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View Full Version : Little Known Military Thug Squad Still Brutalizing Prisoners at Gitmo Under Obama

05-15-2009, 12:15 PM
By Jeremy Scahill, AlterNet. Posted May 15, 2009.

As the Obama administration continues to fight the release of some 2,000 photos that graphically document U.S. military abuse of prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan, an ongoing Spanish investigation is adding harrowing details to the ever-emerging portrait of the torture inside and outside Guantánamo. Among them: "blows to [the] testicles;" "detention underground in total darkness for three weeks with deprivation of food and sleep;" being "inoculated … through injection with 'a disease for dog cysts;'" the smearing of feces on prisoners; and waterboarding. The torture, according to the Spanish investigation, all occurred "under the authority of American military personnel" and was sometimes conducted in the presence of medical professionals.

More significantly, however, the investigation could for the first time place an intense focus on a notorious, but seldom discussed, thug squad deployed by the U.S. military to retaliate with excessive violence to the slightest resistance by prisoners at Guantánamo.

The force is officially known as the the Immediate Reaction Force or Emergency Reaction Force, but inside the walls of Guantánamo, it is known to the prisoners as the Extreme Repression Force. Despite President Barack Obama's publicized pledge to close the prison camp and end torture -- and analysis from human rights lawyers who call these forces' actions illegal -- IRFs remain very much active at Guantánamo.

more ... http://www.alternet.org/story/140022/

Wonder if any of the lefttard sheeple will wake up and smell the roses? This isn't about Bush ... it's about attacking the US. Of course, most will just ignore it since it doesn't fit their worldview that Bush caused "the rest of the world to hate the US."

Wrong. Whatcha' lefties gonna' do now that Spain is after YOUR boy too?

Stick your heads back in the sand and say it ain't so?

05-15-2009, 12:17 PM
BTW ... The "reac squad" has been around at least since I was a private in 1980, as I was on one. It is comprised of personnel assigned to duty as part of the interior guard, and selected from the interior guard for their ability to respond to emergencies.

And THAT is all they do. Some knucklehead robbed the 21 Area e-club at gunpoint one night and they sent us out in search. We also got sent to put out a wildfire.

Anyone who has ever served knows what guard duty is ... a 30 days at a time screwjob.

05-16-2009, 07:43 PM

05-16-2009, 08:03 PM
Wonder if any of the lefttard sheeple will wake up and smell the roses? This isn't about Bush ... it's about attacking the US. Of course, most will just ignore it since it doesn't fit their worldview that Bush caused "the rest of the world to hate the US."

Wrong. Whatcha' lefties gonna' do now that Spain is after YOUR boy too?

Stick your heads back in the sand and say it ain't so?

I think there at a socialist retreat listening to Obama speeches backwards and obeying all the message recieved...

05-17-2009, 12:48 AM
What do you expect them to do Gunny? Argue? LOL

05-17-2009, 12:24 PM
What do you expect them to do Gunny? Argue? LOL

Well, I WAS expecting at least a little spin ...:laugh2:

05-17-2009, 12:43 PM
Man...you've always had this thing about expecting too much from the left. You spend entirely too much time introducing substanative information that could educate them. You need to lower your expectations Gunster, you'll be happier in the end. mLOL

05-19-2009, 08:47 PM
Man...you've always had this thing about expecting too much from the left. You spend entirely too much time introducing substanative information that could educate them. You need to lower your expectations Gunster, you'll be happier in the end. mLOL

Obviously I'm not introducing it to them. They won't come within 10 feet of it.:laugh2:

05-20-2009, 09:44 PM
I am SO picturing those 3 little monkeys right about now ....:laugh2:

05-21-2009, 07:40 PM
Spain? As in Baltazar Garzon? I don't see many true leftists behind him, as you'll note if you're aware of Subcomandante Marcos describing him as a "grotesque clown."

06-15-2009, 12:44 AM
Has Gunny just come over here to stir up some his his reichwing bullshit?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!? Responding to himself what 20 times now would suggest that he has!!!!!!!!!!!

The GOP,,,still the party of fear and loathing,,,can't you see?!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!

