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05-13-2009, 07:58 PM
Why do Democrats win elections? Here it is in a nutshell....


WASHINGTON (AP) - One out of every four ballots requested by military personnel and other Americans living overseas for the 2008 election may have gone uncounted, according to findings being released at a Senate hearing Wednesday.

Sen. Charles Schumer, chairman of the Senate Rules and Administration Committee, said the study, while providing only a snapshot of voting patterns, "is enough to show that the balloting process for service members is clearly in need of an overhaul."

05-13-2009, 10:19 PM
Democrats win elections because more people vote democratic than anything else. The total amount of overseas votes would not have made a difference in the last election. (President)

Having said that....it is wrong not to count every single vote cast. Just as importantly we need to see that the votes cast are counted correctly. e.g. Colman vs. Franken. The democrats want to say Bush stole an election. Franken.....clearly stole an election. I wonder how many absentee ballots were not counted in that race. All it would have took is a few.

In all our technology and seemingly infinite wisdom we seem to have lost the ability to conduct a simple election fairly. Sad.

05-14-2009, 08:47 AM
Actually posted the same exact story yesterday. No one noticed though.


GW in Ohio
05-18-2009, 12:16 PM
Democrats win elections because George Bush has totally wrecked the Republican party with his asinine foreign policy, his uncanny ability to alienate friendly nations and antagonize other nations.

They also win elections because more Americans identify with their positions on abortion (they don't love abortions, but don't want to outlaw them, either) and same-sex marriage (if they're not in favor of same-sex marriages, they at least favor domestic partner rights).

Democrats also win elections because George Bush completely abandoned one of the pillars on which the GOP stood...fiscal responsibility. Bush spent our tax dollars like a drunken sailor on shore leave.

red states rule
05-18-2009, 12:58 PM
Democrats win elections because George Bush has totally wrecked the Republican party with his asinine foreign policy, his uncanny ability to alienate friendly nations and antagonize other nations.

They also win elections because more Americans identify with their positions on abortion (they don't love abortions, but don't want to outlaw them, either) and same-sex marriage (if they're not in favor of same-sex marriages, they at least favor domestic partner rights).

Democrats also win elections because George Bush completely abandoned one of the pillars on which the GOP stood...fiscal responsibility. Bush spent our tax dollars like a drunken sailor on shore leave.

More like a slim majoroty of people feel they are "entitled" to other people's money, and expect the Federal government to "take care of them" with freebies and handouts

So far Obama is doing alot of the same things the left bitched about for years. Excessive spending, huge defitis, increasing the national debt, military trials for terrorists, and FISA wiretaps

Obama is outspending and has bigger deficits then Bush ever had. In fact, Bush's deficits look like small change compared to Obama's
Are you enjoying the "change" GW?

05-18-2009, 01:53 PM
Democrats win elections because George Bush has totally wrecked the Republican party with his asinine foreign policy, his uncanny ability to alienate friendly nations and antagonize other nations.

They also win elections because more Americans identify with their positions on abortion (they don't love abortions, but don't want to outlaw them, either) and same-sex marriage (if they're not in favor of same-sex marriages, they at least favor domestic partner rights).

Democrats also win elections because George Bush completely abandoned one of the pillars on which the GOP stood...fiscal responsibility. Bush spent our tax dollars like a drunken sailor on shore leave.

So "Anything but bush" is the mantra they ran on and thats what we got. Now instead of fiscal irresponsibility we have fiscal suicide. Instead of "antagonizing" enemies aka not licking boot, we now bow to them and apologize for being mean.

I see. So glad we got anything but Bush. Now with the clear alternative in our faces, I realize just how good we had it with Bush.

GW in Ohio
05-18-2009, 02:19 PM
More like a slim majoroty of people feel they are "entitled" to other people's money, and expect the Federal government to "take care of them" with freebies and handouts

So far Obama is doing alot of the same things the left bitched about for years. Excessive spending, huge defitis, increasing the national debt, military trials for terrorists, and FISA wiretaps

Obama is outspending and has bigger deficits then Bush ever had. In fact, Bush's deficits look like small change compared to Obama's
Are you enjoying the "change" GW?

I like having a president who's intelligent and articulate.

As for Obama's "deficits," what would you have him do with the economic crisis he inherited from Bush? Let things take their natural course without government intervention? If we had let the banks and financial institutions fail, the economy would have spiraled downward out of control.

red states rule
05-18-2009, 02:22 PM
I like having a president who's intelligent and articulate.

As for Obama's "deficits," what would you have him do with the economic crisis he inherited from Bush? Let things take their natural course without government intervention? If we had let the banks and financial institutions fail, the economy would have spiraled downward out of control.

More liberal flip flops GW?

A $50 billion deficit under Bush was bad - but a $2 triilion deficit under Obama is good?

A $3.1 trillion budget under Bush is bad - but a $3.7 trillion budget under Obama is good?

Look at the pork in the so called stimulus bill GW. How is these BS going to help the economy?

Obama gave $7 billion to Chysler and now we find out we will NEVER get that money abck

Yea, "change and hope" GW

$50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
$380 million in the Senate bill for the Women, Infants and Children program
$300 million for grants to combat violence against women
$2 billion for federal child-care block grants
$6 billion for university building projects
$15 billion for boosting Pell Grant college scholarships
$4 billion for job-training programs, including $1.2 billion for “youths” up to the age of 24
$1 billion for community-development block grants
$4.2 billion for “neighborhood stabilization activities”
$650 million for digital-TV coupons; $90 million to educate “vulnerable populations”

$150 million for the Smithsonian
$34 million to renovate the Department of Commerce headquarters
$500 million for improvement projects for National Institutes of Health facilities
$44 million for repairs to Department of Agriculture headquarters
$350 million for Agriculture Department computers
$88 million to help move the Public Health Service into a new building
$448 million for constructing a new Homeland Security Department headquarters
$600 million to convert the federal auto fleet to hybrids
$450 million for NASA (carve-out for “climate-research missions”)
$600 million for NOAA (carve-out for “climate modeling”)
$1 billion for the Census Bureau


05-19-2009, 10:01 PM
Why do Democrats win elections? Here it is in a nutshell....


WASHINGTON (AP) - One out of every four ballots requested by military personnel and other Americans living overseas for the 2008 election may have gone uncounted, according to findings being released at a Senate hearing Wednesday.

Sen. Charles Schumer, chairman of the Senate Rules and Administration Committee, said the study, while providing only a snapshot of voting patterns, "is enough to show that the balloting process for service members is clearly in need of an overhaul."

Democrats win elections when the media is allowed to choose both parties' nominees and make a rock star out of one while making the other appear out-of-step.

I mean seriously, what EXACTLY did Obama run on? "Change we can believe in." So far, I CAN'T believe the "change" he brought. He thinks more debt will buy up the old debt. He's taken over an insurance corporation and an automobile manufacturing company, and signed into legislation a bill that gives the US Treasury Dept carte blanche to take over ANY company it deems a threat to the US economy. And the party that squealed "more oversight" for 8 years didn't see fit to add ANY oversight to the Treasury Dept.

They just hired a guy who doesn't pay his taxes to run it.

Actually, this is "change" I would NEVER have believed had anyone told me this Big Brother, control freak agenda was going to run unchecked as it has.