsuccessful, so I gotta say thank you here instead,
you all made a positive mark on my life! :clap::clap::clap:

05-01-2009, 02:28 PM
My 10 year old son is wanting to play baseball. However this is the first time he has mentioned it to me, and baseball season has already started. My husband plays on a softball team and my 10 year old says to him let's go out and practice. My husband comes in later and says man that kid has one heck of an arm on him, and 95% of the time he puts it exactly where he wants it!!! hmmm I guess I need to watch for baseball sign ups next year.

You should still be able to get him on the team now. Maybe he can finish the year off.

05-01-2009, 02:30 PM
I have a 14 year old that has double headers ever Saturday and a 6 and 7 year old that also play ever Saturday, looks like I will be spending the next month at the ball field, JA the little one are cute and fun to watch, as they get older it is all about winning,then comes the all stars witch means another month at the ball field, LOL

Good for you! I love being involved with them. It really is a great feeling. I think she is going to sign up for "fallball" which is a little less competitive and a little more learning.

05-01-2009, 02:31 PM
I can't say enough about how good it was for me to be involved in baseball from 7?-12 yrs old. A very positive experience and many fond memories.

I've tried many times to find my old coaches to say thank you but have been unsuccessful, so I gotta say thank you here instead,
you all made a positive mark on my life! :clap::clap::clap:

So true...so true!

05-01-2009, 06:56 PM
You should still be able to get him on the team now. Maybe he can finish the year off.

I think I am going to make some phone calls and see if I can pull a few strings. He seems to really want to play, and I found out my oldest son's pee wee football coach, is the baseball coach and he owes me a favor or two.:coffee:

05-02-2009, 06:50 PM
Good for you! I love being involved with them. It really is a great feeling. I think she is going to sign up for "fallball" which is a little less competitive and a little more learning.

I just got done with 10 hours of baseball lol, and found out all 3 will go onto the all stars

Better yet the little one's coach is also a Basketball coach , so now we are getting into that, my days off seem to be just to get the kids to the sporting events, lol

05-03-2009, 09:51 PM
I can't say enough about how good it was for me to be involved in baseball from 7?-12 yrs old. A very positive experience and many fond memories.

I've tried many times to find my old coaches to say thank you but have been unsuccessful, so I gotta say thank you here instead,
you all made a positive mark on my life! :clap::clap::clap:

Mr.P. I just got done watching SC beat Vandy, the pitcher for SC was Blake cooper, I coached him for about 5 years back when my oldest was playing,To watch a kid that is now starting pitcher in college and to here the announcers on TV talking about the pro's and how good he will do was great.

All those years of teaching baseball not just wining , we taught the kids to play and figured they had plenty of time to worry about wining ,In all fairness I must say his Dad taught him to be such a good pitcher, I just had the pleasure of coaching him.

There are plenty of kids that never went nowhere with sports but ya see them having kids of there own and doing great in life,that in itself is a wonderful thank you .

05-04-2009, 02:43 PM
I just got done with 10 hours of baseball lol, and found out all 3 will go onto the all stars

Better yet the little one's coach is also a Basketball coach , so now we are getting into that, my days off seem to be just to get the kids to the sporting events, lol

Congrats!!! Sounds like youre going to be busy!!

05-06-2009, 09:35 PM
I hope no one deems this inappropriate but I have always loved those big boned hard nosed independent soft ball girls that I've been around!!!!!!!!!!!

05-07-2009, 07:47 AM
I hope no one deems this inappropriate but I have always loved those big boned hard nosed independent soft ball girls that I've been around!!!!!!!!!!!
I always suspected you to be a closet pedophile.

05-15-2009, 10:28 PM
Fuck you, gm!!!!!!!!!!!!

I always suspected you to be a closet pedophile.

These softball gals in my part of the country and interest are big girls and fully of age!!!!!!!!!! Why do you want to be such a sick bitch, gm?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!? Is fear and loathing all you have to offer?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


05-16-2009, 08:05 AM
GM removed from thread

05-19-2009, 11:22 AM
Kids involved in athletics tend to be more focused and disciplined and have a greater respect for authority.
The greatest threat to youth sports in the continuing over-involvement of parents. If over-eager parents were forced to watch videos of themselves, perhaps they would take a step back.
Athletics is not about personal achievement. It is about team bonding and learning respect.

Last summer, my husband and I paid for my friend's Katie's 12-and-under softball team to travel from the Dallas area to a tournament in Anaheim. Many of the girls had never been on a plane before.
They did not do well in the tournament, but they got to go to Disneyland and to the beach. Which is all they will remember later, so it is all good. :D

05-19-2009, 02:33 PM
Kids involved in athletics tend to be more focused and disciplined and have a greater respect for authority.
The greatest threat to youth sports in the continuing over-involvement of parents. If over-eager parents were forced to watch videos of themselves, perhaps they would take a step back.
Athletics is not about personal achievement. It is about team bonding and learning respect.

Last summer, my husband and I paid for my friend's Katie's 12-and-under softball team to travel from the Dallas area to a tournament in Anaheim. Many of the girls had never been on a plane before.
They did not do well in the tournament, but they got to go to Disneyland and to the beach. Which is all they will remember later, so it is all good. :D

Excellent point, my 6 and 7 year old's had a game last night and at least 1/2 the parents there are playing the game threw there kids, it is sickening, my kids coach yelled at one of the kids,thank god it wasn't one of mine, but I went out on the field and had a chat with him just the same, lol

AS for the trip your kids made , that is a wonderful thing to do for kids :thumb:

05-20-2009, 04:19 PM
The greatest threat to youth sports in the continuing over-involvement of parents. If over-eager parents were forced to watch videos of themselves, perhaps they would take a step back.

Actually I think the greatest threat to youth sports is the idea that everyone is a winner. Everyone gets a trophy or a game ball. BS. Some kids are just better than others. People have to learn to deal with it.

Mr. P
05-20-2009, 05:06 PM
Actually I think the greatest threat to youth sports is the idea that everyone is a winner. Everyone gets a trophy or a game ball. BS. Some kids are just better than others. People have to learn to deal with it.

Ooooooooooooo I have to agree..I have two trophies for baseball but they are because we were the champions. Two for shooting because I placed 2nd and 6th in the state. My daughter has 20 or more because she was on a team, only a few mean anything. On the other hand parents ARE a BIG PROBLEM these days and have been for 20 yrs.

05-25-2009, 07:53 AM
Ooooooooooooo I have to agree..I have two trophies for baseball but they are because we were the champions. Two for shooting because I placed 2nd and 6th in the state. My daughter has 20 or more because she was on a team, only a few mean anything. On the other hand parents ARE a BIG PROBLEM these days and have been for 20 yrs.

I do agree that parents are a problem too! I really try not to be one of them!!! Hahaha