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View Full Version : Specter: GOP priorities contributed to Kemp death

red states rule
05-04-2009, 05:39 AM
Specter survived cancer. Who does he credit for that?

I'm glad the Dems have a man trying to one up the Joe Biden

Specter: GOP priorities contributed to Kemp death

Sen. Arlen Specter, Pennsylvania Democrat, said part of the reason he left the Republican Party last week was disillusionment with its healthcare priorities, and suggested that had the Republicans taken a more moderate track, Jack Kemp may have won his battle with cancer.

Mr. Specter, responding to a question from CBS's Bob Schieffer over whether he had let down Pennsylvanians who wanted a Republican to represent them, said he felt his priorities were more in line with those of the Democrats.


05-04-2009, 10:25 AM
In case you didn't think Specter was and is a liberal extremist, this should help you make up your mind.

No specifics, no reason to think govt health care cured more than we would have with the govt keeping its nose out. Just the blanket assertion.

Right up there with "Man causes global warming" and "Embryonic stem cell research will do more good than other kinds". Not the slightest bit of evidence or any other reason to think it's so. Just the plain statement, in support of Big Government taking ever more money from people to pursue a fruitless dream, while the people could have done something useful with that money.


red states rule
05-04-2009, 10:30 AM
In case you didn't think Specter was and is a liberal extremist, this should help you make up your mind.

No specifics, no reason to think govt health care cured more than we would have with the govt keeping its nose out. Just the blanket assertion.

Right up there with "Man causes global warming" and "Embryonic stem cell research will do more good than other kinds". Not the slightest bit of evidence or any other reason to think it's so. Just the plain statement, in support of Big Government taking ever more money from people to pursue a fruitless dream, while the people could have done something useful with that money.


Great minds think alike


Obama said that with him being elected that sea levels would go back down, so, couldn't he have healed him with his powers?

05-04-2009, 12:27 PM
Specter: "Jack Kemp would be alive today" with govt health care
<HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->
In case you didn't think Specter was and is a liberal extremist, this should help you make up your mind.

Sounds to me as if ol' Specter is having a little problem with "old-timer's disease" at the age of 79.

I'm sure the prosperous Kemp family had the medical care they wanted; he had cancer and he happened to die at the age of 73, which is fair enough. Seems to me nobody should be complaining about other people dying "too young" after the age of 70.

(We get to complain about it ourselves, of course!)

05-04-2009, 12:28 PM
What I really think is that Specter is symbolically fending off death with this party change so he could stay in Congress; saying Jack Kemp shouldn't have died at age 73 is a way of saying people (like him) should live WAAAAAAY longer than that.

05-04-2009, 12:35 PM
Kemp had government health care. WTF is Benedict Arlene talking about?

05-04-2009, 12:41 PM
Kemp had government health care. WTF is Benedict Arlene talking about?

People are getting fed up with Specter, looks like! I was okay with Specter for years --- I used to be a moderate Republican myself, so I could relate --- but sheeeeeeeeeeeesh, this guy. He's a turncoat and is making whacky remarks?????

This on Fox News now 5/4---

Poll Shows Ridge Competitive Against Specter in Pennsylvania Race

A Quinnipiac University poll out Monday shows former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge with 43 percent to Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter's 46 percent in a hypothetical U.S. Senate general election match-up.

I can't vote in Pennsylvania, but I'd vote for Tom Ridge for about anything; I have a lot of respect for him. I wished McCain had chosen him for VP, I'd definitely have voted for that ticket, however crazy McCain was acting otherwise.

05-04-2009, 06:16 PM
Threads merged, per poster request.

red states rule
05-04-2009, 06:22 PM
It is scary that people of this nature are passing law that the rest of us must follow.

And if Bush had supported stem cell research, Christopher Reeves would still be alive, walking, and probably making the movie "Superman IX"

05-04-2009, 06:34 PM
People are getting fed up with Specter, looks like! I was okay with Specter for years --- I used to be a moderate Republican myself, so I could relate --- but sheeeeeeeeeeeesh, this guy. He's a turncoat and is making whacky remarks?????

This on Fox News now 5/4---

Poll Shows Ridge Competitive Against Specter in Pennsylvania Race

A Quinnipiac University poll out Monday shows former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge with 43 percent to Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter's 46 percent in a hypothetical U.S. Senate general election match-up.

I can't vote in Pennsylvania, but I'd vote for Tom Ridge for about anything; I have a lot of respect for him. I wished McCain had chosen him for VP, I'd definitely have voted for that ticket, however crazy McCain was acting otherwise.

Micky was up against the race card so had to toss out the female card. Personally I thought it was a stroke of genius. If it was implemented better, by training her on what to expect it would have gone off better. Palin took a few days to get up to speed and I think that hurt her. I don't think even Mickey understood how viciously the press would attack her.

red states rule
05-04-2009, 06:37 PM
If the Democrat's health care priorities are put in place, Kemp wouldn't have even lived to age 73 because, according to them, he was too old to receive treatment.

Anyone recall this before Tax Cheat Tom had to withdrawl

"Seniors should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of treating them..." - Tom Daschle


05-04-2009, 07:14 PM
He was old. Old people die... people die. Its a fact of life. Health care isnt going to change that. It may push the date off. But it doesnt stop death. It's insane to think otherwise.

05-04-2009, 09:39 PM
My dad was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer last week. He starts chemo treatment tomorrow.

As far as I am concerned Arlen Specter is a sick S.O.B. for even suggesting such a line of bullshit, that if the Republicans had played Democrat games, then I would not be facing the very real possibility of losing my dad in the next couple of years to a terrible disease.


red states rule
05-05-2009, 05:29 AM
My dad was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer last week. He starts chemo treatment tomorrow.

As far as I am concerned Arlen Specter is a sick S.O.B. for even suggesting such a line of bullshit, that if the Republicans had played Democrat games, then I would not be facing the very real possibility of losing my dad in the next couple of years to a terrible disease.


Your dad (as well as your entire family) is in my prayers Immie. Spector was a Dem when he first entered politics - he just returned back to the Homestead

No loss for the Republicans at all

red states rule
05-05-2009, 05:45 AM
and the liberal media is using Jack Kemp's death to push their own agenda

NBC Uses Kemp Obit to Tout Obama's Election as Proof U.S. a 'Great' Nation
By Brent Baker (Bio | Archive)
May 5, 2009 - 00:46 ET

In a brief item Monday evening about Jack Kemp's passing, the NBC Nightly News delivered an obit on Kemp's life, but while Brian Williams didn't find room in his 37-second update to mention how Kemp was behind the successful, supply-side Regan tax cuts, he decided it was newsworthy to point out how “Kemp was a conservative purist who, in a letter to his grandchildren months before his death, said the election of Barack Obama was proof that we live in a great country.”

So, was Williams just trying to make Kemp look good -- or was he trying to impugn other conservatives who weren't so excited about Obama's victory or, third option, was it a way for Williams to convey to his liberal audience and the Manhattan social circuit that Kemp really wasn't one of those awful conservatives the media so often denigrate? Or all of the above? I ask, you decide.


05-05-2009, 05:51 AM
and the liberal media is using Jack Kemp's death to push their own agenda

NBC Uses Kemp Obit to Tout Obama's Election as Proof U.S. a 'Great' Nation
By Brent Baker (Bio | Archive)
May 5, 2009 - 00:46 ET

In a brief item Monday evening about Jack Kemp's passing, the NBC Nightly News delivered an obit on Kemp's life, but while Brian Williams didn't find room in his 37-second update to mention how Kemp was behind the successful, supply-side Regan tax cuts, he decided it was newsworthy to point out how “Kemp was a conservative purist who, in a letter to his grandchildren months before his death, said the election of Barack Obama was proof that we live in a great country.”

So, was Williams just trying to make Kemp look good -- or was he trying to impugn other conservatives who weren't so excited about Obama's victory or, third option, was it a way for Williams to convey to his liberal audience and the Manhattan social circuit that Kemp really wasn't one of those awful conservatives the media so often denigrate? Or all of the above? I ask, you decide.


I don't want to waste my time on Williams' motivation. Kemp's I'll take a stab at, he wanted his grandchildren to realize that for all the wrongs in the country, most have 'heart' in the sense they want all to get a shot, not be held down because of race, religion, etc. Whether or not one agrees with Obama, I don't, it's a fact that this one barrier will not have to be crossed just upon race itself, again. That is a good thing, I just hope the cost isn't as high as it appears it will be.

red states rule
05-05-2009, 05:55 AM
I don't want to waste my time on Williams' motivation. Kemp's I'll take a stab at, he wanted his grandchildren to realize that for all the wrongs in the country, most have 'heart' in the sense they want all to get a shot, not be held down because of race, religion, etc. Whether or not one agrees with Obama, I don't, it's a fact that this one barrier will not have to be crossed just upon race itself, again. That is a good thing, I just hope the cost isn't as high as it appears it will be.

Given how the liberal media have indeed taken their shots at Mr Kemp.

I respected Jack Kemp. He was a big reason for Pres Reagan's success, and never walked away from his tax policy that he knew worked in the 80's

He was wrong with McCain, and how the party needed to change - but a good man

As far as Obama, like you I do not agree with him, but America will continue to painted by the left as a racist country despite his election.

05-05-2009, 06:44 AM
Micky was up against the race card so had to toss out the female card. Personally I thought it was a stroke of genius.

Yes, I understand your analysis and I suppose you are right.

EXCEPT --- McCain chose poorly. A lot of better-educated and more respectable Republican women simply gave up in disgust when they saw what sort of person Sarah Palin was. She was wildly unsuitable, and does appear to have been chosen because "micky," as you call him, was sexually attracted to her!

A good sign of health and vigor in him, but not a good reason to choose a VP.

red states rule
05-05-2009, 06:48 AM
Yes, I understand your analysis and I suppose you are right.

EXCEPT --- McCain chose poorly. A lot of better-educated and more respectable Republican women simply gave up in disgust when they saw what sort of person Sarah Palin was. She was wildly unsuitable, and does appear to have been chosen because "micky," as you call him, was sexually attracted to her!

A good sign of health and vigor in him, but not a good reason to choose a VP.

Consider the source folks. Mundame thinks Hillary would have been a good President

Seems Mundame supports liberal women - but has distain for conservative women

Also, I suspect alot of jealousy on her part when it comes to Gov Palin

05-05-2009, 06:52 AM
Also, I suspect alot of jealousy on her part when it comes to Gov Palin

I can't think of anything any woman would be jealous about re Sarah Palin --- she has a pretty seriously failed life. She needs to run her family a whole lot better than THAT before she tries to run the United States of America.

red states rule
05-05-2009, 06:55 AM
I can't think of anything any woman would be jealous about re Sarah Palin --- she has a pretty seriously failed life. She needs to run her family a whole lot better than THAT before she tries to run the United States of America.

She was elected to several oofices, runs a state, and has done a good jon. She has more experience then the current occuprent in the WH - and he is showing that lack of experience

I am sure Mundame your kids are perfect and it has been easy for you to raise them

Meanwjhile, you support a serial liar like Hillary who was humilated by her husband. She "stood" by him only for her own political gain, and is now traveling the world appeasing our enemies

You must be so proud of her

05-05-2009, 08:31 AM
I can't think of anything any woman would be jealous about re Sarah Palin --- she has a pretty seriously failed life. She needs to run her family a whole lot better than THAT before she tries to run the United States of America. Wow that's pretty harsh, a mother who's been such a great role model for her kids. How did she fail in your opinion?

05-05-2009, 08:34 AM
Yes, I understand your analysis and I suppose you are right.

EXCEPT --- McCain chose poorly. A lot of better-educated and more respectable Republican women simply gave up in disgust when they saw what sort of person Sarah Palin was. She was wildly unsuitable, and does appear to have been chosen because "micky," as you call him, was sexually attracted to her!

A good sign of health and vigor in him, but not a good reason to choose a VP.
I think you've gone off the deep end with this one. The GOP gals that I knew thought she was great (still do), and I think you're wildly off base with the sexual thing. Have you ever seen Mickey's wife?

red states rule
05-05-2009, 08:36 AM
I think you've gone off the deep end with this one. The GOP gals that I knew thought she was great (still do), and I think you're wildly off base with the sexual thing. Have you ever seen Mickey's wife?

The ONLY pop McCain's campaign had was when he introduced Gov Palin. But McCain would not listen, would not take advantage of Obama's friends and policies, and lost

He was a poor candidate, and now McCain and his staff are trying to pass the blame to her

05-05-2009, 08:46 AM
The ONLY pop McCain's campaign had was when he introduced Gov Palin. But McCain would not listen, would not take advantage of Obama's friends and policies, and lost

He was a poor candidate, and now McCain and his staff are trying to pass the blame to her
He does have a history of vindictive behavior. I can only imagine the boiling disdain that he has for the press.

red states rule
05-05-2009, 08:48 AM
He does have a history of vindictive behavior. I can only imagine the boiling disdain that he has for the press.

Not the liberal press that swooned all over him BEFORE he had to face the affirmative action candidate

He was a favorite of Chris Matthews and the NY Times up until that very moment

05-05-2009, 08:50 AM
Not the liberal press that swooned all over him BEFORE he had to face the affirmative action candidate

He was a favorite of Chris Matthews and the NY Times up until that very moment Exactly, they held him up on a pedestal during the primary election so they could use him for open target practice in the general election.

And the public fell for it.

red states rule
05-05-2009, 08:53 AM
Exactly, they held him up on a pedestal during the primary election so they could use him for open target practice in the general election.

And the public fell for it.

When Republicnas act like Dems - they lose everytime. It is funny to see their reaction when their "friends" on Capital Hill and in the liberal media turn on them.

Dems never change their tacitics, they just take them to next level

Something we could learn from them

05-05-2009, 09:37 AM
I think you've gone off the deep end with this one. The GOP gals that I knew thought she was great (still do), and I think you're wildly off base with the sexual thing. Have you ever seen Mickey's wife?

Yes, well, Cindy is showing a little age........http://macg.net/emoticons/smilebow.gif

She's probably doing the best she can, though. At least she kept thin, good for her.

red states rule
05-05-2009, 09:40 AM
Yes, well, Cindy is showing a little age........http://macg.net/emoticons/smilebow.gif

She's probably doing the best she can, though. At least she kept thin, good for her.

Speaking of showing a little age


05-05-2009, 09:56 AM
WOW , no wonder Bill had to go to a little fat intern, Dang even Monica looks better than that!!

05-05-2009, 09:58 AM
Yes, well, Cindy is showing a little age........http://macg.net/emoticons/smilebow.gif

She's probably doing the best she can, though. At least she kept thin, good for her.

Cindy gets better with age, IMO. Besides, I just don't see Micky thinking with his dick. Not to mention Sara's hubby is not exactly the type to put up with shit from an old man.

05-05-2009, 09:59 AM
WOW , no wonder Bill had to go to a little fat intern, Dang even Monica looks better than that!!It's the stress of living a lie that does it, and knowing that Lucifer is waiting for her. :dev:

red states rule
05-05-2009, 10:03 AM
No wonder Mundame is jealous

Compare them side by side



red states rule
05-05-2009, 10:07 AM
Back to the topic at hands

Spector made it clear he changed parties since he did not wnat Republicans to decide his fate in the Republican primary

I for one am glad he left the GOP, hopefully more RINO's will leave their party to join the Dems. The party needs to be purged so that real conservatives can be elected into the GOP.

It's kinda like getting an anitbiotic shot, at first it hurts but then the infection is killed off and you feel better.

05-05-2009, 01:09 PM
No wonder Mundame is jealous

Compare them side by side



LOL Hillary wasn't a bad looking woman in her day, but again, the stress of living a lie has taken its toll.

My wife and I decided long ago that an important goal in our lives was to "reduce stress". She's 45 now and as beautiful as ever. :beer: