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View Full Version : List of Liberal Flip Flops

red states rule
05-15-2009, 07:30 AM
I find it interesting that liberals who criticized Bush holding detainees without a trial, now say its ok becaues Obama is doing it.

Think massive spending was wrong, now think its good

Sat back and criticized McCains plan for taxing health insurance, now allow Obama to propose the exact same proposal.

Think bailing out bankers were wrong, now its good.

Think masive deficits were the death of the economy, now they are going to save us

Did I miss anything?

Core principles aren't subject to change. Liberals, however, have no core principles. This is why waffling is no probem for them

05-15-2009, 12:48 PM
Some enterprising bloke should start a website. It will take that to keep track of all the flips and flops.