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View Full Version : Obama Dictates to Media On 'Budget Cuts'

05-08-2009, 05:21 AM
Not enough that they are 'enchanted' and all, now he's trying to tell them how to do the spinning:


May 7, 2009 11:58 AM
Obama Tells Journalists To Stress "Significant" Nature Of Budget Cuts
Posted by Brian Montopoli | 41

In remarks on his administration's proposed $17 billion in cuts from the 2010 budget this morning, President Obama was somewhat on the defensive against charges that his cuts don't amount to much considering that next year's total budget amounts to $3.4 trillion.

As Steve Chaggaris noted in Hotsheet's morning bulletin today, the news that the cuts totaled $17 billion "landed with a bit of a thud" in the media. Reporters stressed that the cuts made up "a tiny fraction" of the total budget and that they would be hard to push through; USA Today noted that the "proposed cuts are about one-fiftieth the size of this year's $787 billion economic stimulus package — all of which was added to the deficit."

In his remarks today, the president sought to change that tenor of that coverage. He mocked the notion that smaller savings are considered "trivial" in Washington and stressed that "these savings, large and small, add up."

And he told journalists directly that they should stress the fact that the cuts are "significant" – a surprisingly direct appeal to reporters concerning which angle they should take in their coverage....

05-08-2009, 10:09 AM
Well, looks like the 100-day honeymoon is now over. Previously Obama wouldn't have had to instruct the media how to make the news sound favorable to him.

Could it be that they have finally realized that he is not the Messiah they have promoted for the last year? Could they be, maybe, just a little miffed over being lied to for so long?

And just maybe (going way out on a limb here) could they have a vague feeling, buried deep down, of being embarrassed over having been played for complete fools? (Again?)

Or, to quote a famous former world leader, "Useful Idiots"?

05-08-2009, 10:17 AM
Indeed. This administration appears to have no limits on what they believe they can say or do. From telling the press to telling investors to just STFU and let the UAW and government do what they will. Freaking unbelievable!

05-08-2009, 10:36 AM
Once the government decides to ignore the limits placed on it by the Constitution, this leaves NO LIMITS to what it can do.

Then you'll see Change You Can Believe In.

You may not like what you see... but who ya gonna call, then?

05-09-2009, 11:09 AM
So Obama cuts .5% of the budget, and that's "significant?" I would have cut somewhere in the neighborhood of 25%, with more to follow.