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red states rule
05-08-2009, 06:06 AM
In Obama's "stimulus" bill he made sure ACORN got $5 billion

Obama made sure the UAW got an auto company

But when it comes to families of slain police officers - well, they do not need as much as they are curently getting

Have to help pay for the pork, expaned and new programs, and political payoffs somehow

Obama to cut slain officers program almost in half

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Obama administration wants to cut almost in half a benefits program for the families of slain police and safety officers.
The president's proposed budget calls for cutting the Public Safety Officers' Death Benefits Program from $110 million to $60 million.

Justice Department budget documents say the reduction is being made because "claims are anticipated to decrease" because the number of officers killed in the line of duty has been decreasing.

The proposal is being made just days before Attorney General Eric Holder is expected to attend ceremonies in Washington honoring slain officers.

"It makes us kind of nervous. While we aren't panicking, it certainly has increased our concern, coming a week before National Police Week," said Suzie Sawyer, executive director of Concerns of Police Survivors, a group taking part in next week's events.

Sawyer said as long as the number of police and safety officers killed doesn't increase too much, the amount of money offered in the budget could be enough. And she noted that in the past, the government has found more money for the program when it needed more, such as following the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks.

The program pays benefits of more than $300,000 to the survivors of a safety officer killed in the line of duty.


05-08-2009, 06:16 AM
personally, I agree with this.....local police officers are NOT a federal responsibility.....

red states rule
05-08-2009, 06:21 AM
personally, I agree with this.....local police officers are NOT a federal responsibility.....

We can agree to disagree on this one

Looks to me Obama wants to screw the ones who protect us so he can give billions to the banks, corporate lawyers, lobbyists, and the racists ACORN, LaRaza and the NAACP

Like with members of the military, the Police are low on the list of most liberals priorities

05-08-2009, 06:30 AM
We can agree to disagree on this one

then your inherent liberalism is leaking out again....you should keep an eye on that......

red states rule
05-08-2009, 08:47 AM
then your inherent liberalism is leaking out again....you should keep an eye on that......

I do not consider it liberal to want to take care of the people who keep this ntion safe - or their families if they die while keeping it safe

This is another perfect example of Obama priorities

05-08-2009, 08:54 AM
I have to go with PMP here. There are police benevolent societies that we should all donate to in order to thank those who serve and take care of their families. This is not the job of the federal government, but local or county governments.

red states rule
05-08-2009, 08:57 AM
I have to go with PMP here. There are police benevolent societies that we should all donate to in order to thank those who serve and take care of their families. This is not the job of the federal government, but local or county governments.

Again Kat, we can agree to disagree. Like with the military, we can never do enough to repay them. They make little money, put their lives on the line every minute they are working - yet Obama wants to screw thweir families over when they give their lives keeping us safe

05-08-2009, 08:59 AM
Again Kat, we can agree to disagree. Like with the military, we can never do enough to repay them. They make little money, put their lives on the line every minute they are working - yet Obama wants to screw thweir families over when they give their lives keeping us safe

Unlike the military, they are not federal employees.

red states rule
05-08-2009, 09:01 AM
Unlike the military, they are not federal employees.

So are the families of dead Police officers any less deserving or needful? I understand your argument about the Federal governemnt VS state and local government; but I find it disgusting Obama decided to cut this program while spending billions to make political payoffs

05-08-2009, 09:08 AM
Unlike the military, they are not federal employees.

Although I do understand what you are saying Kat, this administration is giving money to allot of non federal employees, I would rather see money go to families of those who try to protect us than to rich executives getting there bonuses .

red states rule
05-08-2009, 09:18 AM
Although I do understand what you are saying Kat, this administration is giving money to allot of non federal employees, I would rather see money go to families of those who try to protect us than to rich executives getting there bonuses .

How nice of Obama to do this for upcoming National Police Week


05-08-2009, 09:18 AM
Although I do understand what you are saying Kat, this administration is giving money to allot of non federal employees, I would rather see money go to families of those who try to protect us than to rich executives getting there bonuses .

I'd like to see all those programs cut, not just this one. In fact though, they are not reducing benefits at all.



...A Justice Department finance spokeswoman told FOX News that the proposed cut is a false statistic because the program requires "mandatory funding," which means the money is automatically paid to all the families of slain officers.

The proposed reduction to $60 million pertains to a projection for the Justice Department's planning purposes and last year's figure was high because it included a number of families that weren't in the system before, Justice spokeswoman Melissa Schwartz said.

"Any family member who is eligible for benefits under this program will receive them," she said. "If the amount of claims surpasses the amount requested, the program will be further funded."...

red states rule
05-08-2009, 09:21 AM
If that's the case Obama wouldn't have to take any action at all. The outlays would reduce on their own.

This fits right in with the program to make injured military pay for their war injuries

05-08-2009, 09:22 AM
I'd like to see all those programs cut, not just this one. In fact though, they are not reducing benefits at all.



I agree with ya Kat,most of these programs need to be cut, and thanks for the info, I am glad it was a false alarm( or that Obama didn't get his way)

red states rule
05-08-2009, 09:29 AM
I agree with ya Kat,most of these programs need to be cut, and thanks for the info, I am glad it was a false alarm( or that Obama didn't get his way)

I am glad as well. But lets see what Pelosi and Reid do. They may do the cutting to keep the heat off the Chosen One

Much like the tax increases that are being talked about in Congress

05-08-2009, 09:38 AM
The slain officers families must not be a voting block that Democrats need otherwise Obama would be handing them our money as well.

red states rule
05-08-2009, 10:40 AM
The slain officers families must not be a voting block that Democrats need otherwise Obama would be handing them our money as well.

Obama did hand over $20 million in taxpayer moneyto Hamas - but wants to try and cut back on money for families of slain policemen

Yea, Obama is clearly showing what his priorities are