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View Full Version : So, when are we going to war with Pakistan?

05-06-2009, 12:33 PM
I've been expecting war with Pakistan for some months.

When it comes, it will be portrayed as war IN Pakistan, not WITH it, as is our usual propaganda --- we're waging war against the evil whatevers, not the virtuous, oppressed PEOPLE of wherever the war of the moment is.

That's why we always lose, of course, the social work wars we do. Wars aren't for social work; wars are for killing and destroying till we force the enemy to do our will and then getting out. Clausewitz.

So we've been shelling and bombing in Pakistan since last fall and even have a Predator drone base inside Pakistan, as a Dem leaked (on purpose to get us used to that, I'm sure).

Today the WSJ headlines say that we want to put "trainers" in Pakistan, but for some reason (they must remember Vietnam better than we do, that's how we got in there), the Pakis are objecting --- they want their officers to come here to be trained. They also want F-16s given to them; we want to send in "repairmen" to fix their helicopter fleet.

Next up: a faked event will occur that will be portrayed as a cause of war, like the Maine boiler blowing up ("Remember the Maine!"), Tonkin Gulf (nothing happened, it was all a lie), and Saddam having WMD (sigh...).

I think that because our Army is so overstressed now that this cause-of-war event will be promoted as a need to reinstate the draft; we can't keep fighting at this level of troop strength without a draft, particularly as our "allies" keep pulling out from both Iraq and Afghanistan.

Why are we doing this?

1) We are losing in Afghanistan, which is embarrassing, as we have billions in modern machinery and computers and they just have white nightgowns and a few AK-47s. We can't win without enlarging the war, I would agree.

2) We cannot continue to dominate the world without being dominating. That's how it works with all empires: British, Rome, and now us. We want significant control, but we are declining from all these failures of the last decade. Going home and giving up isn't going to keep countries respecting and fearing us, hence the wars.

We don't know how to fight and win anymore, though, so I don't agree with war in or on Pakistan. If we could win, that would be another thing, as they are a pretty seriously obnoxious Islamist people. But we only do social work wars and lose for many long years, so I don't see the point.

Anyone else think we'll soon be at war with/in Pakistan?

red states rule
05-06-2009, 12:41 PM

05-06-2009, 12:43 PM
http://macg.net/emoticons/smilebow.gif Yes...............but does that mean you also think we'll soon be going to war in Pakistan?

red states rule
05-06-2009, 12:52 PM
http://macg.net/emoticons/smilebow.gif Yes...............but does that mean you also think we'll soon be going to war in Pakistan?

Obama and Hillary do not care what happens to Pakistan. If it falls apart they wioll blame Bush and their supporters will believe it

After all Obama has more important things to worry about. Like paying off the unions, getting ACORN ready for the next election, and having torture hearings

05-06-2009, 05:01 PM
Obama and Hillary do not care what happens to Pakistan. If it falls apart they wioll blame Bush and their supporters will believe it

Okay, I guess you don't think we'll be going to war in Pakistan.

Our desire to put "trainers" there, however, as reported today, has a very strong whiff of Vietnam.

And Obama DID keep talking about the war in Afghanistan, which he seems to have mooshed together with Pakistan at this point.

So I think we'll soon be at war again.

Good for unemployment, I guess --- put all those men in uniform and ship them out. It worked for Roosevelt, after all.

05-06-2009, 05:26 PM
Knowing what Obama has said on the subject and the current policies occuring, i would not be surprised if we went to war with pakistan. I think it would be a bad idea.

As for Iraq, it could have been avoided if Saddam simply proved he had the WMDs destroyed. Those were the terms of the ceasefire agreement. Then no one would have thought he had them.

05-06-2009, 06:43 PM
As for Iraq, it could have been avoided if Saddam simply proved he had the WMDs destroyed. Those were the terms of the ceasefire agreement. Then no one would have thought he had them.

No, I think once Bush Co. had made up its mind, nothing on Earth would have saved Iraq --- certainly the UN couldn't, try though it did. The WMD lies were just to get the people of the U.S. on board. I never believed them for a minute. We'll soon get more lies like that promoting a war on Pakistan, I predict.

Because the administration does need a draft to fight a war with that big a country (169 million!), it will have to be a BIG casus belli. What it will be worries me. I don't mind accidents like the U.S.S. Maine being used as propaganda, or simple lies like the Tonkin Gulf incident or the WMD, but I sure don't want anything really evil, like that famous plan by a U.S. officer to set off bombs in the southern U.S. and blame Cuba, before the Bay of Pigs. That wasn't done, but the fact that it was in an official plan sent to the White House really worries me when I look at this situation.

Governments always lie at the start of wars. As WWI started by Germany marching into Belgium, Germany claimed France had initiated it by sending zeppelins over Heidelburg and dropping bombs. There were no French zeppelins; it never happened.

red states rule
05-06-2009, 07:42 PM
No, I think once Bush Co. had made up its mind, nothing on Earth would have saved Iraq --- certainly the UN couldn't, try though it did. The WMD lies were just to get the people of the U.S. on board. I never believed them for a minute. We'll soon get more lies like that promoting a war on Pakistan, I predict.

Because the administration does need a draft to fight a war with that big a country (169 million!), it will have to be a BIG casus belli. What it will be worries me. I don't mind accidents like the U.S.S. Maine being used as propaganda, or simple lies like the Tonkin Gulf incident or the WMD, but I sure don't want anything really evil, like that famous plan by a U.S. officer to set off bombs in the southern U.S. and blame Cuba, before the Bay of Pigs. That wasn't done, but the fact that it was in an official plan sent to the White House really worries me when I look at this situation.

Governments always lie at the start of wars. As WWI started by Germany marching into Belgium, Germany claimed France had initiated it by sending zeppelins over Heidelburg and dropping bombs. There were no French zeppelins; it never happened.

So I guess the Kurds and the troops from Iran died from the common cold

You are amazing Mundame how you rewrite history, ignore the truth, and consider facts a menace

With people like you, Hillary and Obama will use nothing more then harsh language to combat terrorists and those who want us all dead