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View Full Version : political identity crises

05-09-2009, 12:38 AM
i dont know what political ideology or party to follow. :poke:

05-09-2009, 12:56 AM
Why follow any? Read up on the issues, vote for the ones you believe in and vote against the ones you don't. Read up on the candidates, vote for the ones you believe in and vote against the ones you don't. to quote perhaps the greatest cricket ever know, Jiminy Cricket, "Let your conscience be you guide." Or was that the Blue Fairy...

Anyway, if you educate yourself and vote your conscience, what difference does ideology make?

05-09-2009, 01:18 AM
I agree. Create your own. Be your own person.

05-09-2009, 09:34 AM
I agree with the last 2 with the addition, don't be swayed by emotion. Emotions are easily manipulated, facts aren't.
Don't let the heart wrenching music and the sad portrait of the person move you, find out the facts first. Then take the facts and evaluate them like jeweler does a gem. Read what those who are for something say about it and then read what those who are opposed to it say about it. Look at the cause and effect. Try to determine the long term consequences.

I have a simple rule of thumb when voting, if they want money I vote no. I think the government should cut back on spending not tax more.

The current California props coming up. I'm voting no on 1A-1E and yes on 1F. The commercials are lies because they imply no new taxes but where are they going to get the other 16 billion dollars. It says right in the proposition higher state tax revenues and theres only 1 way to get that money, more taxes.